[net.games.pbm] TFQ-The saga continues.

jj@rabbit.UUCP (01/31/84)

We left the (?intrepid?) explorers last week about one half
hour after being attacked.  They were arguing (without 
any apparant loss of temper) about who should lead the

The argument continues for a while, with Ayudante and
Bjarney bringing order to the debate (after a fashion).
Several speeches are made:

[with gusto]

``Since when do people become leaders by `being willing'???
Did Agamemnon and Menelaus (sp?) get the Greeks to Troy by
`being willing' to take them there? Did Hannibal get the
Carthagineans over the Alps by `being willing' to go on the
scenic trip to Rome? Did Genghis Khan get the horde on the
march by `being willing' to sunbathe on Mediterranean beaches?
Leaders distinguish themselves by their vision and their
ability to impart the desire to accomplish onto those they
purport to lead.''


	"I agree that we should have a leader to coordinate things.  I think,
however, that it is equally important to give the individuals within the
party the freedom (and the responsibility) to do their jobs without too
much interference.  I see the leader's role to be that of a coordinator,
not a dictator; outside of melee (and other extreme emergency) situations,
I see the leader as issuing recommendations, not giving orders.
	The leader should know about everyone's skills and abilities, and
be given all information collected by party members.  Because of this, the
leader must be willing to keep some information confidential if asked to,
and to reveal confidential information only in the most extreme emergency.
	As to the choice of leader, I believe the leader should not be
a fighter, since fighters tend to be occupied during melee.  The leader
should not be a scout, since scouts tend to be separated from the party
more often than other people.  Ayudante should probably not be the lader,
since I see his role during critical situations to be one of gathering
information and transmitting that information to the leader.  This leaves
Izugami, Lendell, and myself as possible choices."


I vote for trylla for leader (for now at least).


Bjarney proposes that Trylla be appointed leader by acclamation.
Enough blathering, lets get this show on the road!


	Well, OK.  I think I should get a better feel for
what's going on here before I stick my nose into things that
others know more about.  We'll see what happens when we get
to the herbs.

After discussion, Gavalin, Lendell, and Ayudante agree that Trylla
would indeed be OK for a leader. Balinor says that Trylla's ok with
him, after all, she just helped him out a LOT.  (At this point,
Balinor is able to sit up carefully without starting to bleed
severely from his back wound again.  Trylla thinks that he'll
be able to ride in the morning.)

Gavalin hobbles out on a VERY sprained ankle, and, taking a small
piece of decorative stone on a chain <he borrowed it from
the innkeeper's wife) goes through a ritual of holding the
stone in his hand, and concentrating.  He explains that
he is trying, using an ledgendary technique, to dowse out
the direction that the missing stranger left in, and where ?he?
went.  The results of his effort leave him a bit tired, and
with no better idea than before.  Ayudante watches for a while,
with apparant interest. 

The party posts a sentry, and goes back to sleep.  
The sentrys are changed several times, with the party getting
the rest of a good night's sleep.  

In the morning, Balinor is able to move fairly well, although
he is still in some danger of bleeding from his wounds.
Gavalin can walk at about 30% of his normal pace, but his
ankle has healed enough that he thinks that he can ride
reasonably well, as long as things don't get too rough.

Ayndante and Trylla find that Fjosjne has woken up sometime during the
night, and, along with Bjarney, starts to question him.
Izugami looks on for a while, and then suggests that the 
party give him something to drink.  Fjosjne refuses to drink,
but is eventually forced (with much spluttering, choking, etc)
to drink a bit of Izugami's preparation. <Izugami is heard to
mutter at this point that that's all there was of that
particular herb...>  After Fjosjne has has a while to digest
his situation, so to speak, Ayudante hauls out the corpse of
the bow-shot Dokkalfar and threatens to kill it with his dagger
if Fjosjne doesn't talk.  It's clear from Fjosjne's attitude
that he doesn't care about the life of his comrade at all.
<It's not clear whether or not he realized that his 
compatriot was dead, though.>   

The party spends about an hour questioning Fjosjne,
with the following results:

a) Who are you? 
   What are you?
One of the faithful.
b) How do you know my name and my whereabouts? <Ayudante speaking>
It was told to me.
c) What is it that you think I want to know?
I do not know.
d) What is it that you came to tell me?
That you should come to me.
e) Why are you telling me this?
I was told to bring you.
f) Why should we believe you?
Because I was told to make you believe.

	i.   What do you want from me/the party/whomever else?
Follow me.
	ii.  If we are asked to do something, what will happen if we
	     don't?  How will you (or others) help accomplish the task?
	     What might impede us in accomplishing the task?
If you don't follow me, we will kill you.  I can show you what
is happening in the North Quarter.
You will die, my brothers will kill you if you try to complete
your task.

a) What are you?
One of the faithful.
b) Whom do you serve?
The leader.
c) Why did you try to ambush us?
I was told to kill you if you did not come with me.
d) What is your skill and the skills of your associates?   How proficient
   are you? (Note I use present tense for all questioning).
I am a mentalist. I know spells of the third difficulty.  My brothers
are a rogue, a thief, and a clerical type.
e) Where are your headquarters?
I do not know.  
I have never been there.
f) How many others like you are in this area?  Where?  Doing what?
We are here to stop you if you do not follow us to the
great leader.  He is the supreme leader.  You cannot prevail.
I do not know how many of us there are.  I was not told.
g) What is your name?
Fjosjne, you know that.
h) What is your quest?
To bring you to the leader.
i) What's your favorite color?

The party, mostly Slider and Gavalin, searches the various "guests",
as Ayudante calls them, and finds little but a dagger, a piece of
blank rune paper, and a small pendant with a black, very shiny
stone at the end.

After asking a few more questions, and getting an almost mesmerized
set of "I don't know.   I don't know." replies, the party gives up,
tosses him on a horse, and sets out, after talking the somewhat
terrified innkeeper out of about 15 torches, two lamps, and 
20 bottles of oil.  The innkeeper says that he will bill the King,
and that that will be OK.

The party sets out to the north, heading for the Landward gate.
Almost immedately, Ayudante notices that Fjonjne's horse is acting
very strangely.  Upon closer investigation, it is discovered
that Fjosyne's body has been somehow transformed (by the LIGHT,
exclaims a surprised Gavalin) and that the horse is now staggering
under a very heavy load.

The weather is partially overcast, with dark clouds to the north
and west, and clear sky mostly to the east and south.  The clouds seem
to be moving in a southwest-northeast direction, with the edge of the
clouds some distance in front of the party.

The next move is due this Friday.  It should include the plans
for all of this day's travelling. <The party will reach
the landward gate at about 2pm at their present rate.>
It should also include some information on what sort of campsite,
etc, they are looking for tonight, as the map shows that there will
be no more real civilization until they return through the landward
gate.  There are several stone travellers huts indicated on the

Trylla.  Could you coordinate the main activities of the party,
i.e. tell me what sort of campsite, what sort of organization
there will be AT the campsite, etc.   
Each of the players should tell me their level of preparedness
and what they intend to do in any situations that they 
