mark@mrstve.UUCP (Mark Smith) (01/20/86)
As I stated when I first posted the rules on spells, the rules would most likely change in time. Well that time has come and I'm sure all you spell using characters will be pleased with this system. These rules were donated by John Francis who was substantially reimbursed with x.p. So here are the new rules for spell aquisition, casting, etc. I am posting them separatly so Monday's Update can be read in one day. (:-) _______________________________________________________________________ /\ \ |O\ The Tome of Magical Instructions \ \| | | | | First, the campaign will now be using a "spell points" system to | | restrict the number of spells cast per day, rather than the book AD&D | | system of having a limit on the spells you can memorize. You can cast | | any spell that you know, but the higher level the spell the longer | | the casting time and the more spell points it costs you. The cost of | | casting a spell is 3 spell points per spell level if the casting is | | succesful, and 1 point/level if the spell casting fails. | | | | In the campaign (this is John's private modification) the damage that | | a spell does is NOT related to the level of the caster. A first-level | | magic user can only cast a first-level magic missile, and this only | | does 1D4+1 points of damage. A third level mage can also cast a | | magic missile spell. In AD&D this is still a first-level spell, but | | does 2D4+2 points of damage. Using this system the first-level spell | | (costing 3 spell points) only does 1D4+1 points of damage. To get | | the extra damage the spell must be cast as a second-level spell, | | with the associated extra cost in spell points and casting time. | | The chance of spell success is also related to the level of the | | spell being cast and to the level of the caster (and also to the | | particular spell being cast). | | | | Here are the basics of this new spell system: | | | | A Magic User has a certain number of spell points to start with, | | and gets more spell points each time he/she goes up a level. | | (We start with CON spell points, and go up by (CON+1d10)/2 per | | each level of experience. | | | | A spell costs 3 points per spell level to cast successfully, and | | one point per spell level if the casting fails. | | | | The percentage probability of a successful spell-casting goes | | up by 5% per level of the spell caster, and down by 10% per | | level at which the spell is being cast. | | A mage with a high INT has a bonus on his casting ability of 5% | | per INT point above 15. | | | | The base chance of a successful spell going off is 100% minus | | 10% per level of the spell. Thus, the base chance of casting a | | 1st level Magic Missile is 90%. This makes it progressivly | | harder to cast the higher level spells. (as it should be) | | | | Spell points are regenerated automatically during a nights sleep. | | Partial spell point regeneration occurs for a partial nights sleep| | as follows: Nothing for the first two hours, and then one third | | of the spell points per successive two-hour period. | | If the night is interrupted by an encounter, then the night is to | | be treated as two partial nights (i.e. if the night is interrupted| | after 4 hours, a further 6 hours of sleep will be needed to get | | back up to full strength). | | | | | | Extra damage dice are only rolled if the spell is being cast as | | a higher-level version of the basic spell. | | | | Spells that cost more than 6 spell points for a single spell casting | | do not fully regenerate over one night. Only 6 of these spell points | | come back the first night, a further 6 the second night, etc. | | This if a magic-user cast a sixth-level spell and a fourth-level | | spell during one day, then the next day he would still be down 12 | | spell points, and down six on the day after that. Only on the third | | day would he be back to full spell points. | | [The purpose of this modification is to stop people casting six | | sixth-level spells per day every single day, and is 'explained' | | by saying that casting high-level spells really takes it out of | /| the spell-caster, and he needs a lot of rest to recover] | |O/ / \/_______________________________________________________________________/ This ends a "Page from the Mage". All spellcasters will be receiving their spell points with their next installment. I hope this will work out. It seems to be fairly simple and straight forward. Good Luck!!! -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- May the Quest for the ElfSword be your ultimate goal in life... Mark Smith -|=======- GM "Game Master of a Higher Order" ihnp4!pur-ee!pur-phy!mrstve!mark =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-