[net.games.pbm] Ace Mono PBM Move #18

ekblaw@uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU (12/17/85)

This is it!  The last move before Christmas!

Synapsis of Turn #17

Bill rolled [4][3] and landed on Vermont Avenue, paying $6 rent to Wayne.
Evan rolled [6][1] and landed on Ventnor Avenue, paying $22 rent to Tom.
Tom rolled [4][1] and landed on GO!, collecting $200.
Wayne rolled [6][1] and landed on Pennsylvannia RR, paying no rent to anybody
	as he owns it.

Turn #18

Evan rolls [3][2] and lands on North Carolina Avenue.  He pays $26 rent to Bill.
Tom rolls [3][3] and lands on Oriental Avenue.  He pays the $6 rent to Bill and
	rolls [6][2], landing on Virginia Avenue.  He again pays Bill, this 
	time $12.

Wayne rolls [5][4] and lands on Illinois Avenue.  He pays Evan the $20 rent.

Bill rolls [5][1] and lands on States Avenue.  He owns it.

Properties remaining unbought:
	Pacific Avenue
	Reading Railroad


Bill:	$491 cash
	Oriental Avenue
	States & Virginia Avenues
	Indiana Avenue
	Marvin Gardens
	North CArolina Avenue

Evan:	$925 cash
	Baltic Avenue
	Electric Company
	Tennessee Avenue
	Kentucky & Illinois Avenues
	Atlantic Avenue
	"Get Out of Jail Free" card

Tom:	$634 cash
	Connecticut Avenue
	St. Charles Place
	St. James Place
	Ventnor Avenue
	Pennsylvannia Avenue
	Short Line RR

Wayne:	$970 cash
	Mediterranean Avenue
	Vermont Avenue
	Pennsylvannia & B&O RRs
	New York Avenue
	Park Place

NOTE: This is the last move before Christmas.  Next one will be out January 10
	or so.  Have a happy holiday season!  Remember, don't drink and drive.
	I want to talk with all of you again in 1986.

Robert A. Ekblaw