[net.notes] problem in dsply.c

notes@ciprico.UUCP (02/07/85)

Here is another related problem with that of prtind.c, but this one is
in dsply.c.  Again, the name & system is printed out with a string
format without regards whether or not the size is exactly the same as
the array (which would not give the trailing zero byte).
-------------Lines changed are marked with a leading + --------------
	if (notenum != 0)
	    if (dispbuf.outcount)			/* nth page */
		printf ("[Continued] ");
	    printf ("Note %d", notenum);
	center (io -> descr.d_title, NNLEN, 1, 40 - NNLEN / 2);
	if (note -> n_nresp > 0)
	    at (1, 67);
	    printf ("%d response", note -> n_nresp);
	    if (note -> n_nresp > 1)
		printf ("s");
	at (2, 1);
+	printf ("%.*s", NAMESZ, note -> n_auth.aname);
	center (note -> ntitle, TITLEN, 2, 40 - TITLEN / 2);
	at (2, 59);
	prdate (&note -> n_date);
	if (strcmp (System, note -> n_id.sys) && strcmp (Anon, note -> n_auth.aname))
	    at (3, 1);
+	    printf ("(at %.*s)", SYSSZ, note -> n_id.sys);	/* print system name if not local */
	if (note -> n_stat & DIRMES)
	    center (io -> descr.d_drmes, DMLEN, 3, 40 - DMLEN / 2);
	    if (note -> n_stat & WRITONLY)
		at (3, 31);
		printf ("-- (Write Only) --");
	if (note -> n_stat & FRMNEWS)
----------------End of context-----------
-Dan A. Dickey