[net.games.pbm] TFQ-move Two.

jj@rabbit.UUCP (12/13/83)

	As we left the intrepid adventurers last week,
they were considering what to do about the mysterious
stranger who came banging on the door of the Inn in the middle
of the night.  The stranger, a tall, dark complexioned person
of some sort, asked for Ayudante, the Seer, without further
ado.  From that point:

	Balinor, who opened the door, stands back at a gesture
from Ayudante, who has wandered down the stairs past Bjarney, who
has a short conversation with him.   After reaching the front door,
Ayudante motions to the innkeeper to go back to bed, and waves 
Gavalin along with him (although Gavalin's sharp eyes notice something
more, it seems.).  Gavalin and the innkeeper wander off through the kitchen
to the keeper's residence.  Slider (Hogue, for those of you who
were reading last week, prefers his slang name 'Slider' to his
given name.)  looks around a bit, and then sticks to the background,
looking a bit skeptical of the whole arrangement.  Balinor looks in
for a while with obvious disinterest, and then wanders off.  Izugumi, who
originally appeared at the head of the stairs with his bow, puts it
away and joins the group consisting of Bjarney, Ayudante,
Slider <sort of> and the stranger.  The last people down the
stairs, Trillya and Lendell, look around, conclude that nobody is hurt
(yet, at least) and settle down to listen.   After concluding that
nothing much is happening in the common room of the inn <where
Ayudante, etc, are>, Balinor yawns mightily and wanders in the direction
of the kitchen.

<Author's note.  There are, for a while, two tracks of action
that involve our adventuring party.  I will follow the parlor
track first, and then attend to the other.>

In the parlor, Bjarney says something to the stranger in a strange, oddly
musical language.  The stranger looks at Bjarney, listens for a while,
and answers in a similar, although more rythmic vein.  Bjarney looks
a bit confused, and replies to the stranger again in his version
of this strange tongue.  Ayudante interrupts, looking a bit
annoyed at Bjarney, and says:
	"My good heavens, Bjarney, this person has travelled
through the very night to reach us, we can at least take him
to the fireplace and offer him a seat!"
to which the stranger replies,
	"That's not necessary, I'm fine.  My name is Fjosjne,
and I should get started.I do have a message, though, and I should 
be on with it. <he suddenly looks toward the door, then continues>
Yes, the King wanted me to have a talk with you,
but he didn't want me to talk to you until you had left
the capitol.  He wants me to lead you to the North Quarter,
where you can experience firsthand the problems that we
face.  I'm to be your leader until you reach the North,
and I'm expected to ensure that you get there safely.
I'd like to get going as soon as possible, we're supposed to be
out of here by sunrise, so that the folks in Ravenswood don't
see anything odd."
	Ayudante looks at Bjarney, who is scowling somewhat more
that one would expect from the situation, and then says:
	"Well, that's interesting.  I am a bit surprised that
the King didn't let us know in advance, though, that we
would be meeting you."
	Fjosyne looks at Bjarney, Slider, and then back
to Ayudante, and says, "Well you'll have to trust me,
I don't know what happened, but you should indeed have known
of my coming.  That's unfortunate.  The way that the weather
is acting up, we really DO nead to leave tonight."
	<Bjarney is STILL scowling, and Izugami is looking leary,
bordering on downright suspicious.>  Ayudante, ever the
diplomatic soul, interrupts the momentary silence,
	"Well, this is a bit sudden, I must say.  I'm
certainly not ready to embark on that sort of journey, I couldn't
manage the ride right now.  Even if I was ready, I don't think
I'd go so fast, after all, we're simply not equipped for
that sort of a ride.  We don't have enough supplies, we don't
have...  "  At this time, a voice is heard from the direction
of the kitchen, and a door slams.

(Context switch.  We are now with Gavalin, Balinor, and
the great outdoors.)

Gavilin, who accompanied the innkeeper into the
kitchen area, points the innkeeper toward his quarters,
and then ambles off through the kitchen door.  Balinor,
who came into the kitchen just as Gavalin left, follows.
Once outside, Gavalin and Balinor join forces, and head toward the
front of the inn.  Once there, they head toward
the entrance, where, somewhat to their surprise, they
find two individuals similar to the stranger writing something
(or doing something of that sort) to the steps in front of the door.
As they head in for a closer look,  Balinor looks behind,
and thinks that he notices someone behind them.  After a short
discussion, Gavalin heads for the kitchen door, and Balinor heads
for the front door, via the edges of the building.
Just about this time Gavalin is heard to say,
	"Hey!  just what do you think you're doing?"
This catches the two strangers by surprise. One of them 
heads off toward the sound of Gavalin's voice, and the other
continues writing on the steps.  Balinor, who has managed to get close
enough to observe the process, hears the remaining stranger
chanting in a strange gutteral tongue.  He listens for a while,
and realizes that what he is hearing is an archaic version of
the Ban'Dorchan language.  He can't make much out, but
does extract the phrase "nil se ne dorcha", which he manages to
translate as something like "not the dark" or "not yet the
dark".  He isn't sure which.  About this time, he hears a door

	Gavilin walks quickly into the parlor, looks at
Slider and Bjarney, and says, "I really think you
should come and take a look at this", heads for the 
front door, and throws it open, much to the surprise of
the person writing on the steps.  The stranger looks
up, quite startled, and says, "Wait, I'm not done yet"

The next set of moves is due, as usual, this Friday. I
didn't get a move from two people this week, and a very
short move from a third.  

In any case, the schedule for next week's move is:
By Friday, I would like to have all the moves.  By Sunday,
I WILL have everyone's move. I will post the results of
the latest move on the Monday following.  After that
move, there will be a lengthened schedule, with the 
next moves arriving before Tuesday after Christmas, and the
move results being posted on Wednesday.  The week after
New Years will return to the normal schedule.
-Diogenes stopped here-
