squires@csd2.UUCP (Charles S Squires Jr) (01/20/86)
*** SQUIRES-DIPLOMACY NEWSLETTER ** Next move: SPRING 1907 *** (posted on net.games.pbm and mailed to the following:) Charles Squires Gamesmaster squires@nyu-csd2.ARPA ----- Players: ----- Clark Cooper Aus/Hun coopercc@ge-crd.ARPA Terry Dougherty France fadoc@brl-tgr.ARPA Geoffrey Sauerborn Germany geoffs@brl-tgr.ARPA Lewis Jansen England lrj@lasspvax.ARPA Kevin Knight Russia knight@harvard.ARPA ----- Mailing list: ----- Jeff Hanes: jeffh@brl-vgr.ARPA Previous player for Germany Tom Tedrick: tedrick@ucbernie.ARPA Previous player for Italy Daryll Strauss: strauss@cmu-cs-gandalf.ARPA Previous player for Turkey Results of Fall 1906 orders: ========================================== Austria: A-Ven-Rom OK F-Ion-Tun Standoff against France A-Tri-Vie OK A-Tyr-S-A-Tri-Vie OK A-Ser-Bud OK A-Alb-Ser OK F-Gre-HOLD OK England: A-Swe-HOLD OK France: A-Edi-HOLD OK F-Bar-S-A-Yor-Nwy OK A-Yor-Nwy OK F-Nth-C-A-Yor-Nwy OK F-NAO-NwS OK A-Par-Pic OK A-Bur-HOLD OK F-TyS-Tun Standoff against Austria F-Nap-Ion Insufficient support Germany: A-Bel-Ruh OK A-GOB-Swe Insufficient support F-Bal-S-F-GOB-Swe OK A-Gal-War OK A-Pru-S-A-Gal-War OK A-Kie-HOLD OK Russia: F-Nwy-StP/N OK A-Fin-S-ENGLISH-A-Swe OK A-Mos-War Germany has greater support A-War-Sil OK A-Vie-Boh OK A-Rum-Ukr OK A-Bud-Rum OK F-Bla-Bul/E OK F-Con-S-F-Bla-Bul/E OK A-Smy-HOLD OK Turkey: (civil disorder) F-Age-HOLD OK Retreats and Disbands due to dislodgement: ============================ none Builds and Adjustments: =============================================== Austria: BUILD-F-Tri France: BUILD-F-Bre Germany: BUILD-A-Ber Russia: DISBAND-A-Smy DISBAND-F-StP Turkey: DISBAND-F-Smy Announcements: ======================================================== At this time, Turkey has been eliminated from the game. Please note the new mailing list and make necessary changes to your .mailrc files. Daryll will continue to receive the game results, unless he asks otherwise. Spring 1907 orders, along with press releases and potential retreats, are due Wednesday, January 22, 1986 at 7pm eastern standard time. I realize this period is slightly shorter than we've become accustomed to, but as fate has it, I may not be able to continue to GM the game after January 30, so I want to pick up the pace a little and see if we can get into 1908 before that time. I will keep you posted. If I can't continue to GM, I may be able to find an alternate. News from around Europe: ============================================== Headlines from the Fall of 1906: TURKISH FLEET IN AEGEAN SINKS. SULTAN REPORTED MISSING AS LAST TURKISH UNITS ARE SUBJUGATED BY RUSSIA. RUSSIA WINS BALTIC WAR. FRENCH UNITS ATTACK RUSSIANS IN SCANDANAVIA HEATING UP WAR OF WORDS. GERMANS ATTACK WARSAW IN 6-YEAR-OLD BALTIC WAR. RUSSIA TAKES BEATING ON NORTHERN FRONTS, BUT SENDS ARMIES INTO THE HEART OF GERMANY, BEHIND GERMAN FRONT LINES. BERLIN AND MUNICH WITHIN RANGE OF RUSSIAN TROOPS WHILE ST. PETERSBURG AND MOSCOW ARE WITHIN RANGE OF GERMAN TROOPS. LONE ENGLISH UNIT IN SWEDEN CONTINUES TO HOLD OUT DESPITE MASSIVE BOMBARDMENT FROM OFFSHORE GERMAN FLEETS. RUSSIA EVACUATES AUSTRIAN CITIES, APOLOGIZES FOR UNDECLARED INVASION. AUSTRIAN/FRENCH COOPERATION IN ALLEGED TRI-POWER ALLIANCE NOT EVIDENT AS AUSTRIAN AND FRENCH CONFLICT IN MEDITERRANEAN. ANALYSTS CALL AUSTRIANS "NOT STUPID" AS FRENCH ATTEMPTS TO RETAKE TUNIS AND ADVANCE FURTHER EAST INTO THE IONIAN ARE FOILED. AUSTRIANS RE-SECURE ROME. FRENCH UNITS CONTINUE TO FLOCK TO GERMAN BORDER, DESITE CLAIMS OF FRIENDSHIP ON BOTH SIDES. AUSTRIAN, FRENCH, AND GERMAN TROOP STRENGTHS EACH RISE 1 UNIT, WHILE RUSSIA DROPS 2 UNITS- THE FIRST DECLINE IN RUSSIA DURING THE 20th CENTURY. The following are press releases (also known as propaganda) from the governments of England, France, Germany, and Russia: ===== From Stockholm, English-occupied Sweden ===== The prime minister is reported to be in Moscow, having almost killed Mad Ludvig when he tried to crashland his blimp into parliment... ===== From Paris, France ===== TRI-POWER ALLIANCE General P.A. LaFayette in a meeting with the Tri-Power members, discussed the new economic and trade agreements with Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Tri- Power Alliance denounced the undeclared invasion of Russia into the Austrian homeland. Austrian Underground Freedom Fighters have reported numerous stories of Russian Imperialist troops murdering the men and boys of the captured cities after they have been forced to watch the Russians defile their young women and wives. It is reported that the Russian troops are looting and burning the countryside in an uncontrolled rampage. The Tri-Power Alliance condemns the Russian actions and fully supports the Austria-Hungary war against the Imperialist actions of Russia. PEACE REIGNS IN ENGLAND The Free French Democratic government returned control of all local matters to the King and Queen of England. The 7th Tours and the 1st Parisian French Armies will shortly be removed from England, returning all local police actions to the British local police. The French government has sent a delegation to the surrounded British army in Sweden and has offered terms of peace and safe conduct back to the British homeland. Those terms were accepted by the British General staff. In response French troops moved into Norway to assist the German's in transporting the British troops back home from Sweden. The French Cherboug, Brest and Normandy fleets have secured the Northern Seas and have guaranteed the safety of all international vessels. FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER AND `MAD LUDWICK` REPORTED SEEN In a copyright story from the New York Times, Paris reported today that the former British Prime Minister with his mistress were seen in the company of `Mad Ludwick` of Germany at the ever popular Sands Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was reported that both the former heads of state had transferred large sums of their national treasuries to secret Swiss bank accounts prior to their departure. Suits have been filed by both the new German government and the acting colonial government of Britian with the International World Court in an attempt to get the money returned to the rightful governments. FRANCE PREPARES SUPPORT TO GERMANY AND AUSTRIA FOR LONG WAR WITH RUSSIA The Free French Government is delaying an announcement of an "official declaration of war" with Russia. France still hopes that a peaceful solution can be worked out by all countries concerning the undeclared invasion by Russian Troops into Austria-Hungary and the attacks by Russian marauders against the German food distribution outposts within Galacia. France is continuing it's preparation for providing support to the Tri-Power Alliance partners in their Great War with Russia. French forces are being recalled from its victories in the British Isles for the war support in central and northern Europe. France has warned the Russian Czar that if a peaceful solution can not be found to the current hostilities, France will join in the undeclared war against Russia. The German and French fleets in a cooperative show of force threaten the Russia homeport of St. Petersburg and caused the Russian fleet in Norway to retreat back to St. Petersburg to defend the Russia homeland. The Marseilles and Monaco French fleets have moved into supporting positions in the Mediterranean Sea area and will provide assistance to the Austria fleets in their war against Russia. (Editor's note: the nature of such "support" of Austria is questionable in light of the Fall 1906 turn of events) FRANCE DENOUNCES CZAR`S COMMENTS The Free French Government dismissed the comments by the Russian Czar's concerning the state of French politics as the the ravings of a mad man. France is known as the birthplace of liberty, freedom and the democratic principle of government. France will continue to support any nation in its fight for freedom and justice. General P.A. LaFayette, called the Czar`s comments as "Saber Rattling by an Imperialistic Tyrant. The Red menace will be his own blood flowing from the effects of a French cannon ball as it cuts him off at the knees". ===== From Berlin, Germany ===== In a speech to his cabinet members Hanz Heimatstadt denounced the recent advance of Russian troops into the very heart of the Austo-Hungarian homeland. "This along with the Russian atrocities to the Hungarian people in the province of Galacia which were discovered by liberating German forces gives Germany a renewed resolve to end Russian imperialism and bring the Czar's unruly troops to trial!" Herr Heimatstadt went on to call upon rest of the world to join Germany in freeing eastern Europe from Russian police-statism and returning it to peace and freedom. "All peace loving people of the world must unite to insure that the light of freedom is not squashed in Eurasia. We call upon the Fins, Turks, Pols, and all nations who have found themselves engulfed by a gluttonous Russian bear. We even extend a hand of understanding to the betrayed English who, through Russian pressure, were dragged into a war with France against their will." In a jester of reconciliation to the British people, he even offered amnesty to all misguided English troops still in uniform. "They only need lay down their arms and they will receive safe escort from the German Navy back to England. There they will find a renewed air of democracy. A refreshing breath of freedom in a country that for so long was smothered under the tyranny of a royal heal." Of course the Chancellor was referring to the recent public elections held in liberated Britain. ===== From Moscow, Russia ===== MOSCOW, October 4, 1906. Today the Czar ordered all Russian troops to vacate the capitals of Austria and Hungary. Calling the incursion "inexcusable", the Czar returned all Austro-Hungarian lands and humbly requested a Pan-Slavic peace treaty with the Austrian rulers. In other news, the Czar warned the new German rulers to look beyond the immediate future. In order to make even the immediate future look a little less rosy, the Czar's troops were ordered to vacate Norway and enter German home territory. ===== End of press releases ===== Current Positions: ==================================================== A/H A/H Eng Fra Fra Ger Ger Rus Rus Armies Fleets Armies Armies Fleets Armies Fleets Armies Fleets ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ A-Ser F-Ion A-Swe A-Edi F-Bar A-War F-GOB A-Fin F-Con A-Bud F-Gre A-Nwy F-Nth A-Pru F-Bal A-Mos F-Bul/E A-Vie F-Tri A-Bur F-NwS A-Ber F-Kie A-Ukr A-Tyr A-Pic F-TyS A-Ruh A-Rum A-Rom F-Nap A-Sil F-Bre A-Boh Existing Wars Between the Powers: ===================================== BALTIC WAR - Declared Fall 1902 - England/Russia vs Germany. & England vs France/Germany. (undeclared attacks on Russian units by France, F1906) (undeclared Austrian/French skirmishes, F1906) Current Supply Center Ownership: ====================================== Ctry '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 Cities Owned ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------ A/H 3 5 5 6 6 7 8 Bud, Tri, Ven, Ser, Gre, Rom, Tun, Vie Eng 3 4 5 4 4 1 1 Swe Fra 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 Par, Mar, Bre, Por, Spa, Nap, Lon, Liv, Edi, Nwy Ger 3 5 5 6 5 6 7 Ber, Mun, Kie, Hol, Den, Bel, War Ita 3 4 5 2 1 - - - Rus 4 6 6 6 8 10 8 Mos, StP, Sev, Rum, Bul, Ank, Con, Smy Tur 3 4 3 3 2 1 - - /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Charles Squires, Rm 619 WWH, | ARPA: squires@nyu-csd2.ARPA | | Courant Institute of Mathematical | UUCP: ...cmcl2!csd2!squires | | Sciences, New York University | CSNET: squires@nyu-csd2@csnet-relay | | 251 Mercer St, NY, NY, 10012 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/