[net.games.pbm] Monday Posting for 1/13/86

mark@mrstve.UUCP (Mark Smith) (01/13/86)

                 Q U E S T   f o r   t h e   E L F S W O R D

  /\         ||----------------------------------------------------\
  |||||||||||||  ---------------------------------------------------====---
  \/         ||----------------------------------------------------/
		    M O N D A Y   P O S T I N G   01/13/85

      Dungeon Gazette Headlines...

   The Realm is full of adventurers.  The king has banned all new adventurers
   from joining the quest until there is some vacancies.  He will post new ads
   from time to time as new openings arise.  Keep watching...

   Leif Sternson has done it again!!!   Joining forces with his co-adventurer,
   Eric the Red, Sternson sailed his exploration fleet to the edge of the world.
   This astonished scholars who until now, have always maintained that the world
   was round.  Sternson's amazing discovery has been a major break through in
   the studies of the evolution of the Realm.  Sternson was unavailable for 
   comment but his companion, Eric the Red told us in a brief interview,
   "We weren't really expecting to find anything.  Boy, were we surprised!!!"

		      Wanted: Passage off the Isle of Doom
			      See man in loincloth waving
			      on the south beach. REWARD
			      Desperate and getting BROKE.

		      Wanted: Rangers and other "good"
			      adventurers needed for major
			      quest.  Report to Eldarion
			      at Peradas immediately.

        Advertising Rates for Classified Ads:  2gp/week


       Nothing really new to say this week.  Mail problems seem to be licked.
       As for my rules on spells.  They apply to magic users only.  Clerics,
       Druids, and Paladins are run according to the Players Handbook.

       I personally am offering a 1000 x.p. reward per character for the first
       person or party to rescue Sam off the Isle of Doom.  When I placed him
       PLEASE remember to include you player and installment number with your
       mail.  Some of you are slipping and it slows me down considerably.
       long, so let's get that rescue party together!!!

       As you have probably gathered from previous postings and the Headlines,
       I am not accepting any new players at this time.  If you are reading  
       this and not currently active in the game, please keep watching.

       Please remember to include you player and installment number.  Some of
       you are slipping and it is slowing my replies down considerably.

       Several people have said that they didn't see the December Score Sheet
       last week so I am posting it today as well.

       PLAYER LIST  as of  01/13/85

       Character      Lv   Race       Class      Location     Status   Inst#
    Maol Chalium       1   Human      Cleric     11,26        J          3
    Wind               1   Elf        Thief      11,26        J          3
    Ali Wylen          1   Human      Cleric     3,21         I          2
    E.R. Wylen         1   Human      Ranger     3,21         I          1
    Eldarion           2   Half Elf   Ranger     26,4         J          2
    Doc                ?   Elf        Fighter    43,17        E          6
    Altar              1   Human      Paladin    3,5          J          2
    Luther             2   Elf        Ranger     64,9         J          5
    Elwood             2   Elf        Ranger     64,8         J,C        7
    Bronson            1   Human      Thief      3,12         I          3
    Flint              2   Human      Cleric     21,11        J          4
    Slick              2   Human      Monk       21,11        J          4
    Zinger             1   Halfling   Archer     43,17        E         11
    Odin               2   Human      Paladin    19,13        I          2
    Sam                1   Human      Samuri     65,19        Marooned   1
    Mintour            1   Dwarf      Cleric     24,30        I          2
    Kobol              2   Dwarf      Fighter    24,30        I          3
    Kenny (Gambler)    1   Human      Cleric     39,10        J          3
    Buzzard            2   Human      Assassin   3,21         I,C        4
    Thundarr           1   Human      Barbarian  20,21        C          2
    Gorto              2   Human      Fighter    15,8         C          4
    Despo              2   Dwarf      Fighter    31,13        C          4
    Skull              2   Dwarf      Fighter    31,13        C          4
    Shorty             1   Gnome      Thief      58,12        I          3
    Qualude            2   Human      Illusion   52,23        E          2
    Flite              2   Human      Magic User 52,21        J          2
    Milton             2   Human      Magic User 26,6         J          4
    Baltar             2   Human      Thief      3,21         I          3
    Kerman             1   Dwarf      Fighter    54,29        J          3
    Bo                 1   Dwarf      Fighter    54,29        J          3
    Micrathen          1   Half Elf   Magic User 52,23        E          3
    Benito (Beni)      2   Human      Druid      19,13        I          2
    Nightshade         2   Human      Fighter    11,26        I          1
    Chime              2   Human      Fighter    11,26        I          1
    Ganlon Irongrip    2   Dwarf      Fighter    3,21         Jailed     2
    Kerlinas the Agile 2   Halfling   Thief      3,21         Jailed     2
    Sayudel            2   Elf        Magic User 10,31        I          2
    Jugger...Naught    2   Half-Elf   Ranger     10,31        I          2
    Satar              2   Half-Elf   Druid      10,31        E          2
    Paragon...Cross    2   Human      Paladin    10,31        E          2
    Pnardic            2   Human      Ranger     52,23        E          2
    Skrin              2   Elf        Magic User 52,23        E          2
    Raven Darkshadow   2   Elf        Ranger     10,31        E          2
    Hawk               2   Elf        Archer     10,31        E          2
    Torr               2   Human      Magic User 3,21         I          2
    Farley             2   Human      Cleric     3,21         I          2
    Renwerth           1   Half-Elf   Druid      19,13        I          2
    Nyth               2   Human      Thief      52,23        I          2
    Corban Golobryn    1   Human      Paladin    19,13        I          1

         KEY for Status:
	    J = Journeying        C = Combat         D = In a Dungeon
	    I = In town           T = Training       O = Out of Commission
            E = Encounter       

	    Note:  Out of Commission refers to anything which prohibits
		   character activity other than death.  This could range
		   from unconsciousness to being paralyzed or turned to stone.

		   Combinations of the codes may be used.  If a character were
		   engaged in combat within city limits (which is against the
		   law in most cities by the way), his status would look like
		   (I,C).  Full words may also be used such as Marooned, Dead,
		   or M.I.A.

                   1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4    5    5    6    6
|  KEY   |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___^^^^^^^^^^^Foothills^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
|        |~~~~~~~~~~Blue Moon Bay~~~~~~~_____/\/\/\^^^^^^^^^of^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
| /\/\/\ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~______/\/E/\/\^^^^^^Cragsen^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
| ^^^^^^ 5__O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___________~~.................................|
|Foothill|""""_____~~~~~~~~~____________##~~........Plains of DarkElf.........|
| ...... |"""""""""""""~O_###############~........^^......................o...|
| Plains |""Taphos"""""~_##Cathedral####~......./\/\/\/\^^^^^^^/\/\^^..#######|
| ###### |"""Swamp""~~~_####Forest###~~~....../\/\/F/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\##O#####|
| Forest10""""""""""~##############~~__..^^^_~~/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\########~~~|
| """""" |""""""""""~~~~#########~~~##../\/\__~^^^^^^G^^^^^^^/\/\^^#####~~~~~~|
| Swamp  |""o""""""""""~~~~~~~~~~~...^/\/\/\___~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#O##~~~~~~~~|
| ______ |..""""""""........O....~~~~/\/o/\/\____~###########~#####~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Grass  |.........................../\/\/\/\____##~####H####~###~~~Azul~~~~~~|
| ~~~~~~15.........................../\/\/\/\____###~######~~####~~~~~Sea~~~~~|
| Water  |......Western Plains......./\/\/\^^_____o##~####~#######~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|   o    |.........................../\/\/\/\_______#~~##~######~~~~~~~~~~^^~~|
|Village |.........................../\/\/\/\_________#~~o###"""~~~~~~~~K^/\^~|
|   O    |........................../\/\D\/\___________##~""""""~~~~~~~~~^##^~|
| City  20.........................../\/\/\/\____________~""J""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|        |..O.....Ten...o.o.o.o....../\/\/\/\_____________~"""""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| 1 char |........Tribes.o.o.o.o..../\/\/\/\_______________~~~"""~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| = 5 mi |..................o.o...../\/\/\/\_______I_________O~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|        |........................../\/\/\/\____________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|       25........##########~~~~~~/\/\/\/\_________________________~~~~~~~~~~~|
|        |^^^#######o#####~~~~~~~~~/\/\/\/\__________O____________~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| ^      |^^^############~~~~~C~~~~/\/\/\/\__________________________~~~~~~~~~|
| | N    |^^^^############~~~~~~~~/\/\/\/\_____________________________~~~~~~~|
| |      |^^^^####A#########~~~~/\/\/\_______________________/\/\o\/\/\/\/\/\~|
|       30^^^^^################/\o\/\___________________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|        |^^^^^^###o##########___________________/\/\/\/\Southern Peaks/\/\/\/|
|        |^^^^^^^^^^######______________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|        |^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^__________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|

Cities  (O)                  Villages  (o)

3,5   Westpoint              3,12   Arkas
3,21  Valar                  10,31  Sunwood
15,7  Seahaven               11,26  Northshire
19,13 Peradas                Ten Tribes is Barbarian Clan which resides in the
44,26 Ashmire                Western Plains.  They never bothered to name their
52,23 Dark Odyssey           villages and they move about frequently.
58,12 Illmar                 24,30  Stoneridge
63,9  Eanor (Capital)        26,4   Moondale       48,18  Fairbourne
                             31,13  Rockpoint      56,29  Stoney Peak
			     41,16  Glendale       65,7   Ashwood

Unidentified Terrain Names            Rivers

   A. Silver Wood Forest              20,12  Rockcastle River      
   B. Foothills of Cavaran            48,19  White Elf River
   C. Dragon's Eye Lake          
   D. Cloudwall Mountains             Passes
   E. Hellfire Mountain        
   F. Granerek Mountains              30,31  Dwarfgate Pass
   G. Foothills of Granerek           35,10  Shadow Rock Pass
   H. Forbidden Forest                47,8   Peryton Pass
   I. White Elf Plains  
   J. Marsh of the Magic Mist       Other smaller name have been omitted, but 
   K. Isle of Doom                  they will be provided as needed...

    This ends the Monday Update for 01/13/86


  May the Quest for the ElfSword be
  your ultimate goal in life...
					  Mark Smith
         		GM          	  "The Software Wizard"