carlton@masscomp.UUCP (Carlton Hommel) (07/20/85)
England: F liv->WAL, [F edi S A lon->yor] (3), [A lon->yor] (3) Russia: A SIL S GER A mun->boh, [A GAL->bud] (1), [A UKR->gal] (4), A rum->SER, A BUL S A rum->ser, A arm->SEV, F NTH C GER A bel->edi, F NWG S GER A bel->edi, F SKA S F nth, A den->SWE, F GOB H Austria: [F NAF->mid] (1), [F WES->spa] (1,5), F GOL S F wes->spa, [A PIE->mar] (1), [A TYR->mun] (1), [A VEN->tyr] (4), [A VIE->boh] (1), [A TRI->vie] (4), [A ser->bul] (3) France: [F MID->naf] (1), A POR S F spa (sc), [F SPA(sc) S A gas->mar] (2), A gas->MAR, A par->GAS Germany: A yor->LON, F ENG S A yor->lon, A bel->EDI, A mun->BOH, A BUR S FRE A gas->mar, [A ruh->MUN] (1) 1. Insufficient Support 2. Support Cut 3. Dislodged 4. Traffic Jam 5. Badly written. Watch those coastlines! Winter Adjustments: Total Russia: +1 +SER RUM CON ANK BUL SMY SWE STP MOS WAR SEV NWY 12 Austria: -1 -SER GRE TUN VEN NAP ROM VIE TRI BUD SER 8 Germany: +2 +EDI, +LON HOL BEL KIE BER MUN DEN 8 France: 0 POR SPA MAR PAR BRE 5 England: (-1) EDI, -LON LIV 1 --- Retreats: 34 Aus A Ser R Gre (ordered) Eng F Edi R Cly (default) Builds/Retreats: Rus B A War (default) Aus D A Ven (default) Ger B A Mun, A Ber (default) Eng D A Cly (default) Since it is now Saturday afternoon, retreat/builds are due Monday, 6:00PM. Commentary: The big news this season is the Russian stab of Austria, with support of and by Germany and France. Russia will be the big winner, because while Germany polishes off England, and French fleets keep the bulk of the Austrian units busy, seven white units will be marching on the Austrian homeland. With France and Germany finally at peace, Austria will be unable to force the southern flank - even if he were willing to, in the face of Russian attacks. Things look grim - will Austria be able to get those diplomatic wheels turning?