myers@uwmacc.UUCP (Jeff Myers) (03/11/85)
A for Army, F for Fleet, (SC) for South Coast, (NC) for North Coast. Failed moves are in [], final postions are in CAPS. Fall, 1902 Moves -- England: [F IRISH SEA-liverpool], [A norway holds], F north sea-HOLLAND, F norwegian sea-NORTH SEA Germany: [A MUNICH-burgandy], A kiel-DENMARK, [A BURGUNDY-paris], F HELGOLAND BIGHT supports a kiel-denmark Russia: F BULGARIA supports f black sea-constantinople, F black sea-CONSTANTINOPLE, [F SWEDEN-denmark], A ST. PETERSBURG supports f barents sea-norway,, A ruhr-BELGIUM, [A RUMANIA-budapest], F barents sea-NORWAY, Turkey: Permanent Civil Disorder, F SMYRNA holds, A ANKARA holds, [F constantinople holds] Austria-Hun.: Permanent Civil Disorder, [A serbia holds], A GALICIA holds Italy: F TYRHENNIAN SEA holds, F ionian sea-GREECE, A TYROLIA holds, [A VENICE-trieste], [A BUDAPEST supports a triest-serbia], [A TRIESTE-serbia] France: F brest-ENGLISH CHANNEL, [A GASCONY-paris], A portugal-SPAIN, F spain(sc)-MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN, [F NORTH-ATLANTIC OCEAN-liverpool] Disbands: F Constantinople, A Norway Builds: Turkey, none; Austria, loses one; Italy, builds two; Germany, none; France, none; England, builds one; Russia, builds three Next move should be mailed by 03/17/85.
david@fisher.UUCP (David Rubin) (03/15/85)
> Fall, 1902 Moves -- > England: [F IRISH SEA-liverpool], [A norway holds], > F north sea-HOLLAND, F norwegian sea-NORTH SEA I don't know how much was due to devious planning and how much was due to luck, but England wins one by having the Russians eliminate the Norwegian Army. This, combined with the lack of Dutch defense (England anticipated the Danish conflict) allows England a build at home. With Russia perhaps sated in the North, the anti-English attack may now sputter. > Germany: [A MUNICH-burgandy], A kiel-DENMARK, > [A BURGUNDY-paris], F HELGOLAND BIGHT supports a kiel-denmark Silly; while under attack by England and threatened with Russian encirclement, Germany goes for the gusto--a stab of his only friend in the world. Had the stab succeeded, greater gains would have been accrued by England (end of French attack) and Russia (shifting of Western forces to the French theater) than Germany. > Russia: F BULGARIA supports f black sea-constantinople, > F black sea-CONSTANTINOPLE, [F SWEDEN-denmark], > A ST. PETERSBURG supports f barents sea-norway,, > A ruhr-BELGIUM, [A RUMANIA-budapest], F barents sea-NORWAY, Bravo! Tactically, the moves are not that spectacular (but they are businesslike). Diplomatically, it is apparent that the Russians have done quite a job in the west. England is attacking Germany, Germany is attacking France, France is attacking England, Austria and Turkey have both packed it in, and new Russian armies can reach the Balkans more quickly than Italian ones. > Turkey: Permanent Civil Disorder, F SMYRNA holds, > A ANKARA holds, [F constantinople holds] > Austria-Hun.: Permanent Civil Disorder, [A serbia holds], A GALICIA holds How unsporting it is to quit---and how it rewards those who attacked you. Does revenge hold no attractions? By the way, A Ser Holds succeeds (the Russians thwarted the Italian attack). > Italy: F TYRHENNIAN SEA holds, F ionian sea-GREECE, A TYROLIA holds, > [A VENICE-trieste], [A BUDAPEST supports a triest-serbia], > [A TRIESTE-serbia] Am I missing something? Why not A Tyl -> Vie? > France: F brest-ENGLISH CHANNEL, [A GASCONY-paris], A portugal-SPAIN, > F spain(sc)-MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN, > [F NORTH-ATLANTIC OCEAN-liverpool] France is now ready to convoy to Britain. Too bad the Germans cannot be trusted...the most consistent of the Western powers inhabits a region which appears little better than an insane asylum. > Disbands: F Constantinople, A Norway > Builds: Turkey, none; Austria, loses one; Italy, builds two; > Germany, none; France, none; England, builds one; > Russia, builds three Summary: the chaos in the West would not be serious detriment to the three powers involved, except that the overly rapid demise of Austria and Turkey has launched Russia into superpower status, and has done nearly as much for Italy. Should both Russia and Italy move against the West, the three powers there would be unable to establish any firm defensive line. However, Russia would likely gain far more from such an alliance than Italy. Italy apparently recognizes this, as the Italians have scrupulously maintained their distance from the French. Thus, if the situation in the West soon settles, Italy, Russia, and the combined forces of the victorious Western alliance would emerge on approximately equal footing; if not, the Russians will be free to batter the Italians in the Balkans (slowly but surely) and emerge as the predominant (if not the winning) power in the game. Thus: Power: Immediate Strategic Goal: Russia Continued Western Pandemonium Italy Emergence of SOME Western alliance (France and EITHER Germany or England; an Anglo-German alliance will move its forces AWAY from Russia) France Same as Italy(!) England End of French Attack Germany Removal of Anglo-Russian forces from the immediate neighborhood Now, it may just be someone who is playing will disagree. Ok, surprise me... David Rubin {allegra|astrovax|princeton}!fisher!david