[net.games.pbm] Myers#1 Fall '05 Results...

myers@uwmacc.UUCP (Jeff Myers) (05/22/85)

A for Army, F for Fleet, (SC) for South Coast, (NC) for North Coast.
Failed moves are in [], final postions are in CAPS.

Fall, 1905 Moves --

England:	[F NORWAY S F barents sea-st. petersburg(nc)],
		[F SKAGERRAK-sweden],
		F baltic sea-DENMARK, [F BARENTS SEA-st. petersburg(nc)
Germany:	Permanent Subjugation
Russia:		[F constantinople S turkish F smyrna],
		[F ST. PETERSBURG(NC)-barents sea], [F BLACK SEA-rumania],
		A SILESIA S A munich, A WARSAW S A rumania-galicia,
		F denmark-KIEL, [F ANKARA-black sea], A kiel-RUHR,
		[A SWEDEN-norway], A BERLIN S F denmark-kiel,
		A rumania-GALICIA, [A munich holds]
Turkey:		Permanent Civil Disorder, [F smyrna holds]
Austria-Hun.:	Permanent Subjugation
Italy:		F EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN S F syria-smyrna,
		A TYROLIA S french A burgandy-munich,
		A BOHEMIA S french A burgandy-munich,
		F BULGARIA(SC) S F aegean-constantinople,
		A venice-TRIESTE, A BUDAPEST S A serbia-rumania,
		A serbia-RUMANIA, F syria-SMYRNA, F aegean sea-CONSTANTINOPLE
France:		A marseilles-BURGANDY, [A HOLLAND-kiel], A picardy-BELGIUM,
		F NORTH SEA S english f baltic sea-denmark,
		F NORWEGIAN SEA S F north sea, A burgandy-MUNICH

Disbands:	F Smyrna, F Constantinople, A Munich

Builds:		England +1, France +2, Italy +4 (only builds +3)
		Russia -2

Next move should be mailed by 5/27/85.

Note that there will be no Winter, 1905 turn.  Let's push the variant
as far as it will go.  Sorry for the inconvenience to those who favor
a purer form of Diplomacy.