stekas@hou2g.UUCP (J.STEKAS) (02/07/84)
Having allowed sufficient time for even the remotest node of the network to reply, here are the suggestions that I've received for new Nova shows. I'll send them to Nova soon and post their response. Remeber, even if they like an idea, they are probably already begun shooting for the '85 season. BIOLOGY & MEDICINE: Biochemistry - Proteins, DNA, photosynthesis, etc. Cancer Research - Cure, prevention, diagnosis, mechanisms and funding. The Cell - What are its part, how does it work? Creation Science - Fossil and geological evidence for and against. Evolution - How has Darwin's theory changed? Life Cycles - Frogs, butterflies, lemmings, corral, malaria ... Medical prosthetics - Artificial joints, hearts, kidneys, eyes... Technology in Medicine - Computers, NMR, CT scanners, etc. UN Genetic Bank - EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE: Planetary Science - Post Voyager view. Earth's Core - What's there, and how do we know? New Ideas in Space - Private enterprise. Orbital Telescopes - Results of orbital observations. Einstein to IRAS. Space Shuttle experiments - Techniques and results. Shuttle tour. INFROMATION SCIENCE: Artificial Intelligence - How far away are we from a lawyer on a chip? Data Encryption - Public keys, prime numbers, Fermat, etc. History - ..., Turing, Von Neumman, Shannon, Minsky, ... Robotics - How far are we away from a mechanical dentist? PHYSICS: Cryogenics - Super-conductors, He-III, and other oddities. Fusion Power - On earth and in stars. Hawking - His contributions to quantum gravity, black holes, cosmology ... Modern Cosmology - Big-bang, inflation theory, etc. Particle Accelerators - From TV picture tubes to the Desertron. Particles - What are all those quarks and gluons anyway? Physics of Toys - Gyroscopes, bicycles, etc. Modern Gravity - Newton, Einstein, quantization, super-gravity. Stars - Types and their life cycles. States of Matter - Liquid xtals, phase-transitions, Fermi gasses. PSYCHOLOGY: Language - In humans and animals. Is pidgeon a primordial language? Psychoanalysis - Freud is dead. Is he buried? Vision & Color Perception - How we thought it worked and how it really does. TECHNOLOGY: Computers - How do they work? From the Vic-20 to Cray-1. Information Storage - Neurons, DNA, RAM, ROM, Discs, Tapes, etc. Micro-electronics - Fabrication, advances, directions. New Materials - Composites, semi-conductors, organic conductors, ... Telecommunications - Fiber optics, digital switches, satellites, etc. MISC: Archeology - Techniques and results. From pre-history to Old West. Large Systems and Forecasting - Weather, economy, population ... Measurement - Long and short times and distances. Standards. Radiation - Documented dangers, old and new uses, and alternatives. Waste - Chemical, nuclear, sewage, and garbage - management and clean-up. Weather - "They can send a man to the moon, but ... " Thanks for the replies, Jim