bobr@zeus.UUCP (06/26/84)
Here is the electronicized version of the local country dance newsletter, for those of you who might be in the area this summer and might have the chance to attend some of these events. This is from PCDC, the Portland Country Dance Community. CALENDAR July/August 1984 July 4, Wed. 8pm. Independence Day Country Dance with nationally known caller Fred Armstrong-Park from Swannanoa, N.C. Fred is also one of the finest storytellers in the country. PICNIC (or downstairs in case of rain) potluck before the dance commencing at 6pm. Warner Grange (on New Era Rd., just off 99E about 3 miles north of Canby) $5/$4 PCDC members or seniors. July 13, Fri. 7:30pm. Stumptown Cloggers Friday the 13th Barn Dance. Pam McKeever calling, Sam Jones band. Oaks Park. $3.50, kids free. No partner or experience necessary. July 14, Sat. 8pm. PCDC Second Saturday Dance. Pam McKeever of Albuquerque is an experienced contra caller who has taught Pinewoods and other national dance camps and festivals. Music provided by the Sam Jones Band of Eugene. Pam will also be giving some swing dance pointers to spice up your dance style. Multnomah Art Center (MAC), 7688 SW Capitol Hwy (Corner of 31st) $5/$4 PCDC Members or seniors, kids free. No partner or experience necessary. All dances taught. July 20, Fri. 8pm. PCDC presents a contra dance with Green Mountain Crossing. Caller Michael McKernan, one of Vermont's best known dance callers, returns with a talented group of New England muscians composing the traveling music and dance festival group Green Mountain Crossing. This promises to be a 'kick up your heels' high point for your contra dancing summer. Multnomah Art Center (MAC), 7688 SW Capitol Hwy (Corner of 31st) $5/$4 PCDC Members or seniors, kids free. (Bring your _____ _____ ________ weekend pass for a ________ on admission to this dance.) No partner or experience necessary. All dances taught. July 31, Tue. 8pm. Concert by Green Mountain Crossing (not a repeat of World Music Festival nor of July 20th Dance) Lewis & Clark College Chapel. $4/$3 PCDC, seniors, or L&C students. Aug 10, Fri. 7:30pm. Stumptown Cloggers Barn Dance Oaks Park. $3.50, kids free. No partner or experience necessary. Aug 11, Sat. 8pm. PCDC Second Saturday Dance. Christy Keevil calling. Music by Erin Shrader from Seattle who plays regularly for the Misty City Morris Team, and by Portland's infamous Edith Farrar. Multnomah Art Center (MAC), 7688 SW Capitol Hwy (Corner of 31st) $4/$3 PCDC Members or seniors, kids free. No partner or experience necessary. All dances taught. Sep 29-30, Sat-Sun PCDC Dusk-to-Dawn Dance. Nov. First weekend. PCDC Fall Weekend. Details at 11. Out of Town July 19, Thu. 7pm. Eugene. Rich Fobes, caller. Local Musicians. Contras, squares, waltzes. At the basketball courts, Washington & 2nd, Eugene. FREE. Info: Paula @ 747-8607 Aug 16, Thu. 7pm. Eugene. Matthew Johnson, caller. Local Musicians. Square Dancing. At the basketball courts, Washington & 2nd, Eugene. FREE. Info: Paula @ 747-8607 Aug 20-25. Port Townsend Folk Dance week. Featuring daily workshops and dance classes with top quality instructors from a variety of cultures including Balkan, American, Irish, French Breton, and English. Also workshops for musicians. Social dancing each evening. $100+$115 optional room and board. Centrum, PO Box 1158, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (206)385-3102 Oct. First weekend. Hermiston Folk Festival. This NEWSLETTER, "Dance Notes" is published every other month. If you have a dance announcement for the newsletter, please send it to Rik Smoody, 2400 NE 25th, Portland, 97212 (249-8300, wk685-2522) or to PCDC, PO Box 14636, Portland, 97214. Give a concise description of your event, including featured band/callers, date, time, place, cost, and phone number for further info. The DEADLINE for the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER issue is June 15th. PCDC is a non-profit organization governed by a board of directors. Meetings are held once a month, and members are welcome to attend. Call any of these people for further info: Edith Farrar 231-1757, Carl Wester 231-8191 Michael Rubenstein 227-1533, Carolyn Dorn 223-0046, Jan Heikkala 371-7563 (Salem) PORTLAND COUNTRY DANCE COMMUNITY P. O. Box 14636 Portland, OR 97214 -- Robert Reed, Tektronix Logic Design Systems, tektronix!teklds!bobr