[net.wobegon] PHC Sponsors and Records

dvw@mhtsa.UUCP (10/16/83)

Sponsors on last night's show:

	American Conservatory for Domestic Theater
	Sis Beer
	Bob's Bank  (Save at the Sign of the Sock!)
	Home Defense Hardware
	Side Track Tap

Some of the above may have already been mentioned - if so, forgive me.

By the way, there were RAVE reviews of two Garrison Keillor albums in
the latest Fanfare magazine.  The first was "The Anniversary Album"
(PHC 404), a two record collection of excerpts from the first 10
years of PHC.  The second is a two record set of Garrison telling 
stories and is called "The Family Radio" (PHC 606).  The reviewer's 
opinion is summed up in the first two sentences of the review -
"Consider 'A Prarie Home Companion:' every Saturday night, live on
Public Radio, out of Minnesota since July '74.  That's almost 10
years that Garrison Keillor spent becoming a Prarie Home Genius."
Enough said.

Both records available from Minnesota Public Radio, 48 E. 8th
Street, St. Paul, Minnesota  55101.  I'm ordering!

Dan Wilson
AT&T Bell Laboratories,  Murray Hill, NJ

P.S.  If anyone cares, Fanfare is a high quality, small-circulation
magazine devoted mostly to reviews of classical recordings.  It is
intended for "serious record collectors."  There are also columns
devoted to film scores and popular fare.  I recommend it highly, 
and will send their address to anyone who is interested.