[net.physics] "What's New" 03/14/86

piner@pur-phy.UUCP (Richard Piner) (03/17/86)


Posted: Fri  Mar 14, 1986   4:51 PM EST              Msg: KGIG-2208-2778
From:   RPARK
Subj:   What's new, 14 March 1986                 Washington, DC

         1.  THE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INITIATIVE of the Department of 
         Defense is threatened by political pork-barrelling, according 
         to Ronald Kerber, the new Deputy Under Secretary for Research 
         and Technology (WN 3 Jan 86), in testimony this week before 
         the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Research and 
         Development.  The URI was intended to support research and 
         education in disciplines critical to defense.  In a forceful 
         defense of merit-based awards, however, Kerber complained 
         that earmarking of funds by the Appropriations Committee had 
         politicized the process.  Rep. Robert Davis (R-MI) declared 
         that the Armed Services Committee should try to undo what had 
         been done and insert language to prevent future abuses.  It 
         was the Armed Services Committee that proded the DoD to 
         create URI, and when the reluctant generals asked for only 
         $25M, Armed Services insisted on raising it to $100M.  This 
         presented an irresistible target to such pork-barrell artists 
         as Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY), (WN 3 Jan 86).
         2.  THE COLD NEUTRON FACILITY proposed for the National 
         Bureau of Standards is in trouble again.  The cold neutrons 
         are already there, produced by the 20-megawatt reactor at 
         NBS, but guidehalls and instrumentation are needed to exploit 
         them.  This was the highest priority materials facilities 
         upgrade in the 1984 report of the Seitz-Eastman panel (WN 3 
         Aug 84).  At $10M it is a bargain compared to the $150M spent 
         on such facilities in Europe, to which US researchers must 
         now travel, and the $50M the Japanese are spending to get 
         their own source.  Everyone agrees with the need, but from 
         there on its politics.  Each year the Administration request 
         includes funds for the cold neutron facility but eliminates 
         the fire and buildings research programs at the Bureau, which 
         are much beloved by Congress.  And each year Congress puts 
         fire and buildings back in and kills neutrons in retaliation.  
         Staff members of the House Science and Technology Committee 
         sigh that the same thing seems likely to happen again.  As 
         Yogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all over again." 
         3.  THE STRATIGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE needs a research 
         organization along the lines of the Rand Corporation 
         according to SDI head Gen. Abrahamson.  The purpose would be 
         to provide "squeaky-clean" advice free of commercial taint.  
         The Rand Corporation provides advice to the Air Force--and we 
         know how much that has helped.
         Notice to users:  Because of space limitations in What's New, 
         we often refer to earlier issues to provide background.  We 
         urge you to keep a file of back issues for this purpose.  If 
         you need further background on items, feel free to call us.
         Robert L. Park (202) 429-1946
         American Physical Society                THAT'S ALL 3/14/86