cjh (11/20/82)
#N:harpo:19300002:000:777 harpo!cjh Nov 19 16:12:00 1982 I just got my test back from a third semester physics course. On one of the problmes there was a rather heated debate between some of the class and the instructor about its answer. Here is the question: Three successive resonance frequencies of a string are 75, 125, and 175 Hz. What is the fundamental frequency? There were other parts to the problem, but this was the root of it. I know this sounds like a very simple problem but, I have a hard time putting what the instructor and the book says. Could someone tell me what they think the answer is AND how they got it. Please send your responces to me via mail. Thank you for your time. harpo!cjh Carl J. Hoffmann P.S. I am not going to tell you how the instructor or I got our answers; that way I won't bias yours.