[net.physics] My new theory

REM@MIT-MC@sri-unix (11/29/82)

From: Robert Elton Maas <REM at MIT-MC>
This morning I came up with a rather fancifal theory about
"high-energy physics" and I'd like to put it up for you-all to shoot
down. Send your reasons why this idea can't possibly be right to me
directly because I'm not on the PHYSICS mailing list (ok to send CC to
whole list if your flame would be of interest to others).

There's a quantum number of free quarks that I'll call "clique". It
might be the same as some property we already know about (color,
strangenss etc.) or it might be a new one we haven't yet found. In any
case, (1) in bound quarks (both doublets of opposite type such as up +
anti-up, and triplets such as protons) and also in black holes clique
is hidden from the outside world, (2) two isolated quarks exhibit a
force on each other which is zero if the quarks are of the same clique
and repulsive inverse-square if of different clique. Immediately after
the big bang there were enough isolated quarks of two or more cliques
that the repulsive force of the quarks was stronger than the
gravitational force and so the big-bang expansion was actually fueled
by this force. Later after a few early stars had gone supernova and
turned into black holes the free quarks started getting eaten by those
black holes, causing a net redution in the number of free quarks
exerting this force. After a long time the clique force became or will
become less than the gravitational force on the large scale and the
Universe started or will start to decellerate in preparation for
contraction. Note that the very instant of the big bang was a mere
quantum event, an improbable event that however does happen from time
to time, a momentarily creation of a virtual photon or somesuch which
usually dissappears before the quantum limit (Planck constant) is
exceeded, but this time (18E9 years ago) it happened to cause two
quarks of different clique to become free from each other and from
other quarks, and thus rather than dissappearing again because it
didn't have any net mass-energy, this Universe expanded because the
repulsive force of the two (or more) free quarks fed energy into
system to pay back the original "mass-energy loan" that was the
original quantum event.

If the Universe had always (since the Big Bang) been expanding at its
present rate, it would be about 8E9 years old, but since some
long-lived stars we've already observed are older than that we know
the Universe has to be older. When we get better telescopes we'll find
stars much older even than that, black dwarfs that are emitting in the
infrared and microwave even now after 15E9 years of burning their
hydrogen very very slowly by solar standards.

The very early Big Bang (the first microsecond or so) things were so
hot that many quarks of various cliques were created in random places
where not all could find compatible mates with which to form bound
pairs or triples. Each free quark of different clique from its
neighbors kept apart from them, but the vast majority of quarks were
bound, and this ordinary matter condensed to form stars, many
containing one free quark or two of the same clique that had not yet
become bound because they weren't each other's antiparticles
   [question to physics experts about current QCD theory, what is the
   maximum number of Risk cards, oops quarks, that can exist such that no
   subset of them can combine to form a bound pair or triple? I think the
   answer is two, because any quark and anti-quark can become a bound
   pair while any three quarks or three anti-quarks can become a bound
   triple, thus any set of three either is all quarks or all anti-quarks
   (bound triple) or has at least one quark-anti-quark pair. Is that
and the rest of the stars containing only ordinary matter.  Most of
these early stars were very massive and went supernova and black-hole
rather quickly. The early start were NOT in galaxies, they were free
in the Universe. Later after the number of free quarks was decreased
by all these large black holes (which form a vast majority of the mass
of the Universe, explaining the "hidden mass" needed to contract),
gravity became less dominated by clique-repulsion on the large scale,
and largescale contractions started to happen, resulting in the
formation of galaxies. Those which were lucky enough to get lots of
heavy elements (carbon et al) from early supernovas became early
spiral galaxies, the rest became spherical galaxies initially but
could later become spiral galaxies if they had enough mass to spawn
lots of small supernovas after they had formed as galaxies.

During the original Big Bang, gravity was trying to impede expansion,
and clique repulsion (with a slight assist from photon-matter coupling
only during the first thousand years) beat it by less than a factor of
2.  The final contraction of the Universe will be considerably more
rapid.  Most of the mass of the Universe will be in galaxy-sized
blackholes, which implies (1) most of the free quarks will have fallen
into black holes and thus become invisible qua clique to outside
particles including other black holes (2) the radiation temperature
will be very very cold even after the Universe has almost totally
collapsed.  As a result, there'll be neither clique repulsion nor
photon-matter coupling to impede the gravitationally-driven
contraction, and it'll proceed at the full rate of free-falling
particles (black holes in this case) under the force of gravity alone.
Only time diliation as the black holes approach each other will make
the final collapse seem to take forever from the view of the last free
particle orbiting the one final black hole.