[net.games.pbm] DIPLOMACY by ARPANET

squires@csd2.UUCP (Charles S Squires Jr) (10/09/85)

DIPLOMACY BY ARPANET!!! , (cross-listed on net.games,
=======================                    net.games.board,
                                       and net.games.pbm)

From response to my previous note, it seems as though there is interest
on the net for an ARPANET diplomacy game by electronic mail.  Mail and
messages tend to travel extremely fast on the arpanet, and most systems
on the net support fairly decent telconferencing capabilities.  This would
make a great environment for a play-by-mail diplomacy game. So...

I f    y o u    w o u l d    l i k e    t o    p a r t i c i p a t e   i n

a    g a m e    o f    D I P L O M A C Y   o n   t h e   A R P A N E T...

leave me electronic mail ASAP to:       squires@nyu-csd2.arpa
I'll moderate.  Once I get 7 players together, we're in business.
| Charles Squires, Rm 619 WWH,       |  ARPA:   squires@nyu-csd2.ARPA        |
| Courant Institute of Mathematical  |  UUCP:   ...cmcl2!csd2!squires        |
|    Sciences, New York University   |  CSNET:  squires@nyu-csd2@csnet-relay |
| 251 Mercer St, NY, NY, 10012       |                                       |