[net.physics] ENOUGH!!

Cramer%CSL60%ti-csl.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa (07/07/85)

From:  Nichael <Cramer%CSL60%ti-csl.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>

Please people, hasn't this gone long enough.  I for one am getting sick
of this ESP crap taking up disk space on a bboard that is supposedly
devoted to science.

1 To the pro-Gelleroids: If you want to believe, believe, but please 
hold the discussions someplace appropriate like net.religion or net.scifi.

2 To the anti-Gelleroids: Haven't you learned yet not to argue with these
people?  If they were amenable to logic would they be defending Yuri
Geller in print?

Now, can we please get this net back where it belongs; namely rehashing
old questions that everyone should have had settled for them in Freshman 
