[net.notes] notesfile changes

rs@mirror.UUCP (08/19/85)

I don't always read net.news.group or nfmaint, and my users
certainly don't.  I have found the following script very
helpful in telling people about changes.  It's called
checkforchanges, and uses nfmail to generate a message to
'ms.announce', our local equivalent of net.announce, which
everyone is supposed to read.

# this file is in our crontab as:
#	0 8 * * 7 su notes 'csh /usr/spool/notes/.utilities/checkforchanges'

cd /usr/spool/notes/.utilities
MESG=/tmp/CFM$$ NEW=/tmp/CFC$$ OLD=LIST TOPIC=ms.announce

# Make sure this ls only puts one filename/line!!!
ls .. >$NEW
cmp -s $NEW $OLD
if test $? -eq 0 ; then exit ; fi

# You will definitely want to change this message.
echo 'This file attempts to list notes files that have been created or'	> $MESG
echo 'deleted in the past week.  You might want to check out the new'	>>$MESG
echo 'files and/or delete outdated ones.  Another way to do this is'	>>$MESG
echo 'is to read the "nf*" notesfiles.  This message has been auto-'	>>$MESG
echo 'matically created by a program.  Questions or problems to rs.'	>>$MESG
echo ''									>>$MESG
echo ''									>>$MESG

diff $NEW $OLD | \
awk \
 '/>.*/ { $1="\tDeleted: "; print } /<.*/ { $1="\tNew:      "; print }' >>$MESG

echo ''									>>$MESG
echo "If the situation is slightly different on Der Pyramid, don't"	>>$MESG
echo 'worry -- that condition will soon be corrected.'			>>$MESG

nfpipe $TOPIC -t 'Notesfile changes' <$MESG
rm -f $MESG
exec mv $NEW $OLD

Rich $alz	{mit-eddie, ihnp4!inmet, wjh12, cca, datacube} !mirror!rs
Mirror Systems	2067 Massachusetts Ave.
617-661-0777	Cambridge, MA, 02140