g-rh (04/16/83)
"Mohole, project proposed during the International Geophysical Year (1957-59) to drill a hole through a shallow part of the Earth's crust somwehere in the ocean floor through the Mohorovicic Discontinuity into the upper mantle of the Earth. This project was never completed for several reasons, including the enormous cost of the project and insuf- ficient technological expertise for drilling beyond the continental shelf to depths of six to eight kilometres (four to five miles) into the oceanic crust." Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1979 There is a well defined dicontinuity between the Earth's crust and the upper mantle. The average depth is about 30 kilometres. How- ever it is much shallower under the ocean beds. The proposal was of considerable geophysical interest because the only knowledge we have of the mantle is inferential from seismic data. The drilling depth was not (and is not) the problem; holes that deep have been drilled. Th problem was that in the 50's the technology of deep sea drilling was not very advanced.