[net.games.pbm] ARPA-DIPLO: S1902 results

squires@csd2.UUCP (Charles S Squires Jr) (10/29/85)

*** ARPANET-DIPLOMACY NEWSLETTER ** Next move: FALL   1902 ***
(posted on net.games.pbm and sent to the players via e-mail)

Charles Squires	Gamesmaster	squires@nyu-csd2.ARPA

Charles Cooper	Aus/Hun		coopercc@ge-crd.ARPA
Terry Dougherty	France		fadoc@brl-tgr.ARPA
Jeff Hanes	Germany		jeffh@brl-vgr.ARPA
Lewis Jansen	England		lrj@lasspvax.ARPA
Kevin Knight	Russia		knight@harvard.ARPA
Daryll Strauss	Turkey		strauss@cmu-cs-gandalf.ARPA
Tom Tedrick	Italy		tedrick@ucbernie.ARPA

Results of Spring 1902 orders: ========================================

Austria:	A-Tyr-Ven		Succeeds
		F-Tri-S-A-Tyr-Ven	"
		F-Gre-Ion		Insufficient strength
		A-Ser-Gre		F-Gre did not move
		A-Bud-Ser		A-Ser did not move
England:	A-Nwy-Den		Succeeds
		F-Nth-C-A-Nwy-Den	"
		A-Lon-Wal		"
		F-Eng-HOLD		"
France:		F-Bre-Eng		Insufficient strength
		A-Par-Bre		F-Bre did not move
		F-Mar-Spa/S		Fails. Self-standoff with A-Spa
		A-Spa-Mar		Fails. Self-standoff with F-Mar
		(Please consult the rulebook secs. VIII, IX.3, IX.4)
		F-Por-MAO		Succeeds
Germany:	F-Kie-Bal		"
		F-Bel-S-ENG-A-Lon-Pic	A-Lon did not comply. Unit HOLDs.
		A-Ruh-Bur		Succeeds
		A-Mun-Sil		"
		A-Den-Swe		Fails.  Must retreat to Kie.
Italy:		A-Tun-Alb		Succeeds
		F-Ion-C-A-Tun-Alb	"
		F-Nap-Apu		"
		A-Ven-Tri		Fails.  Must retreat.
Russia:		F-Sev-Bla		Succeeds
		F-Rum-S-F-Sev-Bla	Support cut by A-Bul
		A-Ukr-Sev		Succeeds
		F-StP/N-Nwy		"
		F-Swe-S-ENG-A-Nwy-Den	"
		A-Fin-S-F-StP/N-Nwy	"
Turkey:		A-Bul-Rum		Fails.  Cuts support by F-Rum.
		A-Ank-Arm		Succeeds.
		F-Con-Ank		"
		F-Smy-Age		"

Retreats: =============================================================

Germany:	A-Den-RETREAT-Kie
Italy:		A-Ven-RETREAT-Rom

Announcements: ========================================================

	Fall 1902 orders and press releases are due by Friday, November
1, 1985 at 4 pm eastern time.  I may not be able to post the results
until Monday, but I've decided it's not fair to have a weekend deadline.
Also, I will not be able to respond to mail sent after Thursday afternoon
and before the deadline.  During this time, and over the weekend, I will
be in Rochester, NY, without access to my (or any) machine.
	Please anticipate builds when you make your Fall 1902 moves.
It would be best to submit a list of prioritized builds/adjustments
with your fall orders.  If your builds are not executable, or if you
do not submit them with the Fall moves, you will be contacted by
private e-mail and asked for build orders.  So take this into account
during the Fall 1902 diplomacy period as you will have little time or
information afterwards.
	If you copy me on some note that you sent or received, and you
do not label it as confidential, I will leak it to the press for the
next seasonal newsletter.  So... be careful of what you say to each other,
or you might end up reading it in next week's 'enquirer' ;-)

News from around the world: ===========================================

	In the second season of the Baltic War, Russia successfully took
the Black Sea, threatening the Turkish coastline.  Meanwhile, Turkish 
ground troops have take the land offensive moving into Albania.  Austrian
attacks on Turkey have not materialized due to Austria's other war, against
Italy.  Russia has proclaimed that its invasion of the Black Sea is of
great symbolic significance in that they are defeating the so-called
Pirates on the very seas on which the war broke out.

	France rejected English calls for a bilateral cease-fire and moved
naval forces to the Mid-Atlantic.  England has prepared for the possibility
of a future ground attack on the British Isles and a possible covoy to
France by moving Troops into Wales.

	Italy, previously seen as not having a clear policy, declared war
on Austria in response to her attacks on Turkey and her buildup along the
Venetian border.  The Italians made a successful landing in Albania;
however, Venice has fallen to the Austrian army.  It is not clear whether
Austria can expect to hold this Italian city.
	France has condemned the move by Austria and has stated that any
attack on Italian territory would be considered an attack on France.
Sources are quoted, however, as saying that there is no power behind the
French statements.  Italy has welcomed this gesture of Friendship.
	Italy's new leadership also claims that this the war with Austria 
is not an extension of the Balkan War, and has not declared war on Russia.
Likewise, Russia has not declared war on Italy.  For these reasons, as
well as a failure by Austria to take concrete action against Turkey, the
Russian/Austrian alliance is seen as weakening, and rumors have been
spreading that Austria and Turkey may negotiate a cease-fire.  Both
Vienna and Constantinople have denied this.  Russia has, however, publicly
condemned the Italian action.

	Previous peaceful, and still under a virtual news blackout, the
German military has sprung to life, moving into Burgundy and moving
against Russian position.  Germany's moves into Scandanavia have been
smashed by a the Russian-backed English troops; however, new troops
sent eastward are threatening Russia in the previously peaceful region
of Poland.  German armies in Silesia pose an ominous threat to Warsaw, a
city which has been left defenseless.  Warsaw is expected to come under
attack this fall.

	Russia has declared that it is sending assistance to England.
This report has been confirmed by the Parliament in London, which
expresses its appreciation.  Russian troops helped support England's
move into Denamark, in exchange for a firmer Russian hold on the
Scandanavian peninsula.  This announcement was accompanied by anti-
German statements calling the Germans liars.  For these reasons and
the rapid German advances to the east, experts expect war to break out
between Germany and Russia soon.  This new bridge in the geopolitical
gap between east and west only further increases the chances of the
local wars exploding into a continental world war with two strong

	The independent civilian government of Holland has claimed that
the major powers have conscripted soldiers from the occupied smaller
nations, forcing young men to go to war for the imperialist nations.
Says the Prime Minister of Holland, "Not one of the seven powers is
innocent of war crimes.  Their policies destroy the small nations, and
in the end, defeat the imperialists themselves, as paranoia and mistrust
spreads throughout a Europe embroiled in the conflict of wars...  wars
which can have no victors."

Current Positions: ====================================================

A/H	Eng	Fra	Ger	Ita	Rus	Tur
---	---	---	---	---	---	---
A-Ser	A-Den 	A-Par	A-Kie	A-Alb	A-Fin	A-Bul
A-Ven	F-Eng	A-Spa	A-Bur	A-Rom	A-Sev	A-Arm
F-Gre	F-Nort	F-MAO	F-Bel	F-Ion	F-Swe	F-Ank
F-Tri	A-Wal	F-Bre	F-Bal	F-Apu	F-Rum	F-Aeg
A-Bud		F-Mar	A-Sil		F-Bla

Existing Wars Between the Powers: =====================================

	BALKAN WAR - Declared Fall 1901 - Austria/Russia vs. Turkey.
	CHANNEL WAR - Declared Fall 1901 - England vs. France.
	ADRIATIC WAR - Declared Spring 1902 - Italy vs. Austria.

Current Supply Center Ownership: ======================================

Ctry	1901	1902	Cities
----	----	----	------
A/H	3	5	Vie, Bud, Tri, Gre, Ser
Eng	3	4	Lon, Liv, Edi, Nwy
Fra	3	5	Par, Mar, Bre, Por, Spa
Ger	3	5	Ber, Mun, Kie, Bel, Den
Ita	3	4	Rom, Ven, Nap, Tun
Rus	4	6	Mos, War, StP, Sev, Rum, Swe
Tur	3	4	Con, Smy, Ank, Bul

| Charles Squires, Rm 619 WWH,       |  ARPA:   squires@nyu-csd2.ARPA        |
| Courant Institute of Mathematical  |  UUCP:   ...cmcl2!csd2!squires        |
|    Sciences, New York University   |  CSNET:  squires@nyu-csd2@csnet-relay |
| 251 Mercer St, NY, NY, 10012       |                                       |