[net.wobegon] The little town that time forgot.

tony (07/21/82)

pur-ee!tony    Jul 21 07:46:00 1982

    While I was on the co-op program here at Purdue, I worked at
IBM (argghhh!), in Rochester, MN; barely a stone`s throw from
Lake Woebegone. A friend there introduced me to what I assumed was
a locally produced and broadcast show. Only in the last year did
I discover the massive following of PHC. 

I`ve seen the show live a couple of times. It`s broadcast from a
theatre in St. Paul. They do a half hour warm-up before switching
to the regular show. During that half hour Garrison takes home
towns and messages from the audience which he uses later during
the show.

When I started listening about four years ago there was a regular
*house* band that played the theme, etc. every week, but they
have since gone out on their own. Also, Garrison Keillor (sp?)
has written a book. I don`t know if it is begin distributed 
nationally, but the bookstores had it. It`s a set of short stories/
articles concerning such topics as *Shy Rights*. The title is
*Happy to be Here*.

				Tony Andrews