[net.games.pbm] PBM AD&D game scenario

bae@fisher.UUCP (Shiva the Destroyer) (12/17/84)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
	I have prepared the first scenario, even though I have not yet finished
processing all of your characters.  I expect to have your finished characters
back to you after I return from my Christmas vacation and finish my exams.
This should occur around January 18th or so.

	All of you are starting out in the same area, the newly founded City of
Athron.  Everyone settling in the City has been given a government subsidy
of 1000 GP to sustain him/her while he/she gets established.  In addition,
everyone is assumed to possess disposable funds equal to his/her level*1000.
If you are multi-classed, you get MEAN(levels)*1500GP.

	Initially, everyone is assumed to be just outside the Citadel gate, having
just received his/her dole.  Many options are available to you, including
staying at inns, staking out land, and so on, as you will see from the included
background material.

	Athron is located inside of the official borders of the Thronland,
60 miles west of the Verbosh river. (This is in the SW region of your

	Athron was founded in February, 868 AT, by order of The Dragon Emperor.
It is the centre of an independent duchy, currently under the regency of 
Erranwen, an Elven warrior-woman of some note.  Erranwen has been appointed 
regent until such a time as someone suitable for the post of Duke is found.  
All Thron lands have been granted to the Duchy of Athron by The Dragon Emperor.
What the Thron will think of this, of course, is anybody's guess.

	Athron is located on a small bluff inside the Thron territories.
There is a natural spring on the bluff, around which is built the 
citadel of Athron.  The dimensions of the citadel are aproximately
250 yards by 350 yards.  The citadel is constructed of earthworks,
but the earthworks are being replaced by stone walls constructed
from stone mined from the quarry which is located at the base of the 
bluff.  The citadel is reputed to house 2,000 Imperial troops, composed
for the most part of Imperial cavalry.  Erranwen rides a huge Red
Dragon as her personal steed.

	Around the bluff on which is located the citadel is growing the actual
city of Athron.  Currently there are only about 5,000 inhabitants, but
the population is steadily increasing.  At the moment, the great part of the
populace is composed of miners and farmers.  The miners are working the
quarry, attempting to mine and shape enough stone meet the demands of the
quickly growing city.  The farmers are here because every freeman has been
granted as much land as he can till.  A smaller part of the populace is
made up of members of the service industries - bowmakers, tanners,
tavern-keepers, etc.

	Athron was founded by Imperial edict to serve as a foothold
in the Thron territories.  The founders have orders to explore the
area, to map out approaches into the Thron heartland, and to provide
accurate intelligence about the Thron menace.  Because of this,
Athron is quickly becoming the adventurers' capitol of the known
world.  Many groups, great and small, are interested in settling in 
this hitherto undeveloped (by civilized man...) area.  Some of these groups 
are interested in furthering the growth of the Duchy, some are interested 
in grabbing land for themselves, and some are interested in preventing 
the discovery of things which they feel should not be brought to the 
attention of the Empire.  Many individuals are also arriving in the area,
out to grab as much land and treasure as they can.

	Because of this influx of adventurers, Athron, and its merchants,
are becoming quite affluent.  Many specialized establishments are 
opening up, expressly to cater to the adventurers' needs.  Almost
anything one wants can be acquired in Athron (although perhaps not legally).

	Speaking of legality, the city is currently under the military rule
of the Regent Erranwen.  Patrols ride through the city streets regularly.
Punishment is swift and severe for serious offenses, although minor offenses
are punishable by fines or service, being as there is no jail. 

	Due to the nature of the town, prices for common items are quite
high here, either because the items have to be imported at great cost,
or because the locals have decided to take advantage of the boom-town
economy of the region.  Here is a representative list of prices for
such items: 
    TYPE	             COST*	  		 ARMOR CLASS
     Padded                10                             8
     Leather               15                             8
     Studded               25                             7
     Ring                  40                             7
     Scale                 75                             6
     Chain                 150                            5
     Splinted              175                            4
     Banded                250                            4
     Plate                 500                            3
     Field Plate           5000                           2
     Small Shield          5                              -1
     Small Metal Shield    10                             -1
     Medium Shield         20                             -1
     Medium Metal Shield   40                             -2
     Large Shield          50                             -2
     Large Metal Shield    100                            -2
    *custom orders are at +15%
                            MISSILE WEAPONS

    TYPE                   COST
     Shortbow              40
     Shortbow, Composite   200
     Longbow               150
     Longbow, Composite    400
     Strength 16          +500 
     Strength 17          +1000
     Strength 18          +2000
     Strength 18 (01-50)  +4000
     Strength 18 (51-75)  +6000
     Strength 18 (76-90)  +10000
     Strength 18 (91-99)  +15000
     Strength 18 (00)     +25000
     Strength >18(00)     +10000/pt
     Crossbow, Light       15  
     Crossbow, Heavy       50
     Arbalest              100
     Throwing Axe          5    
     Throwing Knife        3
     Dart                  1/2
     Shaken                1
     Hammer                5
     Javelin               2
     Spear                 10
     Arrow, Normal (1)     1/5
     Arrow, Strength (1)   5
     Arrow, Silver (1)     1
     Arrow, Sil, Str (1)   25  
     Quarrel, Light        1/4
     Quarrel, Heavy        1/2
     Quarrel, Arbalest     1
     Sling Bullets (20)    1
                           SHOCK WEAPONS

    TYPE                   COST
     Battle Axe            40
     Bardiche              20
     Bec de Corbin         15
     Bill-Guisarme         20
     Dagger                5
     Fauchard              10  
     Fauchard-Fork         15
     Flail (Footman's)     5
     Flail (Horseman's)    10
     Fork, Military        5
     Glaive                20
     Glaive-Guisarme       25
     Guisarme              20
     Guisarme-Voulge       25
     Halberd               28
     Hammer, Lucern        36
     Hammer                5
     Lance                 10
     Mace (Footman's)      20
     Mace (Horseman's)     15
     Morning Star          15
     Partisan              20
     Pick (Footman's)      20
     Pick (Horseman's)     15
     Pike                  8
     Ranseur               7
     Scimitar              35
     Spear                 10
     Spetum                7
     Staff                 5
     Trident               25
     Voulge                15
     Bastard Sword         150
     Broad Sword           40
     Long Sword            60
     Short Sword           20
     Two-Handed Sword      300

    TYPE                   COST
     Belt                  1/2
     Belt Pouch, Large     2
     Belt Pouch, Small     1
     Boots, High Hard      10
     Boots, High Soft      5
     Boots, Low Hard       6
     Boots, Low Soft       3
     Cap                   3/4
     Cloak                 10
     Hat                   2
     Robe                  15
     Magician's Robe       30


    TYPE                   COST
     Belladona, Sprig      1
     Frankincense, Pinch   100
     Garlic, Bud           1/20
     Myrhh, Pinch          20
     Wolvesbane, Sprig     2

    TYPE                   COST
     Chicken               1/40
     Cow                   20
     Duck                  1/20
     Dog, War              100
     Dog, Guard            60
     Dog, Hunting          40
     Dog, Sheep            10
     Dog, Cattle           10  
     Dog, Pet              1
     Donkey                20
     Goat                  5
     Hawk, Large           500
     Hawk, Small           350
     Horse, Draft          60
     Horse, Riding         50
     Horse, Light War      500
     Horse, Medium War     1000
     Horse, Heavy War      2000
     Horse, Destrier       10000
     Mule                  40
     Ox                    30
     Pigeon                1/60
     Piglet                2
     Pig                   10
     Pony, Riding          30
     Pony, War             300
     Sheep                 5
     Songbird              1/20


    TYPE                   COST
     Barding, Leather      150
     Barding, Chain        600
     Barding, Plate        1000
     Bit & Bridle          5
     Harness               5
     Saddle                20
     Saddle Bags           10
     Saddle Blanket        2

                           MISC. EQUIPMENT
    TYPE                   COST
     Backpack              5
     Box, Iron, Lg.        60
     Box, Iron, Sm.        25
     Candle, Tallow        1/40
     Candle, Wax           1/4
     Scroll Case,  Bone    20
     Scroll Case, Leather  10
     Chest, Wood, Lg.      10
     Chest, Wood, Sm.      5
     Lantern, Bullseye     30
     Lantern, Hooded       15
     Mirror, Lg. Metal     50
     Mirror, Sm. Silver    100
     Oil, 1 Flask          10
     Pole, 5' Iron         20
     Quiver                5
     Rope, 50'             1
     Sack, Lg.             1/10
     Sack, Sm.             1/20
     Skin, Water/Wine      1
     Spike, Iron           1/20
     Thieve's Tools        200
     Tinder Box            2
     Torch                 1/40


    TYPE                   COST
     Ale, Pint             1/10-1/2
     Beer, Pint            1/20-1/4
     Food, 1 Meal, Normal  1
     Food, 1 Meal, Good    20
     Grain, Horse, 1 Day   1/4
     Mead, Pint            1/2-1
     Rations, Iron, 1 Wk.  20
     Rations, 1 Week       10
     Wine, Pint            1-100
     Wine, Bottle          2-20000

                           RELIGIOUS ITEMS

    TYPE                   COST
     Beads, Prayer         2
     Incense, 1 Stick      8
     Holy Symbol           5-100000
     Holy Water, Vial      50 

                           TRANSPORT VEHICLES

    TYPE                   COST
     Barge, Small          100
     Barge, Large          170
     Boat, Small           150
     Boat, Long            400
     Ship, Merchant, Sm.   10000
     Ship, Merchant, Lg.   35000
     Ship, Merchant, Spc. +15000
     Ship, War, Small      30000
     Ship, War, Large      50000
     Ship, War, Special   +20000
     Galley, Small         30000
     Galley, Large         60000
     Galley, Special      +25000
     Cart                  150
     Wagon                 400

This is by no means a complete list.  Note that these ARE NOT the prices
you are to use when initially outfitting your character, as you are
assumed to be coming from a less-inflationary realm.

Magic Items
    This list purposefully does not include prices for magic items.  
This does not indicate that magic items are unavailable for purchase, 
just that there is no standard price list for magic items, the pricing 
being what the market will bear.  Magic IS available, in almost any
variety, quantity, size, shape, colour permutation, and quality.  It
is also quite expensive.  To give you a point of reference, a Sword +1 
retails for ~20,000 GP, an Arrow +1 is ~500 GP, a Potion of Healing 
is ~3000 GP, a Ring of Invisibility is ~75,000 GP, a Rod of Absorbtion 
is ~400,000 GP, and a Wish is ~1,000,000 GP.  Of course, this is all 
subject to availability.  Special orders for most things ARE accepted,
although the delivery time is quite long, and a good portion of the
purchase price is required of the consumer up front when the order is

Spell Purchase:
Spell purchase is a tricky subject.  Here is a set of guidlines you can
expect to hold in most cases.  These charges represent the minimum
charge you can expect to pay for a spell of any given level.  This
will be modified upwards (substantially) for powerful spells.

	Level		Cost/Cast		Cost/Buy		Cost/Scroll
	-----		---------		--------		-----------
	  1			    50			    500			   100
	  2			   100			   1000			   200
	  3			   500			   2000			   500
	  4			  1000			   4000			  1000
	  5			  2000			   8000			  2000
	  6			  4000			  16000			  4000
	  7			  8000			  32000			  8000
	  8			 16000			  64000			 16000
	  9			 32000			 128000			 32000

The Cost/Cast is the cost to have someone cast the spell for you under
safe conditions, i.e. not in an adventuring environment. 

The Cost/Buy is the cost to you if you wish to purchase the spell for
your spell books.

The Cost/Scroll is the cost to you if you wish to purchase a copy-protected
scroll for one-time use.  The Magician's Guild looks very unfavourably upon
scrollware pirates!

    The Thron are the alleged inhabitants of this region.  Every thousand
years or so, the Thron spawn in large numbers, pour forth from the West,
and ravage vast tracts of civilized land.  The Thron are insectoid, with
a rigid genetic caste system.  All but a few castes are rigidly controlled,
with little or no independent action or initiative permitted.  Two of
the most feared castes are quite capable of independent action and decision-
making, so don't be fooled into believing that the Thron are just a mindless
group of giant army ants.   Even those castes not capable of independent
thought have enough instinctual reactions that they could be regarded as
being clever, in their area of specialization.

	Known Thron Castes
	Commander - military leader.  Capable of some independent actions
	Sorcerer - magic and technology-using caste.  Capable of independent actions
	Scout - explorer caste. Capable of independent actions
	Warrior - fighting caste.  Not independent, relies on Commander.
	Worker, Type A - large, heavy-work caste.  Not independent.
	Worker, Type B - small, light-work caste.  Not independent.
	Drones - misc. Thron - Not independent.

    Little is known about the Thron in their non-spawn state.  They may be 
completely dormant during this time, they may exists at greatly reduced
numbers, they may exist at full strength.  No one knows.  No one has any
idea why they pour forth into the West like clockwork - whether due to
population pressure, food supply problems, mass insanity, ???
No one knows where the main Thron stronghols or settlements are.  All
That is known about their social life is that they lay eggs, are 
organized into tribes, are somewhat intelligent, and eat meat.  No one
has ever returned from a scouting mission into the Thron heartland, 
although some have skirted it with seeming impunity.   The nearest suspected
Thron major settlement is thought to be over 250 miles to the W-NW of

Possible Adventuring Opportunities around Athron
    There are many things which might attract they eye of the experienced
adventurer to the Athron area.  

    First of all, there are the Thron.  Exploring the lands to the west of 
Athron thouroughly, or scouting missions into the Thron heartland could prove 
profitable, or deadly.  No one knows what sort of things the Thron find dear, 
but presumable there is treasure and magic to be had.

	Secondly, for years this border region has been the retreat of many
people who found it inconvenient to be along the beaten track.  Many
organizations have been rumoured to have bases somewhere in the area, far
away from the prying eye of the Emperor.  Thus, there may be fortified
underground defense installations in the area which could be discovered
and subjected to the time-honoured process of inventory and requisition
(read LOOT!).  Of course, these places will most likely not be deserted
by their makers....

	Third, there is the City itself.  Athron is a thieve's paradise, or soon
will be.  There is currently no organized Guild, so competition is fierce,
but profits are high.  With all of the money flowing into the city, a man
who keeps his eyes open, and his wits about him is bound to come across
boundless opportunities for personal recompense.  With the lack of a 
selected Duke, and with the city ruled by the Regent, politicing and
intrigue are rampant.  It is possible that through skillful
manipulation of events that one could find himself master of the Duchy
of Athron, ruler of all Thron lands (subject, of course, to dispute with
the Thron horde..).

	The world is waiting for a bold band to shine forth and take what
is rightfully theirs.  Your boldness, skill, and daring will determine 
whether you manage to obtain what justly should be yours, whether it is     
the mastery of the Duchy, or ownership of a 6x6x3 plot of ground in the 
city burial grounds.... if they find anything to bury.

                    Brian A. Ehrmantraut

					Ad Maioram Gloriam Hasturi!

UUCP:   {allegra, astrovax, princeton, twg} !fisher!bae
BELL:   (609) 452-8991 / (609) 734-7761
USnail: 184 Little Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544