[net.games.pbm] game-system query

balrog@umcp-cs.UUCP (04/12/84)

[ I see people put something here, so I will to. Why do we do that?]

I have never tried to post anything before so excuse any errors.

I have been interested in the various play-by-mail games on the
market and mentioned in the net. I wonder if someone would answer
a few questions for me.
  1) What are the mechanics of the games like? Is there a limit to
     the types of things you can do? How do you handle "If this happens
     then . . . " situations?
  2) How do players communicate with each other, through a games-master
     or directly?
  3) Can anyone recomend a good pbm for an experienced gamer but a novice
     to pbm? Thats also cheap?


                      Tom Jewell a.k.a. Tiger