[net.physics] Big Banging

ethan@utastro.UUCP (05/07/84)

[It was a dark and stormy night.  Suddenly a bug rang out!!!!!]

This article is a reply to two questions by Jerry Aguirre and a reply
by Doug Gwyn.  First the questions:

>>1 - Is there any thing besides red shift to indicate that
	    the universe is receding from us?
>>2 - Have any alternate theories been proposed to account
	    for the red shift?

Now the first answer:

>1 - No, there is nothing other than the Hubble effect to indicate that
>distant objects are receding from us at a speed proportional to their
>distance from us, and then only if the assumption is made that the
>observed red shift is a Doppler effect.
The "assumption" that the observed red shift is a Doppler effect is just
the assumption that physics as we know it locally applies globally to the 
universe.  Probably not a bad assumption inasmuch as the spectral lines of 
distant objects are understandable in terms of familiar physics.

>2 - Yes, alternative explanations of the Hubble effect have been
>proposed.  Please note that the Hubble effect is predicted for the
>DeSitter cosmological model, which is the natural solution for the
>Einstein-Schr"odinger field equations.  The nice thing about this
>cosmology is that it describes a static universe (no expansion in any
>real sense) obeying the "perfect cosmological principle" (i.e. the
>universe looks the same (on a large scale) everywhere AND everywhen).

The DeSitter cosmological model has the property that two nearby particles,
separated by a spacelike interval and traveling along geodesics, will
exponentially diverge from one another.  This is as real an expansion
as you could possibly want.  This expansion is the reason that a Hubble effect
will appear in a DeSitter cosmology.  The "static" nature of the DeSitter model
is an illusion caused by an inappropriate set of coordinates introduced
by DeSitter.  The perfect cosmological principle is an attractive
suggestion.  However the discovery of quasars (indicating that the
universe used to contain a whole class of conspicuous objects that no longer
are common) and the blackbody background (indicating a earlier phase
of the universe's existence in which radiation and matter had a much greater
mean density) made it seem highly unlikely.  Whether or not the singularity
at the beginning of the universe (the big bang) has any real meaning is
open to question.  Presumably quantum effects (which would be important
during the first 10^^-43 seconds of the big bang) remove the singularity.

>Down with the Big Bang! 

Down with monday mornings! ( See. Anyone can talk like this :-) )

>Down with blindly applying General Relativity
>in domains where we know the field equations are wrong!  
We have every reason to believe that after the first 10^-43 seconds of
the universe's history we are on safe ground.  In any case the standard
model of the universe's early history does a bang-up job of predicting
the primordial abundances of elements.  Primordial nucleosynthesis
happens at an age of about 3 and a fraction minutes.

                     "Just another Cosmic Cowboy"
                         Ethan Vishniac
                         Department of Astronomy
                         University of Texas
                         Austin, Texas 78712

ethan@utastro.UUCP (Ethan Vishniac) (05/08/84)

[In the name of Yag-Soggoth begone bug!!!!!]

This newsgroup has been awfully quiet.  In an attempt to liven
things up I'm posting a summary of some of the highlights of
the last conference on cosmology I've been to.  I'm also posting
it to net.physics since the material is probably of equal relevance
to that newsgroup.  The meeting was the
Inner Space/Outer Space conference at Fermilab May 2 - 5.
The conference included various notables in particle physics
and cosmology and a large number of active researchers in these
fields.  Talks were about evenly divided between particle theories
and their effects on cosmology and extragalactic astronomy and its
implications for the initial conditions for the universe (and therefore
for cosmology).  What I've listed below is by no means a complete
(or even fair) listing of the talks.  These are just the points that
struck me as particularly interesting.

1)  G. Steigman and B. Pagel both gave talks on the primordial
    element abundance.  The bottom line is that the standard model
    fits quite well if the present baryon density (as a fraction of
    the density required to produce a marginally bound universe) 
    lies between
    0.01 h^-2 and 0.035 h^-2 . (Pagel favored a narrower range
    with an upper limit of about 0.02). The upper limit
    comes from primordial lithium 7. The  lower limit comes from
    primordial Deuterium plus primordial He3. "h" is, as usual,
    Hubble's constant in units of 100 km/sec/Mpc.  The primordial
    Helium 4 abundance appears to be consistent with the this
    picture.  However, the range of reported values is large enough
    to include anomalously low values.  In the numbers quoted above
    I have assumed that the present blackbody background temperature
    is 2.7 degrees.  More on this later.

2)  There are still no reported instances of baryon decay.  This
    probably rules out the minimal SU(5) models of grand unification
    (theories which unify strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces).

3)  B. Cabrera's reported possible detection of a magnetic monopole
   has not been repeated.  Various experiments are underway to improve
   the upper limits on the local monopole flux.  Various astrophysical
   constraints are probably much more sensitive than any experiment
   now in the cards if monopoles catalyse nucleon decay.
4) Particle physicists are now working on various ways to
       a) cause the universe to expand exponentially at some
          early epoch
       b) cause the "inflationary" epoch to end gracefully
          and quietly
       c) produce (during the exponential expansion) just enough
          cosmological perturbations to explain the large scale
          structure of our universe without disturbing its overall
       d) reheat at the end of exponential expansion just enough to
          create the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.
       e) avoid various monsters whose energy density in the present
          universe would be prohibitive large (monopoles,  gravitinos etc).
      Not much progress was evident in the sense that there exists no
     "natural" unification theory which would accomplish these things
     or anything else.  Nevertheless many ideas were presented.
     The expectation remains quite firm that if these schemes are correct
     than the present universe is "flat" (i.e. the average energy density
     at present is just what is required to produce a critically bound
     universe.  Compare this to item # 1 to see an obvious problem.

   5)  Polite (and otherwise) disagreement continues on the subject
       of the value of Hubble's constant (which determines the rate of
       expansion of the universe).  
   6)  The microwave background spectrum was discussed by P. Richards
       The results are now consistent with a blackbody spectrum whose
       temperature is about 2.75 degrees (plus or minus somewhat less
       than a degree).  Other speakers reported that the microwave
       background continues to show no anisotropies.  The lowest limit
       quoted was a fractional temperature variation of less than
       5.6x10^-5 on scales of a few arc minutes.  (There is a dipole 
       moment due to our own motion).

    7) The Russian measurement of a neutrino mass stands alone and unconfirmed.
       New experiments are coming on line to test this result.  The latest
       fit to the Russian data looks bad for any neutrino mass.  The Russians
       are suggesting at least two massive neutrinos.  Other people are
       somewhat (or entirely) skeptical. 

    8) Preferred models for the formation of structure in the universe
       now rely on some massive, collisionless particle to dominate the
       structure of the universe.  It must be very massive (probably at
       least a Kev).  Dynamical measurements of the mass density of the
       universe give a density which is only about 20% (at most) of the
       critical density.  There was considerable discussion of having
       galaxies form only at unusual density peaks so that galaxies do not
       trace the mass density of the universe well.  This has problems of
       its own.
     9) S. Weinberg gave a synopsis of his own hopes for the unification of
       all forces in nature.  He wants to use a graded Lie algebra in an
       N-dimensional space (where N is large). To create a universe
       in which space is locally Euclidean in 3+1 dimensions (our familiar
       universe) but in which other directions exist in which we have
       almost no freedom of motion.  These other directions possess
        different symmetries than those we normally associate with space.
       Distortions of space-time in all these dimensions then generate
       the sets of particles and forces we observe.   

                     "Just another Cosmic Cowboy"
                         Ethan Vishniac
                         Department of Astronomy
                         University of Texas
                         Austin, Texas 78712

gwyn@brl-vgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn ) (05/08/84)

utastro!ethan has summarized the consensus viewpoint on cosmology
fairly well.  I would like to expand on a minority viewpoint:

The Hubble effect does not have to be Doppler (involving relative
longitudinal velocities) in nature.  The same spectral line shifts
etc. can be explained in other ways, e.g. gravitational red-shift,
tiring photons, and others harder to explain simply.

The idea that quasars are ancient objects is entirely based on the
idea that they are far away and that there is some form of global
time frame.  I don't know whether the Burbidges ever changed their
minds about the matter, but they used to think that quasars are
relatively close (in which case their energy output is no longer
so hard to explain, nor is the periodicity of the pulsars).  The idea
of a global time frame is so repugnant to the relativist that it must
be seriously challenged.

This matter of the 3-degree K blackbody background radiation is
interesting.  The blackbody spectrum does not appear to be invariant
even under Lorentz transformation (I would appreciate any proof to
the contrary), so if it really is (a) blackbody-spectral and (b)
isotropic as observed from Earth, then it singles out the Earth as
a privileged reference frame.  Not impossible, but highly suspicious.
I bet there would be some alternative explanations if people really
sought after them.

Similarly, I don't think that only the "big bang" is capable of
explaining the current abundances of the elements.  It seems likely
that any cosmic cataclysm would produce similar results (I would
like more discussion on this since I don't know that much about the
current ideas on this topic).

The claim that the general theory of relativity is safe to use
except within the first 10^-43 sec. of the "big bang" is simply
incorrect.  Einstein was well aware of the deficiencies of the
symmetric gravitational theory when applied to cosmological issues.
Although he is often quoted as saying that the "cosmological constant"
was the biggest mistake he ever made, I think that is taken out of
context.  I believe his intention was more to say that the WAY in
which he fudged his theory in the original introduction of this
constant, because he didn't like what his theory seemed to be
predicting without it, was inappropriate.  The drastic effect on
one's cosmological models of introducing such a "minor" change in
the field equations should make one cautious about applying the
simple, special-case general theory.  In fact, if one carefully
removes some of the special assumptions of the general theory (as
did Schr"\odinger in the late 40's and early 50's), the field
equations when cast into a form comparable with those of classical
The "cosmological constant" appears in such a way that it definitely
cannot be exactly zero, and a careful analysis of its meaning ties
it to one's choice of measurement units relative to the natural
cosmological scale; thus it is NOT "arbitrary" but is susceptible
of measurement in terms of our conventional laboratory system of
units (e.g. cm^-2, in terms of which it is a very small number).

For the same reasons that cosmologists normally assume that they
can apply general relativity to the problem of the large-scale
structure of the universe, one can use the generalized theory for
a wider range of possibilities for cosmology.

I for one am extremely dissatisfied with the way in which only one
point of view on these (by no means settled) issues are taught in
our universities.  The only thing to be said for the consensus
point of view in science is that future developments will almost
surely make it "obviously" wrong.  I attribute a large part of the
intellectual stagnation to the way in which research funding is
centralized in a bureaucracy, so that the good opinion of one's
"peers" becomes more important than the cogency of one's ideas.
The lack of a guiding philosophy founded in reality also shows
quite heavily in some of the theoretical work now fashionable..

Sorry if I have stepped on any toes or bored anyone with this long
note, but I would rather see discussions of fundamental issues in
the field in this list than questions about how thermostats work
(kudos to the guy who finally took one apart to find out!).

dzd@cosivax.UUCP (05/13/84)


Let me begin by stating that I favor a minority view and tend to
agree more with brl-vgr!gwyn than utastro!ethan. My reasons are
not so much based on simple physics or astrophysics as they are
on plain aversion to singularities, whether big bangs,
renormalizations or (relatively) small whimpers -- black holes.
Such a principle is clearly "meta-physical" but I believe we too
sharply discriminate between physical science and philosophy
anyway. [note the newsgroups to which I have posted this]

I would like to cite three references on several sides of these

   1) A. Eddington, "Universal Theory" <why fool around?>
   2) Kantor, "Information Mechanics"
   3) ?, "Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy"

The third is by an Israeli professor at U of Haifa but I can't
remember his name.

When published, Eddington's book was considered trash, probably
the result of senility. Eddington was inconsiderate enough to die
with this book only half done and, I believe it was Wittaker (of
Wittaker & Watson) who finished it as best he could from
Eddington's notes etc. A major theme is the connection between
cosmological theories, data, etc. and microscopic ones. This was
an extremely unpopular view in that day though very faddish now.
It tries to take seriously several things:

  1) Einstein knew what he was doing in looking for Unified Field
  2) Einstein did not reject completely the Cosmological Constant
     but rather his too hasty evaluation of it. In particular, he
     wanted to keep open the possiblity of a gravitating vacuum
     energy. I believe this is what his pursuit of Unified Field
     Theory was all about. I wish they would get on with
     publishing his notes, letters etc.

  3) All the "negative" principles -- uncertainty, finite speed
     of light, etc. and *finite current size* of universe.

Notice that under all variation of big bang theories, current
universe is of finite size. This point seems to me to be
under-appreciated by the "standard" cosmologists nowadays.

Reference 3) is by a proponent of the current "mainstream" in the
sense that he is a big banger but also he is somewhat out of that
stream in advocating a tighter union of physics and philosophy. I
think his book is an excellent summary of the evidence, ideology
and philosophy of big bangers plus it has some interesting and
provocative speculations toward Unified Field Theory. But it
seems to me to ignore the finiteness of the universe and what
that might mean for metrology, especially wrt a standard for
length. Eddington had a lot to say on this but it is so obscured
within counting possible states of high-order tensors that I have
never been able to figure out what he means. BTW, I don't think
Wittaker figured it out either, but just reproduced it as best he

Finally, there is reference 2) which came out about four years
ago and has been completely ignored as far as I can find out. It
is either completely crackpot or the **ANSWER**. It proceeds from
simple assumptions including finiteness of universe and the
implications of this in terms of Non-Relativistic Quantum
Electrodynamics (NRQE), i.e., the most accurately verified branch
of physics by many orders of magnitude. This leads to a
self-gauging universe with a vacuum energy that gravitates -- in
particular, the vacuum gravity affects the STANDING WAVES
associated with at least two photons so as to bind them such that
the quantum states of the result are determined by allowed
wavelengths devired by boundary conditions from finite universe.

This bound bunch of photons are what we call a particle. From
this, he goes on to derive mass, charge, spin, etc. properties of
various "elementary" particles from first principles. [Eddington
did some of this too, but to a lesser extent]. Of course, this is
a Super Grand Unified Theory since it subsumes all four "forces".
Its main appeal to me is that it contains *NO* singularities.
Also, it deals with position, what it means, its quantification,
quantization and relation to gravity and the "forward" coupling
from mass to geometry. 

I would particularly be interested to hear from anybody who has
read Information Mechanics and what they think of it. I think
both IM and Eddington's stuff have great merit but, for
Eddington, was too far ahead of its time. I summarize my
understanding of these approaches by asking this critical

   "How does an electron know how big it's supposed to be?"

Answer in the spirit of Eddington and Info Mech:

    "By sitting at the center of the universe, reaching out and
     pushing against the edges"

Answer in the current "consensus" view:


BTW: If you think this question is dumb, remember that modern
scientific cosmology began when somebody [Hubble?] asked:

   "Why is the sky dark at night?"

Dean Douthat
[All opinions are my own. I have no connection with COSI except
as a guest on their vax.]

UUCP:   ...!sb1!mb2c!uofm-cv!cosivax!dzd |  Mail: Zahntron, Inc.
Ma:         (313) 995-9762               |        330 E. Liberty
MCI Mail:   DDOUTHAT 187-3270            |        Suite 3B
TWX/TELEX:  6501873270                   |        Ann Arbor, MI
Answerback: 6501873270 MCI               |                 48104

dzd@cosivax.UUCP (05/13/84)


Let me begin by stating that I favor a minority view and tend to
agree more with brl-vgr!gwyn than utastro!ethan. My reasons are
not so much based on simple physics or astrophysics as they are
on plain aversion to singularities, whether big bangs,
renormalizations or (relatively) small whimpers -- black holes.
Such a principle is clearly "meta-physical" but I believe we too
sharply discriminate between physical science and philosophy

I would like to cite three references on several sides of these

   1) A. Eddington, "Universal Theory" <why fool around?>
   2) Kantor, "Information Mechanics"
   3) ?, "Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy"

The third is by an Israeli professor at U of Haifa but I can't
remember his name.

When published, Eddington's book was considered trash, probably
the result of senility. Eddington was inconsiderate enough to die
with this book only half done and, I believe it was Wittaker (of
Wittaker & Watson) who finished it as best he could from
Eddington's notes etc. A major theme is the connection between
cosmological theories, data, etc. and microscopic ones. This was
an extremely unpopular view in that day though very faddish now.
It tries to take seriously several things:

  1) Einstein knew what he was doing in looking for Unified Field
  2) Einstein did not reject completely the Cosmological Constant
     but rather his too hasty evaluation of it. In particular, he
     wanted to keep open the possiblity of a gravitating vacuum
     energy. I believe this is what his pursuit of Unified Field
     Theory was all about. I wish they would get on with
     publishing his notes, letters etc.

  3) All the "negative" principles -- uncertainty, finite speed
     of light, etc. and *finite current size* of universe.

Notice that under all variation of big bang theories, current
universe is of finite size. This point seems to me to be
under-appreciated by the "standard" cosmologists nowadays.

Reference 3) is by a proponent of the current "mainstream" in the
sense that he is a big banger but also he is somewhat out of that
stream in advocating a tighter union of physics and philosophy. I
think his book is an excellent summary of the evidence, ideology
and philosophy of big bangers plus it has some interesting and
provocative speculations toward Unified Field Theory. But it
seems to me to ignore the finiteness of the universe and what
that might mean for metrology, especially wrt a standard for
length. Eddington had a lot to say on this but it is so obscured
within counting possible states of high-order tensors that I have
never been able to figure out what he means. BTW, I don't think
Wittaker figured it out either, but just reproduced it as best he

Finally, there is reference 2) which came out about four years
ago and has been completely ignored as far as I can find out. It
is either completely crackpot or the **ANSWER**. It proceeds from
simple assumptions including finiteness of universe and the
implications of this in terms of Non-Relativistic Quantum
Electrodynamics (NRQE), i.e., the most accurately verified branch
of physics by many orders of magnitude. This leads to a
self-gauging universe with a vacuum energy that gravitates -- in
particular, the vacuum gravity affects the STANDING WAVES
associated with at least two photons so as to bind them such that
the quantum states of the result are determined by allowed
wavelengths devired by boundary conditions from finite universe.

This bound bunch of photons are what we call a particle. From
this, he goes on to derive mass, charge, spin, etc. properties of
various "elementary" particles from first principles. [Eddington
did some of this too, but to a lesser extent]. Of course, this is
a Super Grand Unified Theory since it subsumes all four "forces".
Its main appeal to me is that it contains *NO* singularities.
Also, it deals with position, what it means, its quantification,
quantization and relation to gravity and the "forward" coupling
from mass to geometry. 

I would particularly be interested to hear from anybody who has
read Information Mechanics and what they think of it. I think
both IM and Eddington's stuff have great merit but, for
Eddington, was too far ahead of its time. I summarize my
understanding of these approaches by asking this critical

   "How does an electron know how big it's supposed to be?"

Answer in the spirit of Eddington and Info Mech:

    "By sitting at the center of the universe, reaching out and
     pushing against the edges"

Answer in the current "consensus" view:


BTW: If you think this question is dumb, remember that modern
scientific cosmology began when somebody [Hubble?] asked:

   "Why is the sky dark at night?"

Dean Douthat
[All opinions are my own. I have no connection with COSI except
as a guest on their vax.]

UUCP:   ...!sb1!mb2c!uofm-cv!cosivax!dzd |  Mail: Zahntron, Inc.
Ma:         (313) 995-9762               |        330 E. Liberty
MCI Mail:   DDOUTHAT 187-3270            |        Suite 3B
TWX/TELEX:  6501873270                   |        Ann Arbor, MI
Answerback: 6501873270 MCI               |                 48104

gwyn@brl-vgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn ) (05/14/84)

Very interesting references.  Eddington's "Fundamental Theory" (not
"Universal Theory") was indeed brought out by Whittaker (first name
Edmund, I think), who also wrote his own book critiquing Eddington's.
I tried to understand this work when I was younger and smarter but
had only limited success.  My impression is that much of Eddington's
theory is valid but that he was trying too hard to extract patterns
where there might not be any.

It is quite certain that if you take the (Einstein flavor) unified
field theory seriously, then a closed universe will produce field
quantization.  Indeed the "displacement field duality" of such a
theory also embeds a discrete symmetry in the field.  I have much
to say about this in my Masters' thesis.

It seems to me that the Grand Unified Field Theorists of today are
working "inward" from quantum symmetries while Einstein and his small
band of followers started close to the core with the expectation that
they could eventually work their way "outward".  Whether either is
extensible into the complete picture is unclear.  I prefer the
Einstein-Schr"odinger approach because it can be built on explicit
philosophical grounds that I happen to agree with, although this was
not made explicit in the original work.

Philosophy is important, folks.