[net.games.pbm] Athron Advocate, Vol. 1, Issue 3

bae@fisher.UUCP (Shiva the Destroyer) (04/15/85)

Volume 1, Issue 3		Athron Advocate					May 9, 868 A.T.


Table of Contents
Spectacular Battle Above Athron!
Psionics Guild Destroyed!
Classified Ads


	Last night, around 12:30am, lightning flashes were seen at an altitude
of ~10000 feet above the center of town.  Moments later, a large explosion
lit up the night sky for miles around.  Three minutes after this explosion 
took place,  an unarmoured human, riding on a heavily armoured dwarf, crashed
through the roof and the second story of the Storm Inn, coming to rest on the
floor of the main tavern room.  The human, a follower of Donblas by the
name of Branth, got up out of the wreckage, staggered over to the bar, and
began drinking heavily.  The dwarf did not get up.  Ten minutes after Branth
had arrived in the Inn, several other individuals came into the Inn, sat
down next to him, and began drinking heavily.  One of the individuals was
the Baron Kilgrade.  The proprietors of the Storm did not seem overly 
concerned by the strange manner by which their new customers had entered the
premises,  although the Bard Calinor, one of the owners, began wheedling the
group's story out of them, plying them with drinks all the while.

	Our reporter went up to the group, after they were deep in their cups, and
asked them to relate their story.  Here is the text of the Advocate's exclusive
interview with this rather eclectic group:

	Advocate:  What happened?

	Ilmar (evidently the party's ranger):  Huh? Who are (hic!) you?

	Advocate: A reporter from the Advocate.  The public has a right to know!

	Ilmar: Yeah, right.  Whaz it worth to ya?

	Advocate:  I'll buy you all a round of drinks.

	The Party:  RIGHT!  We'll tell ya anything ya wanna know!

	Ilmar: Yeh.  We had just finished an expedition into this den of evil.
		You know, the classic skull-carved-into-the-cliff, full-of-undead
		sort of place.  Nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal day's
		work.  Anyway, we withdrew from the installation, after having 
		sustained considerable damage during our exploration of the place.
		We retreated to our campsite, ~3 miles from the entrance to the
		place, and began to rest up, preparing to go forth again the
		next day.  Me and the hobbit druidess here took the first watch.

		I was patrolling the perimeter, when this big foul bird swooped down
		out of the sky, and grabbed trhe body of the Baron Kilgrade here.
		The Baron had been rendered comatose by something in a room in the
		fortress, and we had not yet figured out how to revive him.  Anyway,
		I woke the boys up, and Garin (the mighty paladin of Donblas) and
		I decided to go back to the evil fortress and wait for the bird to 
		arrive there, since when I last saw it it was flying back in the 
		direction of the fortress.  Tim the MU took us there etherially, and
		then went back to guard the encampment.

		After we had been waiting for the bird for 10 minutes, I noticed
		evidence that a large force had passed out of the gates of the
		skull-fortress roughly an hour or so before we had arrived.  Garin
		and I decided to wing it back to the party, to warn them.  We
		flew towards our encampment for a while, then noticed that the
		tracks indicated that the enemy force was probably quite near our
		encampment by this time.  We decided to teleport back, using Garin's
		sword, in order to warn the party.

		We arrived just in time to see a large number of undead, mostly
		skeletons and zombies, surrounding our party.  We flew down
		from the sky (we had been flying when we teleported), and organized
		our resistance.  Tim and Phred, the party's two MU's, flew up to
		recon.  They were jumped by a group of wraiths.
	Tim: Don't forget the Ogre Magi!

	Ilmar:  Oh yeah, there were some Ogre Magi flying around as well.  All we
		people on the ground saw was a bunch of lightning as Tim and Phred
		fought their way free.

	Tim: and I lost two levels!

	Ilmar: Them's the breaks.  Anyway, Garin and I flew over the enemy skirmish
		line at what we estimated was their weak point.  At the same time, 
		Branth, the hang-gliding illusionist here, zorched the area with a 
		fireball.  We thought we were about to break free, for there were only a
		few creatures left standing, but 6 demons chose to arrive around Garin
		and me, charming me, killing Garin, and taking his body and sword.  The
		demons and I (I was charmed now) then charged the party.  Our cleric
		Uzi was destroyed by having a flaming crack open up in the earth 
		underneath his feet. 

	Branth: Seeing this happening, I put up a wall of fire around the few of
		us that were left on the ground:  Gareth the Dwarven fighter (the 
		hang-glider I used to enter the bar), Cullen the thief, and myself.
		I left a small opening in the wall, so Gareth the mighty could kill
		the nasty demons.  

	Tim:  I had conjured two air elementals by now, one to carry Phred, and
		one to attack the demons.

	Branth:  At this moment, Ilmar, who was charmed, a shadow, and a demon
		walked through the wall, and killed Gareth.  We decided to flee.

	Halo:  I flew up, carrying Branth, and Gareth.  Phred picked up Cullen.
		As we were making our getaway, a blade-barrier hit us all.

	Tim:  This disrupted my concentration, so the elementals were freed,
		and attacked me.  I fled to the astral plane, where, unfortunately,
		the demons were waiting.

	Halo:  I went astral as well, and was also attacked by demons.

	Phred: Well, as my elemental dropped me and Cullen, I polymorphed us into
		small beetles, and we burrowed into the ground, hoping not to be 

	Tim: I fled to the skies over Athron, hoping to get to a place of safety.
		At that moment, I got hit by 3 cones of cold, and was surrounded by
		several demons.  I also was hit by a disintegration blast which 
		destroyed all of my thinbgs except for my staff.  Since I was out of
		spells, and about to be killed, I broke my staff of the magi, doing 
		a retributive strike, killing some of the demons.  I was luckily sent 
		back to the astral plane,  where the Baron here found me 15 minutes

	Halo: While this was going on, I was flying down, hoping to get to a temple.
		A fiery crack opened in the sky in front of me, destroying my body
		and equipment.  Fortunately, my soul escaped, and was resurrected.

	Branth:  Unfortunately,  Halo had been providing us with our means of
		flying.  Here I was, holding onto Gareth the dead dwarf, at an
		altitude of 10000 feet.  I had no spells, and no useful magic items.
		So - I hang-glided down on the dwarf, hit a heal-stone as I crashed
		through the roof of the Storm Inn, and started drinking.

	Aebil: The whole thing is my fault really.  I (the hobbit druidess) was
		on guard duty with the ranger.  I thought that I'd fly back to the
		dungeon and check things out, because I was sure that we had almost
		finished off the evil vampire cleric-mage who was running the place.
		When I arrived at the place where the Baron had bit it, I figured out
		how to restore him to functionality, flew back to the party, and
		picked up the body, so I could bring back Artagon (the Baron Artagon
		Matsushi von Kilgrade).  Thus, I was the large bird swooping down that
		Ilmar saw.  I just forgot to tell him what I was doing, and he 
		overreacted.  Ooops.  Anyway,  Artagon and I reaved the dungeon, and
		returned to the campsite, only to see Ilmar surrounded by demons.  I
		rescued Ilmar, and Artagon picked up the two polymorphed party members,
		and we went into town.  Artagon also went and retrieved Tim from the
		astral plane.  Sorry guys.

	Advocate:  Why were you all fighting demons?

	Tim: Well, we had offended this other evil cleric.  Remember the article
		on the group exploring the north you published a while ago?  Well,
		that was us.  The cleric who owned the church we destroyed had
		evidently been following us for some time, waiting for revenge.  When
		he saw us weak and wounded from a day's adventuring, and then
		attacked by the forces of the vampire, he chose to hit us then.  Urrr!

	Advocate:  So, are you planning any otgher dramatic entrances into town?

	Tim: No!  I think we'll just rest up here for a while, perhaps open up
		a small shop.  We have been out adventuring for months, and have 
		absolutely nothing to show for it!  Perhaps we'll do better here.

	Advocate: Well, good luck to you all.


	In the early morning hours today,  a concentrated strike force of
unknown composition penetrated into the Psionics Guild headquarters on
Dragon Isle.  All top guild officials are missing, and presumed dead.
All members of the guild who were on Dragon Isle are dead, or missing
and presumed dead.  

	At 9:00am this morning, the Dragon Emperor announced this tragedy
to the public.  He promised that the villins would be tracked down, but
offered no information as to who they might be. 

	In addition, the Dragon Emperor also chose this time to announce
a repeal of the Second Dragon Edict, which prevented discrimination
against and persecution of psionics.

	Tha Advocate feels that this action was carried out by our arch-foes,
the mind-flayers.  We have no explanation why the Emperor did not mention
the mind-flayers in his speach, nor why he repealed the Second Dragon Edict.


Do you have what seems to be an unsoluable difficulty?  Is your path
to advancement blocked due to circumstances beyond your control?

Rejoice!  There IS a solution.

Expediators Unlimited prides itself on being able to ease the solution
of any particularly knotty problem,  through the use of innovative
and unorthodox techniques.

If you have a problem, we have a solution.

Contact us at P.O. BOX #4
Discretion is assured.


Reliable Information Bought and Sold

If you have a question, of any nature, we can answer it for a price.
All information is warranted to be correct, to the best of our

Best Rates in Town
If you can't afford our rates, we can surely work out some compromise

Contact Information Unlimited, P.O. BOX #2

The House of Kilgrade Wants YOU!

The House of Kilgrade wishes to apologize for any delays in responding
to previous replies.  The House had some slight difficulties with some
of its employees, which have now been resolved.

The House of Kilgrade is still looking for men and women to
join in its expansion in the Athron area.  Good working
conditions, good pay, good fringe benefits.  We currently have
openings for fighters, magicians, rangers, and other professions.

The House of Kilgrade is an Equal-Opportunity Employer.  

please reply to P.O. BOX #6


Job opportunities exist in the exciting field of investment banking!

Bank of Kilgrade
please reply to P.O. BOX #6

Expedition Consultants offers the finest in travel guidance services.  

If you are journeying through the Wilderness, one of our experienced
guides provides the extra edge you need to succeed in your travels.

Our rates are low: 200 G.P. / day, plus 3/5 of an equal share of 
all valuables acquired.  

Group rates can be arranged.  

Special Services available upon request.

Three underground defense fortifications have been mapped and located!
We can take you, and your party, to these exciting tourist spots, for
a price, and a cut...

Contact Expedition Consultants, at P.O. BOX #5

Dorien's Magic Shoppe and Expeditionary Emporium

	We offer the finest selection in magic items available.  Anything
we don't have in stock, can be special-ordered, and delivered anywhere
you require.  All forms of hard-to-find expeditionary impedimentia are
also available at our fine store.  We have had hundreds of years experience
fulfilling the function of expedition outfitter, and believe that you will
find our personal service and experience without peer in the realm.

	1/2 price - wand and staff recharging

FREE: The Great Mage's new anti-psionic spell
	Bring your spell book by - we'll write it onto a blank page while
	you wait.

Drop by our store, or reply to the address below for private consultation 
or special orders.

Dorien's, P.O. Box #13


The Reagency of Athron is willing to pay for information concerning the 
territories to the west of the immediate vicinity of the city.  Maps
and expedition logs, if verified, will be purchased from adventuring
parties for reasonable sums.

Contact: The Reagency of Athron, P.O. Box #1


                    Brian A. Ehrmantraut

					Ad Maioram Gloriam Hasturi!

UUCP:   {allegra, astrovax, princeton, twg} !fisher!bae
BELL:   (609) 452-8991 / (609) 734-7761
USnail: 184 Little Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544