[net.games.pbm] Ace Mono Move #5

ekblaw@uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU (10/04/85)

It's that time again!

Synapsis of Move #4:

Wayne: rolled [5][4] and landed on Pennsylvannia Ave (please note the change).
	Paid Tom the $28 rent.
Bill: rolled [5][1] and landed on Marvin Gardens.  Bought it.
Evan: rolled [4][1] and landed on Luxury Tax.
Tom: rolled [4][4].  This had him pass GO!, so he collected $200.  He also 
	landed on Commnity Chest I.  The card said,"Doctor's Fee - Pay $50."
	He did.  He then rolled [4][2] and landed on Vermont Ave., paying
	Wayne $6 in rent.

Move #5:

Bill: rolls [6][1] and lands on Chance III.  The card says, "Go Back 3 Spaces."
	When he does, he lands on Community Chest III.  This card reads, "Pay
	Hospital $100."
Evan: rolls [5][4].  He passes GO!, collecting $200.  He lands on Chance I.  
	The card is a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.  He keeps it.
Tom: rolls [2][1] and lands on St. Charles Place.  It is unowned, so he buys it.
Wayne: rolls [5][1] and lands on GO!, collecting $200.


Bill:	Oriental Ave.	
	States Ave.
	Indiana Ave.
	Marvin Gardens.

Evan:	Electric Co.
	Tennessee Ave.
	Atlantic Ave.

Tom:	Connecticut Ave.
	St. Charles Place
	Ventnor Ave.
	Pennsylvannia Ave.

Wayne:	Vermont Ave.
	B&O RR.

Questions/Problems:  None immediately come to mind.  If anybody has a problem,
	question, or deal, let's hear about it.  If nothing major occurs, the
	next move will be out Tuesday or Wednesday.

Robert A. Ekblaw