[net.games.pbm] Dippy Spring 01 moves, reposted...

myers@uwmacc.UUCP (Jeff Myers) (02/06/85)

A for Army, F for Fleet, (SC) for South Coast, (NC) for North Coast.
Failed moves are in [], final postions are in CAPS.

Builds:		None.

Spring, 1901 Moves --

England:	F edinburgh-NORWEGIAN SEA, F london-NORTH SEA,
		A liverpool-EDINBURGH
Germany:	A munich-RUHR, F kiel-HOLLAND, A berlin-KIEL
Russia:		F st. petersburg(sc)-GULF OF BOTHNIA, F sevastopol-BLACK SEA,
		A warsaw-SILESIA, A moscow-UKRAINE
Turkey:		A constantinople-BULGARIA, A SMYRNA holds,
Austria-Hun.:	F trieste-ALBANIA, A vienna-GALICIA, A budapest-SERBIA
Italy:		A venice-TRIESTE, A rome-VENICE, F naples-IONIAN SEA
France:		F brest-MIDATLANTIC OCEAN, A paris-GASCONY, A marseilles-SPAIN

Next move should be mailed by 02/14/85.

david@fisher.UUCP (David Rubin) (02/11/85)

Oh, goody!  Thanks for sharing the results of your moves.  Now we
kibbitzers can go to work, making it doubly difficult to keep a

Spring, 1901 Moves --

England:	F edinburgh-NORWEGIAN SEA, F london-NORTH SEA,
		A liverpool-EDINBURGH

Standard stuff, though it shows an admirable trust in French

Germany:	A munich-RUHR, F kiel-HOLLAND, A berlin-KIEL

Attempting to maximize the probability of gaining three centers in the
first year.  Too bad the Germans failed to convince the Russians that
the fleet was headed for Denmark, thus making Russian occupation of
Sweden contingent upon Russian behavior.  I like this move for Germany
in the first year, but I would never admit to ANYONE that the fleet
was NOT heading for Denmark.

Russia:		F st. petersburg(sc)-GULF OF BOTHNIA, F sevastopol-BLACK SEA,
		A warsaw-SILESIA, A moscow-UKRAINE

Oooh, nasty!  However, it lacks real oomph unless England is in on the
stab.  With English disinterest, the Germans can allow Tsarist forces
to take a supply center, still build two, and kick them out in Spring '02.

Turkey:		A constantinople-BULGARIA, A SMYRNA holds,

Shows an unusual trust in the Tsar, and a healthy desire to do unto
the Hapsburgs before they do unto him.

Austria-Hun.:	F trieste-ALBANIA, A vienna-GALICIA, A budapest-SERBIA

Austria assumed that Italy would not be so unwise as to aid the
Russo-Turkish steamroller apparently headed for the center of Europe.
Austria was wrong, but will probably get the satisfaction of telling
the Italians that they had told them so....

Italy:		A venice-TRIESTE, A rome-VENICE, F naples-IONIAN SEA

Italy relies upon the kindness of strangers and Eastern autocrats.

France:		F brest-MIDATLANTIC OCEAN, A paris-GASCONY, A marseilles-SPAIN

France plays a waiting game.  Not a bad idea at all, considering the
quickness with which war has started in the north and the south.

CONCLUSION:  England seems likely to do very well, as Russo-German
hostility guarantees competitive bidding for her services.  France is
solid, and her offensive prospects will develop of their own accord
over the next few moves.  Germany is caught by surprise, but her
position is still fair and her future rests upon the next year's
negotiations with the Western Powers.  Russia and Turkey came out
gunning for the Central Powers and hold a strong initiative.  Austria
is in terrible shape.  Italy, even with two builds, is almost as badly
off, as it seems likely she will be caught between powerful Eastern
and Western alliances; if she can't split Russia and Turkey, she is
assuredly doomed. 

Sharp play all around, except Germany MAY have erred in not mentioning
"Sweden" frequently enough, and Italy most probably has committed a
major strategic blunder.

					David Rubin