[net.wobegon] Attention fiddle fans

david@varian.UUCP (David Brown) (09/17/84)

A while ago there was talk about using this group for general news about
folk and related music, and since net.wobegon has been so quiet lately,
I figured there'd be no harm in posting this.

Folks interested in old-time fiddling might want to take a look at the
September 17 issue of Newsweek -- it contains an article on Tommy
Jarrell, an older (~84 years?) fiddler who lives in Toast N.C. (right
outside Mt. Airy). Tommy is considered the master of his style of
fiddling - an older, more rhythmic style than what is commonly heard
(e.g. bluegrass, Texas-style, etc.). He is a major influence on a lot of
the younger folks playing old time string band music these days, and he
is always ready to play with folks who drop in. Two years ago I took a 3
month trip to the East Coast, and visiting him was one of the high
points of my trip.

The article contains no earth-shattering news -- it's just one of
those people features that Newsweek and Time occasionally run.
It's nice to see the big media acknowledge that there are other people
playing music in this country besides Michael Jackson et al.  Now if
only MTV would show some of Les Blank's films ...

	David Brown	 (415) 945-2199
	Varian Instruments 2700 Mitchell Dr.  Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598