squires@csd2.UUCP (02/01/86)
*** SQUIRES/TEDRICK-DIPLOMACY NEWSLETTER ** Next move: SPRING 1909 *** Formerly, SQUIRES DIPLO. Soon to be TEDRICK DIPLO. (posted on net.games.pbm and mailed to the following:) ----- Gamesmaster (1909-) ----- Tom Tedrick gamesmaster tedrick@ucbernie.ARPA ----- Active Players: ----- Clark Cooper Aus/Hun coopercc@ge-crd.ARPA Terry Dougherty France fadoc@brl-tgr.ARPA Geoffrey Sauerborn Germany geoffs@brl-tgr.ARPA Kevin Knight Russia knight@harvard.ARPA ----- Mailing list: ----- Lewis Jansen: lrj@lasspvax.ARPA Previous player for England Daryll Strauss: strauss@cmu-cs-gandalf.ARPA Previous player for Turkey Results of Fall 1908 orders: ========================================== Austria: A-Bud-Rum OK A-Ser-S-A-Bud-Rum OK A-Vie-Bud OK F-Gre-Bul/S OK A-Ven-Pie OK A-Tus-S-A-Ven-Pie OK F-Rom-S-F-Nap OK F-Nap-S-F-Rom OK France: A-Mos-Ukr Insufficient support F-StP/N-Nwy OK F-Nwy-Nth OK F-Nth-Eng OK F-WMd-TyS OK F-GOL-S-F-WMd-TyS OK A-Mar-Pie Insufficient support A-Bur-S-GER-A-Mun OK (but why?) A-NAf-Tun OK F-Tun-Ion OK F-Ion-Apu OK Germany: A-Pru-War OK A-Liv-S-A-Pru-War OK A-Sil-S-A-Pru-War OK A-Mun-S-A-Sil OK F-Fin-GOB OK F-Swe-Den OK F-Ber-Bal OK F-Kie-Hol OK Russia: A-War-Ukr Self-dislodgement prohibited A-Boh-Gal There is no A-Boh A-Sev-S-A-War-Ukr Self-dislodgement prohibited A-Ukr-Rum Insufficient support F-Bla-Con OK F-Con-Age OK (default order - no order written for Galicia) A-Gal-HOLD OK Retreats and Disbands due to dislodgement: ============================ Russia: A-War-DISBAND Builds and Adjustments: =============================================== Austria: F-Tri-BUILD A-Vie-BUILD France: A-Par-BUILD Russia: A-Gal-DISBAND (GM's default- no b/a submitted) Announcements: ======================================================== Please note the new and improved mailing list. Major changes are threefold: Tom Tedrick (formerly the Italian player) is the new gamesmaster. This newsletter is the SQUIRES/TEDRICK DIPLO newsletter (for transitional purposes), but from now on, the game will be known as TEDRICK DIPLO. The second change is that I've taken Jeff Hanes off of the mailing list (jeffh@brl-vgr.ARPA) since brl-vgr has started refusing connections from my machine. In addition, I will not be on the mailing list since I will not be on the system often enough to prevent the mail from flooding the mass storage capacity of my machine :-) The following rules will apply in TEDRICK DIPLO: 1) Orders are due at Midnight, Friday night pacific standard time each week (3 am eastern time, Saturday morning). 2) As in SQUIRES DIPLO, submit projected builds, adjustments, retreats, etc. with your orders. 3) You may submit as many sets of orders as you wish, but only the last set received before the deadline will be executed. Tom Tedrick's mailing address is tedrick@ucbernie.ARPA (also known as tedrick@ernie.berkeley.edu). Spring 1909 orders are due in Tom's mailbox by midnight pacific standard time (3 AM est) on Friday, 2/7/86 (Sat, 2/8/86 est). One more note, as I leave the game and the net... I have come to believe that there is a very strong possibility that Terry Dougherty is actually issuing Germany's orders and press releases (as well as his own French ones) and simply having them mailed from Geoff's account. While I understand that alliances can at times be strong, Germany's orders have been totally irrational for its own gain, and its explanations to me insufficient. In addition, the press releases are, like France's, pure BULL****, of a degree only Terry has ever produced (at least the other releases of Austria and Russia have SOME relevance to the game, in addition to the propaganda). In my judgement, if this is the case, it is beyond the limits of fairness in the game since both "players" are on the node brl-tgr.ARPA. I hope Tom Tedrick does not have a problem with this, and I hope my suspicions are incorrect. My recommendation, unless things improve immediately, is to eliminate Germany from the game, and impose some moratorium on invading German home territory (a la 5-player variation) for 2 or 3 seasons, putting all German units in Scandanavia and Russia in civil disorder immediately, and putting German home territory in civil disorder at the end of the moratorium. Just a thought. In any case, I've had an INCREDIBLE lot of fun GMing the game, and even though I've done it in spite of 3 term projects, 4 grad courses, and teaching an undergrad course of 40 students, I did not mind spending the time at all! I recommend GMing to anyone who wants to have a little more fun from their terminal. Enjoy the rest of the game. News from around Europe: ============================================== Headlines from Fall 1908: CONFLICTS ESCALATE AS FRENCH LAND IN APULIA AND AUSTRIANS ADVANCE TO FRENCH BORDER. RUSSIA SENDS NAVY INTO MEDITERRANEAN TO SUPPLEMENT AUSTRIAN FORCES. AUSTRIA TAKES RUMANIA, BULGARIA FROM RUSSIAN ALLY. RUSSIANS DIG IN AT SEVASTAPOL/UKRAINE LINE. FURTHER FRENCH AND GERMAN ADVANCES IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT GERMAN INVASION INTO AUSTRIA. RUMORS SPREAD THAT THE FRENCH HAVE IMPRISONED THE CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY, INSTALLING A FRENCH LOOK-ALIKE WHO EXECUTES ORDERS DETERMINED BY PARIS. SWISS COUNCIL CONSIDERS INTERVENTION. REPETITIVE SHELL-GAME OF USELESS INTERNAL GERMAN TROOP MOVEMENTS CONTINUES AS FRENCH UNITS REMAIN OFFSHORE OF UNDEFENDED BELGIUM AND SWEDEN, AND WEEKLY DEFENDED DENMARK AND HOLLAND. The following are press releases submitted by the European powers. ===== From Vienna, Austria ===== Emperor Franz Josef announced that he had ordered the movement of Austrian forces into the Balkan provinces of Rumania and Bulgaria. The recent treaty between Austria-Hungary-Italy and the Czar had as one of its provisions that all Russian units would leave the borders of the empire as soon as possible. Since there has been a Russian unit in Galicia for several seasons after the treaty was signed, the Emperor noted that the Russians had technically violated the treaty since this unit could have been moved out earlier. The Emperor cited this provision as his reason for breaking another provision of the treaty that recognized Russia's right to these two Balkan provinces. Members of the royal family have confided that the Emperor recognizes that this is weak justification for his actions and that he expresses deep shame that world events have led him to this moral low point. Rumors continue to circulate that Herr Heimatstadt, the German Chancellor, is really the alter ego of General Lafayette of France. ===== From Paris, France ===== NAVAL BATTLE IN IONIAN SEA The Monoca and Marseilles Free French naval forces in an surprize naval attack, drove the Austrian fleets from the Ionian Sea. Free French naval forces are now free to move into the Adriatic Sea and attack Austrian and Italian coastal cities. The heavily damaged Austrian naval forces retreated to Greece for major repairs and rearming. French naval forces are planning to continue their attack of Austrian naval forces and are planning to regain the Italian homeland by the end of 1910. FRENCH FORCES SUPPORT GERMAN ATTACK OF WARSAW The 7th Tours Free French Army continued its pressure against the Russian forces by attacking the support and relief columns from Ukrania that were providing support to the Russian garrison in Warsaw. Free French forces will continue to support German armies in their drive to regain control of Warsaw and bring peace to the war-torn Polish nation. General Louise H. L'High, commander of the 7th Tours Free French forces, explained that French forces beat the Germans to Moscow due to his forces superior fighting tactics and combat experienced leaders and soldiers. The 7th Tours Free French army has a long history combat success, from the invasions of England, Norway and Russia, to the capture of key cities like London, St. Petersburg and now Moscow. RETREATING RUSSIAN FORCES TORCH MOSCOW Despite German rumors that French General Louise H. L'High ordered the city of Moscow burned to the ground, the Free French Government announced that the Czar's own personal Moscow guard were ordered to torch the city and leave nothing but ashes for the advancing German and French forces. French army forces in a valiant attempt to save the city, repaired the remaining damaged fire equipment and attempted to stop the raging fires. Unable to stop the walls of fire from spreading, General Louise H. L'High in an attempt to save the remainder of Moscow, ordered buildings dynamited and fire lines formed to surround the fires. After three days of fighting the fires, a majority of Moscow was saved, however the Czar's former palace and resident and several century old Russian Orthodox churchs were destroyed. ===== From Berlin, Germany ===== HEIMATSTADT HOPES FOR PEACE NOT DASHED Chancellor Heimatstadt reported in a personal interview that he thought their still was hope for a peaceful settlement with the Czar. "Perhaps the reality of his shrinking empire will cause him to awaken to a more agreeable mood for negotiations. We have no desire to drive him into the Mediterranean Sea, but will if it comes to that. Our real desire is to see a free Poland." VICTORIES CONTINUE German troops continued their victory march, this time defeating the Russian counter attack on Free-Poland. Fighting side-by-side Polish national troops, the 14th Prussain Army group sent the disorganized Russains into a panicy retreat. Finally cornered at the very borders of the Ukrian, the Russian Army was forced to make a stand at the Plokadvak River. There, after a few scattered shots, they threw down their arms. German athorities were surprised to find that most of these troops were mere boys or aged men. The sickly rag-tattered masses were placed on western bound trains to be placed in POW camps. There they will receive better treatment than they have known during their entire tour of the Czars military service. ===== From Sevastapol, Russia ===== (From Russian wire services) MOSCOW to BERLIN (encoded message): "RumSGalSevSUkrVieSTyrTyrSVieso!go!away!" MOSCOW to VIENNA: May the wind blow strongly in your sails. MOSCOW to PARIS: I decided not to take your advice this time. Will you take mine? MOSCOW to GENEVA: Fine work, CS. ===== End of Press Releases ===== Current Positions: ==================================================== A/H A/H Fra Fra Ger Ger Rus Rus Armies Fleets Armies Fleets Armies Fleets Armies Fleets ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ A-Ser F-Rom A-Tun F-Nwy A-Liv F-GOB A-Sev F-Bla A-Bud F-Nap A-Mos F-Nth A-War F-Bal A-Ukr F-Aeg A-Vie F-Bul/S A-Bur F-Eng A-Sil F-Hol A-Rum F-Tri A-Mar F-Ion A-Mun F-Den A-Tus A-Par F-TyS A-Pie F-Apu F-GOL Existing Wars Between the Powers: ===================================== BALTIC WAR - Declared Fall 1902 - Russia vs Germany. GREAT WAR - Declared Spring 1907 - France vs Russia/Austria. --- A/H Rus Fra X X X=state of war. Ger X Current Supply Center Ownership: ====================================== Ctry '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Cities Owned ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------ A/H 3 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 Bud, Tri, Ven, Ser, Gre, Rom, Nap, Vie, Rum, Bul Eng 3 4 5 4 4 1 1 - - - Fra 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 Par, Mar, Bre, Por, Spa, Liv, Lon, Edi, Nwy, StP, Tun, Mos Ger 3 5 5 6 5 6 7 8 8 Ber, Mun, Kie, Hol, Den, Bel, War, Swe Ita 3 4 5 2 1 - - - - - Rus 4 6 6 6 8 10 8 7 4 Sev, Ank, Con, Smy Tur 3 4 3 3 2 1 - - - - ======================================================================= -Charles S. Squires, Jr. -squires@nyu-csd2.ARPA (Soon to have an IBM VNET address)