[net.wobegon] PHC tee-shirts

nrh (07/18/82)

Does anyone know where I can get one of those "Powdermilk Biscuit" tee-shirts?
As far as I know, those are the only paraphanalia marketed (if that's the
right word) in connection with PHC.  I would love to see shirts for
a couple of the other sponsors, though.  The Fearmonger's Shop and
A-HOO-A!!!! Hot Sauce strike me as likely prospects.  Are there any
artists interested?  Perhaps we could make some and sell them at cost?

Nat Howard,  in New York City
The big town that forgot time, and
which the decades dare not improve....
Where all the women are tough,
and all the men are tough,
and all the children are tougher than nails.

By the way, is "Wobegon" the way the town's name would read on a map, 
assuming that that section of the map had not needed to be folded under?

nrh (07/18/82)

I'm told that one can get those tee-shirts from one's local NPR station.
Is there anyone else one might go to, if one were too shy to bother
a local radio station about something?

Also, I'd really like to see tee-shirts for the other sponsors.  In particular,
I see some good graphic possibilities for "The Fear Monger's Shop", and 
"a-HOO-a! Hot Sauce".  Perhaps some artistic persons could contribute 
designs and we could hire somebody to print them up?

Nat Howard, in New York City,
Where all the women are tough,
and all the men are tough,
and all the children are VERY tough...
except for the shy people.

By the way, how was the spelling of "Wobegon" arrived at?  Is that how
it might have appeared on a map, had that section of Minnesota not been
folded under?

thomas (07/19/82)

I got mine by contributing to my local NPR station during their fund
drive (most expensive T-shirt I ever bought!).
