bad@npoiv.UUCP (Bruce Dautrich) (04/17/85)
Players & Countries: Countries will be determined by preference lists submitted by the players (each country ranked from most preferred to least prefered); with conflicts settled by lot by the moderator. Players must submit a list of all the ways in which they are willing to be contacted by others in the game to the moderator before the initial diplomacy period. You will want to list your electronic mail address(es), US Mail address(es), and phone number(s) with area code. If you do not want to be accessible by US Mail or by telephone, don't supply that information. Victory Conditions: Victory levels determined by the number of supply centers controlled after 20 moves, or when all players agree to end the game. Civil Disorder: If a player is compelled to drop out of a game and cannot find his or her own replacement, a replacement will be supplied from a list of alternates, if possible. Otherwise the standard Civil Disorder rules will apply. Players who need to drop out are encouraged to continue to receive the move results, even though they are no longer actively involved in the game. This also goes for players playing an eliminated country. If you only need to miss any turns, you may have a friend act in your stead for those turns (excluding the player of another country). If you miss a turn, a call will be put out for an alternate to take your place; if you then miss the next turn, the alternates move will apply, and you'll be out of the game. Deadlines: Moves must be postmarked by midnight each Thursday. Results will be mailed before midnight on Sundays, hopefully much before this. This may not leave alot of time for diplomacy for those far apart in usenet routings, but three months is a long time for a game to hang together, especially for the students in the crowd. Builds and retreats must be postmarked by midnight Wednesday after the move results are out. These will be displayed as soon as I have them all or by Friday midnight which every is earlier. The order for retreat preference will be in the order that I recieve them. If I do not recieve a retreat order by the alloted time I will disband the unit. If I do not recieve a build order you will lose the build. The next move will be due the following Thursday. Thus we will religiously have moves every two weeks. Writing Moves: The moderator will follow the rules faithfully, especially with regard to ambiguous orders; make them as complete as possible. For those of you who don't understand this please see the examples. Examples: Vienna to Bohemia (Invalid Move) Army Vienna to Bohemia (Valid Move) Army Vienna Supports Bohemia (Invalid Move) Army Vienna Supports Army Bohemia (Valid Move) [Russia has Army in Galicia] Army Vienna Supports Army Galicia (Invalid Move) Army Vienna Supports RUSSIAN Army Galicia (Valid Move) *Note this may seem picky but it has to be completly specific in order for the move to be valid. Also I will allow the use of the standard abreviations as outline in the Diplomacy Rules. Diplomacy: Diplomacy can go on at any time. Remember that you can communicate with other players separately, in small groups, or via broadcast messages. The moderator can be used to help *broadcast* communiques, or act as a random number generator :-). The moderator will not become actively involved in the game in any other manner. Since the moderator is not actively involved in the game, it would greatly increase his or her enjoyment of the game if all diplomatic messages are carbon copied to the moderator. Espionage: The rules about espionage have been suspended for the play by mail game. I don't want anyone trying to do strange things with mail, and I also want to allow more than one person on a single machine to play if they request it. Status: I have six players at this moment. As soon as I have 7 we will start. The names of the people I have recieved so far are: Dave Peak Rob Mitchell Kim Austin & Jay Cross Rich Soyack David Corbin David Webster Please start sending in country preference lists. P.S. Could David Webster please send me the path he used to get to me.