doug@arizona.UUCP (11/08/83)
I thought these questions might be of interest. Before I answer them, let me set up a hypothetical case. Since we are talking about a vehical in motion, let's designate the x-axis as the direction of travel, i.e. the NJ turnpike. We are also talking about two angles, the angle that an object appears to be at when we are in motion, let's call it A, and when we are at rest, let's call that angle B. Let's measure them with respect to the x-axis. So if we are stopped at some point O, then a star that appears to be B degrees away from the x-axis will appear to be A degrees away when we pass over the same point, traveling along the x-axis at velocity v. Now for your questions. 1) When does the panorama split into two disks? There will be a separation of two degrees between the edges of the two disks when v = .0175 c . 2) Where is the dividing line and which stars appear in each disk? The dividing line is the y-z plane, and any stars with angle B < 90 degrees will be in the forward disk, and B > 90 degrees will be in the aft disk. 3) What does a passing star look like? Let's assume that we start observing this star while still quite aways off, it's reasonably close to the direction of travel, and it emits predominantly yellow light. It will appear bluish in color, and will be close to the center of the forward disk. As we approach the star it will move away from the center and as it does, its color will become more yellow. When we pass the star, it will be on the edge of the disk and it will be yellow. If it is too far away to discern as a disk, then it will appear to become a tiny cresent and at the same time it will appear as a cresent on the aft disk. It will remain in the same position on the aft disk as on the forward disk. If it's at 3:00 on one disk, it will be at 9:00 on the other (9:00 touches 3:00 when they wrap around). As we move away from the star it moves to the center of the aft disk and becomes reddish. Relation: star at rest v * * star when cos B + - d|\ | /| in motion v = .5c c i| \ | / | o cos A = --------- s| \ | / | A = 60 v k| \ | / | o 1 + - cos B | \ | / | B = 90 c o| \|/ A | red shifted -> ----f+------+------+----> x-axis <- blue shifted | /|\ | v| / | \ | i| / | \ | e| / | \ | w| / | \ | |/ | \| <- normal color y-axis Pase
doug@arizona.UUCP (Doug Pase) (11/08/83)
This is a continuation of the saga of the NJ Turnpike. As you recall from the last episode, our hero had just reached near-light speed and noticed that somebody had constructed an incredibly long tunnel. In actual fact it was his own relativistic perspective... I had several (well maybe one or two...) people ask me to be a little more specific in my description of what actually happens in New Jersey. As I have not recently travelled to that fair state, I'll have to satisfy them with a description of what happens to your vision. Recall that an other- wise continuous panorama divides into two 'disks' centered on the direction of travel. The view through a disk greatly resembles looking through a fish-eye lens with a focal length of about 9mm. Let me set up a hypothetical case. Since we are talking about a vehical in motion, let's designate the x-axis as the direction of travel, i.e. the NJ turnpike. We are also talking about two angles, the angle that an object appears to be at when we are in motion, let's call it A, and when we are at rest, let's call that angle B. Let's measure them with respect to the x-axis. So if we are stopped at some point O, then a star that appears to be B degrees away from the x-axis will appear to be A degrees away when we pass over the same point, traveling along the x-axis at velocity v. Now for your questions. 1) When does the panorama split into two disks? There will be a separation of two degrees between the edges of the two disks when v = .0175 c . 2) Where is the dividing line and which stars appear in each disk? The dividing line is the y-z plane, and any stars with angle B < 90 degrees will be in the forward disk, and B > 90 degrees will be in the aft disk. 3) What does a passing star look like? Let's assume that we start observing this star while still quite aways off, it's reasonably close to the direction of travel, and it emits predominantly yellow light. It will appear bluish in color, and will be close to the center of the forward disk. As we approach the star it will move away from the center and as it does, its color will become more yellow. When we pass the star, it will be on the edge of the disk and it will be yellow. If it is too far away to discern as a disk, then it will appear to become a tiny cresent and at the same time it will appear as a cresent on the aft disk. It will remain in the same position on the aft disk as on the forward disk. If it's at 3:00 on one disk, it will be at 9:00 on the other (9:00 touches 3:00 when they wrap around). As we move away from the star it moves to the center of the aft disk and becomes reddish. Relation: star at rest v * * star when cos B + - d|\ | /| in motion v = .5c c i| \ | / | o cos A = --------- s| \ | / | A = 60 v k| \ | / | o 1 + - cos B | \ | / | B = 90 c o| \|/ A | red shifted -> ----f+------+------+----> x-axis <- blue shifted | /|\ | v| / | \ | i| / | \ | e| / | \ | w| / | \ | |/ | \| <- normal color y-axis Pase
stekas@houxy.UUCP (11/09/83)
" 1) When does the panorama split into two disks? There will be a separation of two degrees between the edges of the two disks when v = .0175 c . 2) Where is the dividing line and which stars appear in each disk? The dividing line is the y-z plane, and any stars with angle B < 90 degrees will be in the forward disk, and B > 90 degrees will be in the aft disk." Doug Pase seems to contend that a moving observer can stars only within forward and aft disks, and that some area at 90 degrees to his direction of motion is black. It just ain't so. Doug's results would imply that there is some point of transition at which an object moves from the forward to the aft disk. But such a transition is discontinuous and could not possibly be derived from special relativity because relativistic transformations are *continuous*! Such results are usually a tipoff of a mathematical mistake, not a breakthrough. Most of the "paradoxes" of relativity can be traced to similar origins. Jim Unfortunately,