[net.wobegon] U.Utah Phillips

benson (05/11/83)

I post this to net.woebegon because I don't recall there being a
net.folksinging or the like.  While living in Ann Arbor, I frequented
the Ark, a wonderful folk cafe (long may it prosper !!).  It was there
I became a fan of the Golden Voice of the Great Southwest, U. Utah

Now I am living in a social backwater, Poway, California, and, while I
like our omnipresent country music, I need to hear that gravelly-voiced
old wobbly sing again.  I would like to know if anyone has followed his
travels, and knows how he is doing and whether he will ever show up
here in San Diego.

Words about Rosalie Sorrels would be appreciated, too (she who Phillips
has labelled the folksinging grandmother (who in turn labelled Phillips
to be to folksinging what Amtrak was to the railroads)).  Her
concert was sold out at the Olde Time Cafe in Leucadia ( a
social backwater of a different color).

Peter Benson