[net.games.pbm] Keys of Bled

coka@ethz.UUCP (Cornel Kaufmann) (07/04/85)

I don't like Diplomacy  (I wonder if the line-eater gets this one)

Did you ever imagine what you'd do if you had to keep 200 people busy
in a completely unknown environment? I have got that problem right now.

A few weeks ago I joined "Keys of Bled". Some days later I was told:
"You WERE the captain of a interstellar colony ship....... 
Regaining consciousness you found yourself on a planets surface
uninjured, but with your ship totally destroyed (not a single screw
left of it). You found a total of 200 survivors.......
Livestock (enough for several month) and horses (20) survived the

What now? West of our location flows a huge river, eastwards it gets dry
and drier (probably a desert) and it's getting cold as winter is close.
Shelter and food (as well as some work) is needed, some weapons would
make me feel saver. Problem over problem - but a LOT of fun to make it
work nevertheless.

Is somebody out there with more knowledge about Bled ? I'd like to hear
from you. Do you know any other GOOD pbm-games (except Diplomacy) ?


you hear the cocatrice's hissing.
