[net.games.pbm] PBM AD&D history

bae@fisher.UUCP (Shiva the Destroyer) (11/26/84)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

	Here is a brief history of recent events in the world in
which you are all about to begin campaigning.  

	N.B. Not all information herein is factual or complete.

			Annals of Recent History

	These annals detail important world events which have occurred
since the Ascension of the Three.  The dating system, in accordance with
modern convention, is dated in years A.T. (After the Three)

  0  A.T. - Tradition relates that in this year The Three Ascended to power,
        surpassing even the gods in their might.  Some feel that this is 

  1  A.T. -	The Dark Lord's lieutenants in the field are slain.

 20  A.T. - An alliance between the Barbarians from the Plains of Baal,
	    The Deibon Highlanders, The World Emperor, and the forces
	    of the Dragon Lord is made, in order to clean up the remnants
	    of the Dark Lord's forces, which has been pillaging the
	    countryside, and threatening the plains-riders.

110  A.T. - The World Emperor moves forth with his armies while the rest of the
	    alliance is fighting near Mercy Run, in an attempt to secure the
	    entirety of the southland for himself.

115  A.T. - The World Emperor's forces reach the Eyrt Woods, after consolidating
	    all of the lands behind them.  The Dragon Lord and the Allies resist,
	    as they had been promised lands in the south in return for their

120  A.T. - The World Emperor's forces drive the allies back into the Plains of
	    Baal.  Lake Braglor is hotly contested by the Dragon Lord's naval
	    and air forces.  Assault on Dragon Isle repulsed.

120  A.T. - The Thron from Hron, Nrak, and Grash spawn.  As the spawn did not
	    occur the last time, due to bad climate conditions, this spawn
	    is twice the normal size, and the Thron are forced to move to expand 
		their borders.  They move towards the Western border of the World 
		Emperor's territory.

121  A.T. - The Thron horde crosses the Verbosh River at Caer Cadwen and

122  A.T. - Unable to defend both of his fronts at once, the World Emperor
	    retreats his forces from his eastern campaign, in an attempt to
	    shore up his western border against the Thron invasion.

123  A.T. - The Thron break through the border guards, and march towards
	    Viridistan.  The Emperor's eastern forces are delayed by barbarian
	    attacks, and do not return in time.  The Emperor flees to the North
	    with several of his picked advisors,  leaving his lands and peoples
	    to the mercy of the Thron.

124  A.T. - The Thron pillage the World Emperor's land, and proceed to launch an
	    assault into the Southern Valley.  The massed forces of the Bay-Yeng
	    and Hobbit armies are unable to slow their march.

124  A.T. - The Elves, rather than risk a battle with the Thron, withdraw from
	    the Valley, and begin to sail south, leaving Elfheim entirely,

128  A.T. - After a brave resistance,  the hobbits retreat out of the Valley,
	    cross the South Arnuth river, and rejoin their brothers in the
	    old Hobbit Lands.  They prepare for war, and become a fierce and
	    war-like people.

130  A.T. - The Thron inhabit the entire Valley, and the surrounding mountains,
	    with the exception of Bay-Yeng and its western lands up to the Great
	    Wall.  The Valley of the Mage is also left undisturbed.

140  A.T. - The Thron forces again go on the move, this time attempting to cross
	    the South Arnuth river.  The Dwarves and Hobbits hold the Thron at
	    the river's edge.  The Enchantment of Rhomba still guards the river,
	    discouraging Thron attempts to cross the river.

150  A.T. - The Thron mass again, this time in unmatched numbers.  
        The Enchantment of Rhomba is destroyed by Thron warlocks working 
		in concert.

151  A.T. - The Thron cross the South Arnuth.  The Crown of the Hobbit Kings is
	    lost in the battle.

152  A.T. - The Hobbit nation retreats into mountain holds with the dwarves.

160  A.T. - The Thron make some raids on the new Viking seaholds on the north

162  A.T. - The Thron assault Dwarven fortifications.  The siege of Thunderhold

164  A.T. - The Host of the Dragon Lord arrives.  Vikings strike from North,
	    Barbarians from Plains of Baal come in from the West.  The Thron
	    horde is driven back across the South Arnuth river.

167  A.T. - The Thron retreat into the Southern Valley.

200  A.T. - Barbarian scouting expeditions begin arriving near the Eyrt Woods.

217  A.T. - Rumours of a large battle in the North.  World Emperor has taken
	    over the Dark Lord's last lieutenant, and claims his holdings as
	    his own.  Anoren reinforced by World Emperor -> New Dark Lord.

240  A.T. - Thrasia and Cathay make peace,  and join together with Bronya
	    as one Cathic-Thrasian empire.  Resources freed for expansion.

250  A.T. - Thrasian colonization fleet leaves Thras.  While sailing up
	    the South Arnuth towards Lake Braglor, it is destroyed by a Thron

260  A.T. - Cathic-Thrasian war-fleet leaves Thras.  The fleet has full Cathic
	    air-support.  While sailing up the South Arnuth, on full war alert,
	    the fleet pillages several Hobbit ports after the Hobbits requested
	    river tolls, thinking the Hobbits had destroyed their previous fleet.
	    The Hobbit Nation declares war, and sinks several ships.  However,
	    the Cathic air-support proves decisive, and the Hobbits are driven
	    back from the river.

261  A.T. - Hobbits request aid from the Dragon Lord.  While D.L. is en route
	    to parley with the Hobbit King,  his embassy party is ambushed by
	    an Cathic air-fleet, and loses several dragons.

261  A.T. - The Dragon Lord issues a decree : no air-ships will be permitted
	    over the Western Lands.

263  A.T. - Cathic-Thrasian Empire declares war on Western Lands, after this
	    challenge to their air superiority. Armies begin to mass.

265  A.T. - Dragon Lord forges alliance with Eastern Plains-riders.  A joint
	    strike force secretly gathers, and moves forth towards the Eastern

266  A.T. - Eastern cities launch invasion into west.  Saturation bombardment
	    of hobbit lands begins.

267  A.T. - Three attempts are made on Dragon Lord's life.  Cathic home armies
	    exterminated by massed dragon attack.  C-T cities left defenseless.
	    Remaining C-T field forces recalled to defend their homeland.

268  A.T. - Battle of Baal Gap.  Returning Cathic-Thrasian armies destroyed
	    in engagement with barbarian rear-guard.

270  A.T. - Siege of Bronya, Cathay begun.  Thras blockaded.

271  A.T. - Bronya falls

272  A.T. - Cathay falls

273  A.T. - Thrasia surrenders.  Cities of Cathic-Thrasian Empire razed by
	    barbarians; population scattered.

275  A.T. - Edict of the Dragon forged :
	    "No large scale armies or troop movements will be permitted.  No
	    offensive warfare will be waged.  Violation is punishable by the
	    wrath of the Dragon Emperor"
	    This is the first use of the title "Dragon Emperor" by Saladin the

280  A.T. - Lake Braglor, all interior islands, Thrasia, and several ports
	    annexed by the Dragon Empire.  Gheulost Island siezed and fortified
	    by Dragon Emperor.	Fortifications constructed on Dragon Isle, which
	    is declared the capital city of the Dragon Empire.

290  A.T. - Alliance formed between hobbit nation and Dragon Empire.  
        Free passage and trade assured.

300  A.T. - Small scale barbarian settlements begin in West.

330  A.T. - Barbarian settlers get to site of old Viridian Empire.  Dragon
	    Emperor grants all land, save for Viridistan + 25 miles around, to
	    new settlers.

350  A.T. - Second Edict of the Dragon forged:
	    "All unoccupied lands are free and open for settlement.  Free-holders
	    will all recieve ~100 acres of land.  Individual baronies will be
	    initially limited to one 50-mile hex.  Expansion will be permitted
	    at a later time, through permission of the Dragon Emperor."

360  A.T. - Third Edict of the Dragon forged :
	    "Psionics shall not be persecuted or discriminated against"

370  A.T. - Psionics Guild formed

390  A.T. - Settlment efforts begin in Plains of Fahrten, Grome.

400  A.T. - First contact made with Sylvan Elves.  Treaties of non-interference
	    made with Dragon Empire.

400  A.T. -> 600 A.T. - Pax Vermiis

600  A.T. - Large army marches forth from Talok Pass, Gates of Gorn.  The army
	    is mostly composed of orcs, ogres, misc. trolls & giants.

601  A.T. - Army of Dark Lord crosses Northron Slay.

601  A.T. - Dark Lord forces encounter new barbarian settlements on Plain of
        Grome.  New-Haven sieged.

601  A.T. - Dragon Empire relief forces arrive.  Dark Lord's forces driven 
        back to Talok Pass.

640  A.T. - The Great Plague sweeps through the northern settlements.  The Dark
	    Lord is suspected, but no proof is found.  Major northern trade
	    routes shut down.

645  A.T. - Dwarven army prepares to march on Dwarve-heim, in an attempt to 
		regain their ancestral home.

646  A.T. - D.E. representitive encourages Dwarves not to go to war, as they
	    would be in violation of the First Edict of the Dragon.  It is
	    requested that they appeal to the Dragon Emperor for aid.  In
	    return, the Dwarves propose the concept of a "just and holy war
	    against those scum-bag orcs".  Dwarves refuse diplomatic solution.

646  A.T. - Dwarven High King slain.  Hammer of the Dwarven Kings is stolen.

647  A.T. - New High King selected by the Dwarven council of Elders.  
        He promises to avenge the death of his predecessor, and to continue 
		with the war plans.

647  A.T. - Dwarven High King is again slain.  His Hammer of Thunderbolts is

648  A.T. - Dwarven Council of Elders concludes that Dragon Empire 
        is responsible for the assassinations.  All Dwarven trade is 
		shut off, and the Dwarves go into seclusion.

650  A.T. - Forging of the Hammer of Vengeance begun by entire Dwarven nation.

650  A.T. - Assassin's Guild refuses all contracts on Dragon Emperor.
	    Reason: Pax Vermiis encourages political manipulation, rather
	    than war, which is good for the Guild's coffers.

655  A.T. - Dwarves slay ambassadors of Dragon Emperor, who had been sent
	    to convince them that the Dragon Empire was not responsible
	    for the assassinations of their Kings, and the theft of their

666  A.T. - Gate nexus re-opened in Nameless City.  Demon Lords, Devil
	    Princes freed due to energy backlash.   Hastur returns, and
	    sits upon the throne of the Nameless city yet again.  He
	    keeps his presence hidden.

670  A.T. - Brewster makes alliance with Nameless City.  Full abilities of
	    Shub-Niggurath turned towards repopulation of Nameless City.

700  A.T. - Dark Lord moves against Brewster, attempting to sieze Throne of
	    the Gods.  Dark Lord's first expedition destroyed at the gates of
	    the Mountains of Madness.

710  A.T. - Dark Lord launches second expedition against Brewster.  Siege of
	    Mountains of Madness begun.

715  A.T. - Brewster calls upon the Nameless City for aid

716  A.T. - Hastur sends Byakhee support to Brewster

717  A.T. - Dragon Emperor dispatches forces to break siege

717  A.T. - Dark Lord sends armies forth from Talok pass, striking south into
	    the settlements around New Haven

718  A.T. - Dragon Emperor summons reserves to hold off new attack

718  A.T. - Dark Lord sends armies forth from the Gates of Gorn, across the
	    Northron Slay, heading for Anoren.

719  A.T. - Dragon Lord calls up last reserves to hold off Dark Lord's new
	    invasion forces

720  A.T. - Dwarves move to re-take Dwarve-Heim.

720  A.T. - Dragon Emperor withdraws his forces from the region of the Mountains
	    of Madness, in order to stop dwarves

721  A.T. - Dark Lord withdraws all invasion forces from the south.

721  A.T. - Dwarven Leaders assassinated two days before dwarven army would have
	    encountered Dragon Empire Peace-Keepers.  Dwarves retreat to

725  A.T. - Hastur sends forth legions of servants to defend Brewster.

727  A.T. - Dark Lord retreats from Mountains of Madness

740  A.T. - Elves begin returning from south.  They settle along southern coast,
	    by the mouth of the South Arnuth.

760  A.T. - Small settlement in north is completely annhilated by attack of
	    a Mind Flayer raiding party.

762  A.T. - Important leaders of the Psionics Guild are murdered, evidently by
	    Mind Flayer assassins.

772  A.T. - Psionics Guild issues declaration of war on Mind Flayers,  in light
	    of their recent crimes.  Dragon Emperor secretly gives his support.

780  A.T. - Multiversal Trading Corporation begins negotiations with Dragon
	    Emperor to start doing business on this plane.  Their offer is

785  A.T. - Attempt is made on the Dragon Emperor's life,  by 12 Mind-Flayer
	    assassins.	The Dragon Emperor tightens his security,  and begins
	    investigating Mind Flayer invasion.

790  A.T. - Drow embassy reaches Dragon Emperor.  Namor the Wise heads the
	    delegation.  The Drow report that their city is under attack by
	    the Mind Flayers.  Probable location of the Mind Flayer main
	    city is discussed.

790  A.T. - Treaty is made with Drow nation, guarenteeing free trade and

795  A.T. - Exploratory expedition sent by Dragon Emperor to scout out the
	    approaches to the Ithilid city.

800  A.T. - Dwarves finish forging Hammer of Vengeance

810  A.T. - Dwarves begin massing armies and supplies

817  A.T. - Dark Lord and Ithilids make a treaty of mutual assistance.
        Dark Lord begins massing forces to attack the city of the Drow.

820  A.T. - Dwarves begin sending small scouting expeditions towards Dwarveheim.
	    The Dragon Emperor sends warnings to Dwarves to cease.

825  A.T. - Massed Dark Lord and Ithillid forces cut off approaches to the
	    city of the Drow. 

826  A.T. - City of the Drow falls to sieging forces.  Drow are enslaved.  Dark
	    Lord makes alliance with the Kuo-Tao, in exchange for some Drow
	    prisoners.	Namor escapes, with a few of his henchmen.

830  A.T. - City of Elveheim now re-established.  Elves make treaty of mutual
	    defense with the Hobbits, and with the Dragon Empire.

834  A.T. - Dwarves dispatch a large army to take Dwarve-Heim.	Dragon Emperor
	    is convinced to not intervene.

835  A.T. - Dwarven army is completely destroyed by unknown agents aprox.
        50 miles outside of Dwarve-Heim.

837  A.T. - Some disturbance are reported on Lake Braglor.  Unverified sightings
	    of new islands.

843  A.T. - Several Guildmasters of Assassins are assassinated 
        by unknown agents.

849  A.T. - Reports begin arriving from sailors concerning strange happenings 
        in Lake Braglor. 

856  A.T. - A new wave of Barbarian settlers arrive in the northen settlements.
	    The city of Deonia is re-inhabitted.

860  A.T. - The Church of Set begins to regain power.

864  A.T. - Sceptre of Donblas recovered by Lafite + Calinor + Lassar

868  A.T. - Battle for Erelhei-Cinlu.  Mind Flayers driven out of city.

			Power Balance

Chaotic Evil
Hastur - Nameless City
Brewster - Mountains of Madness
Cthulu - R'lyeh
Church of Set 
Church of Arioch

Dragon Empire - Isle of the Dragon, Anoran, Viridistan, Targnol Port, Thras
Drow - City of the Drow (enslaved)
Psionics Guild
Assassins Guild
The Great Mage - Valley of the Mage, Ealorn
Plainsriders of Baal
Bard's College
Brotherhood of the Balance

Lawful Evil
Dark Lord  - Land of the Dark Lord
Dwarves - Thunderhold
Ithillids - Ithalia, City of the Drow, Sea of Darkness

Lawful Good
Church of Donblas (Haven,Deonia)
Church of the Ki-Rin
                    Brian A. Ehrmantraut

					Ad Maioram Gloriam Hasturi!

UUCP:   {allegra, astrovax, princeton, twg} !fisher!bae
BELL:   (609) 452-8991 / (609) 734-7761
USnail: 184 Little Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544