[net.physics] American Stonehenge

jmm@bonnie.UUCP (Joe Mcghee) (07/13/84)

	On August 1, 1982 I visited a site which has been called Mystery Hill
but is now called America's Stonehenge. It was given this name because it was
discovered that this ancient stone age site has many of the alignments of the
original Stonehenge:

	midsummer sunrise
	midsummer sunset
	midwinter sunrise
	midwinter sunset
	equinox sunrise
	equinox sunset

	But in addition it has some additional alignments apparently not found
at Stonehenge:

	a true south wall for determining exact noon
	February 1 sunrise
	February 1 sunset
	May 1 sunrise
	May 1 sunset
	August 1 sunrise
	August 1 sunset
	November 1 sunrise
	November 1 sunset

	The last eight alignments divide the year into quarters. This site is
located in North Salem, New Hampshire and is considered to have been built
about 1750 B.C. to 1500 B.C. There are also inscribed stones associated with
the site. One of these is inscribed with the name of Bel in Ogham. While the
stones currently at this site are for the most part smaller than those at
Stonehenge, the alignments are there. Also, about a hundred years ago an
outrage was inflicted on this site when it was used as a stone quarry. So,
some evidence has undoubtedly been destroyed forever.
	As mentioned in previous articles there are a large number of
megalithic structures in America and most, if not all, have some astronomical
alignment. One of these is described in "The Search for Lost America" (p. 59)
by Salvatore Michael Trento as follows:

		"In 1975 Dr. Barry Fell visited the slab-roofed chambers of
	central Vermont and added his own analysis as to the identity of the
	builders. At a site where Dix had plotted out the winter solstice, Fell
	looked at some nearby markings on a rock outcropping and exclaimed,
	'That's Celtic Ogham!' Within a few minutes the Harvard professor made
	a preliminary, but nonetheless startling, translation: 'winter
	observation pillar'. This was quite surprising, for Dix had told
	no one about his exciting calculations. In fact, he was still preparing
	the results of his study for a scientific paper. On a nearby standing
	stone which Dix believed marked out the equinox sunset, Dr. Fell
	translated some etchings cut across the stone as 'the eye of Bel'.
	This was shocking for Bel was the Celtic sun god."

	Page 18 of Fred Hoyle's "On Stonehenge" shows a ground plan for an
ancient site simmilar to Stonehenge in its concentric circles and central
horseshoe at Sarmizegetusa, Rumania.
	All three of these sites (Stonehenge, North Salem, Sarmizegetusa)
have, at least, one more thing in common. In ancient times all of these sites
were inhabited by Celts!

					J. M. McGhee