[net.games.pbm] Diplomacy Map

bad@npoiv.UUCP (Bruce Dautrich) (04/22/85)

.......x   x...........x           +     Fin       *
..NAt..xClyxxxxxxxxxxxxx       *********xxxxxxxxxxxx
.......x       *   x...x       *       x...........x           StP  @
.......*********Edix...x Nwy @ *       x....Bot....x
.......x   +    @  x...x       * Swe @ x...........x
xxxxxxxx   +********...x       *       xxxxxxxxxxxxx
...x...xLiv+       x...x       *       x.......x   *
...x...x @ +Yor*****...xxxxxxxxxxxxx   x.......x   *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
...xIrix   +   *   xNthx....Ska....x   x.......x   +
...x...*****++++   x...xxxxxxxxxxxx*****.......xLiv+           Mos  @
...x...x       *Lonx...x               x..Bal..x   +
...xxxxxWal***** @ x...xxxxxxxxx Den @ x.......x   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
...x...x   *       x...x.......x       x.......x   +       +       +
...xEngxxxxxxxxxxxxx...x..Hel..x*******x.......x***+       +       +
...x...........x.......x.......x       x.......x   +       +       +
...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       xxxxxxxxx   + War @ +       +
...x   *   *       *   Hol @   * Kie @ *       *Pru+       +  Ukr  +
...x   *   * Bel @ *++++++++****       * Ber @ *   +       +       +
...x   *Pic*       +       +           *       *   +       +       +
...xBre*   ****+++++  Ruh  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++       +   Sev @
...x @ *       +   +       +               +    Sil    +   +       +
...x   +++++++++   +++++++++    Mun @      +++++++++++++Gal+++++++++
...x   +       +   +                       +       +       +       *
...x**** Par @ +Bur+^^^+++++++++++++++++++++  Boh  +++++++++       *
...x   +       +   ^^^^^        Tyr        +       +   +   +       *
...x   +++++++++   ^^^^^++++++++++++++++   +++++++++   +   +       *
MidxGas+           ^^^^^   +           +   +   Vie @   +Bud+ Rum @ *
...x   ++++++++++++*^^^^Pie+   Ven @   +++++++++++++++++ @ +       *xxxxxxx****
...x   +   Mar @   *       +           *      Tri @    +   +       x.......x
...*********xxxxxxx*xxxx****++++++++   *xxxxxxx****+++++++++       x.......x
...x       x...........x       *   +   x.......x   +       +       x..Bla..x
...*****   x...........x  Tus  *   *****.......x   +       *********.......x
...x   *   x...........x       *Rom+   x..Adr..x   + Ser @ +       x.......x
...x   *Spax...........xxxxxxxx* @ +   x.......xAlb+++++   +       *xxx*xxx*
...x   * @ x....Lyo....x.......x   +   x.......x       +   + Bul @ *   *   *
...xPor*   x...........x.......*****   xxxxxxxxx       +   +       *   *   *Arm
...x @ *   x...........x.......x   *Apux.......x       +   +       *Con*Ank*
...x   *   x...........x.......x   *   x.......*********++++***xxxx* @ * @ *
...x   *   x...........x..Tyr..xNap*   x.......x     Gre @     x...x   *   *
...xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.......x @ *   x.......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...x****++++
.......x...............x.......x   *   x..Ion..x........Aeg........x       +
.......x......Wes......x.......xxxx*xxxx.......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Smy @ +
.......x...............x.......x...............x...................x       +
.......x    NAf    *   Tun @   x...............x...................x    Syr

'.' represents water ways
' ' represents land masses
'x' represents a border that only fleets can cross
'+' represents a border that only armies can cross
'*' represents a border that both can cross
'^' represents impassible territory (Switzerland)
'@' represents a supply center