[net.games.pbm] Usenet Diplomacy Ground Rules. Comments?

myers@uwmacc.UUCP (Jeff Myers) (01/11/85)

I'm shortly going to be moderating a Usenet game, but I've never played
Diplomacy by mail before.  I've worked up a set of ground rules for playing
through the Usenet.  I would appreciate any criticisms or suggestions more
experienced players might have.

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Myers				The views above may or may not
University of Wisconsin-Madison		reflect the views of any other
Madison Academic Computing Center	person or group at UW-Madison.
ARPA: uwmacc!myers@wisc-rsch.arpa
uucp: ..!{allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!myers


		Suggested Ground Rules for Usenet Diplomacy
				Jeff Myers

Players & Countries:
	If all players agree, countries will be determined by preference lists
	submitted by the players (each country ranked from most preferred to
	least prefered); otherwise, countries determined by lot by the

	Players must submit a list of all the ways in which they are willing
	to be contacted by others in the game to the moderator before the
	initial diplomacy period.  You will want to list your electronic
	mail address(es), US Mail address(es), and phone number(s) with
	area code.  If you do not want to be accessible by US Mail or by
	telephone, don't supply that information.

Victory Conditions:
	Victory levels  determined by the number of supply centers controlled
	after n (say, 12) moves, or when all players agree to end the game.

Civil Disorder:
	If a player is compelled to drop out of a game and cannot find his
	or her own replacement, a replacement will
	be supplied from a list of alternates, if possible.  Otherwise the
	standard Civil Disorder rules will apply.  Players who need to drop
	out are encouraged to continue to receive the move results, even
	though they are no longer actively involved in the game.  This also
	goes for players playing an eliminated country.

	If you only need to miss one turn, the moderator will act as your
	temporary replacement for that turn.  You should submit general
	guidelines of behaivior for your country in such a case, but
	satisfaction is not guaranteed.  You should also notify the other
	players that the moderator is acting in your stead (the moderator
	will make the same notification).  You may also have a friend act
	in your stead for a single turn (excluding the player of another
	country), rather than the moderator.  In a turn in which the moderator
	is playing for an absent player, he or she should not look at any of
	the submitted moves before deciding on the absent player's move.

	Moves must be postmarked by midnight each Thursday.  Results will
	be mailed before midnight on Sundays, hopefully much before this.
	This may not leave alot of
	time for diplomacy for those far apart in usenet routings, but
	three months is a long time for a game to hang together, especially
	for the students in the crowd.

Writing Moves:
	The moderator will follow the rules faithfully, especially with
	regard to ambiguous orders; make them as complete as possible.

	Retreats and Builds/Teardowns are a problem in a pbm game if you
	want to get a fair number of moves in.  This problem will be
	resolved by forcing the players to submit these actions with
	their moves.

	For all units which might be forced to retreat in a turn, you should
	specify whether that unit should be retreated or disbanded.  If you
	would like it to be retreated, supply a prioritized list of
	provinces.  Where multiple retreats are possible, you may want to
	include alot of ifs, ands, and buts.  If no retreat action is
	specified for a unit, it will perform the action which the moderator
	considers "most logical".

	Similarly, if there is a possibility that you will lose units after
	a Fall turn, you should specify somehow which unit or units to
	disband.  If you might gain units, you should specify what to do
	for only one build, for two builds, etc.  As with retreats, you may
	qualify your orders however you wish.  If no action is specified for
	a particular circumstance, the moderator will again act for you.

   {Game can be slowed by allowing builds/teardowns to be mailed in}
   {Game can be really slowed by allowing mailin of retreats, too}
   {Is there a better way to handle this anyone has seen or used?}

	Diplomacy can go on at any time.  Remember that you
	can communicate with other players separately, in small groups,
	or via broadcast messages.  The moderator can be used as an
	intermediary in negotiations, help broadcast communiques, act
	as a random number generator, etc.

The Usenet:
	During Diplomacy, usenet foulups can enhance the flavor of the
	game by simulating the "fog of war" :-}.  However, the problem is
	more serious when you are trying to get moves to the moderator, or
	get results out to the players.  The moderator will immediately
	acknowledge all mail -- you should immediately acknowledge the
	receipt of move results or other important communications.
	You may also wish to use different paths, or mailings at different
	times of day.
    {Suggestions on improving certainty of receipt especially encouraged!}