[net.games.pbm] Resend of Last Monday's Update

mark@mrstve.UUCP (Mark Smith) (02/17/86)

Several people have stated last week that they did not receive a copy of the
Monday Update.  Therefore I am resending it today.  Do NOT confuse this update
with todays which will follow in a separate posting. 

                 Q U E S T   f o r   t h e   E L F S W O R D

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		    M O N D A Y   P O S T I N G   02/10/86

      Dungeon Gazette Headlines...

     The Drow Invasion has come to a temporary standstill as more and more
  Drow are meeting up with resistance from the King's "heroes".  Several Drow
  have been killed and some troops are even reported missing.  There still has
  been no confirmation as to the fate of these Drow, but the King is quite    
  pleased with the quick results of his hirelings. 

     On the lighter side of the news; a joyous celebration rocked the town of
  Dark Odyssey as the marooned adventurer, Sam returned home today.  Odin, the
  man responsible for the rescue operation was unavailable for comment, but Sam
  told us that he had refused any type of monetary reward.  When we asked the
  aspiring Samuri what his plans were he said:
    "Well, after a little R&R I plan to join in the Quest for the ElfSword.  I
  would also like to join up with someone.  Odin seems to have his own destiny
  ahead of him."
    Well, we wish you good luck, Sam.
    Odin will be appearing before the king for the presentation of the coveted
    Medal of Bravery and to be commisioned into the Royal Guard.  The ceremony
    date hasn't been set, but we will keep you informed.


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     As you will see, there is no map in today's posting.  The map will not
  appear in ANY more Monday Updates.  There will be a copy included in the
  Campaign Handbook (which will be posted 2/12/86).  It would be a good idea
  for everyone who doesn't have a copy to save this one; although I can send
  copies on request.

     There is a new section which is being added to the Monday Update as of
  today's posting.  It is called, "RUMORS & STORIES".  In this section I will
  reprint articles you send in to me which deal with "rumors" you have heard,
  "legends", or anything having to do with the quest.  These articles may be
  true or false; based on fact or fiction or even your own personal encounters.
  I will edit the articles so they will be cryptic or even misleading, but one
  will always have a fair chance to decrypt these "tales".  This idea was
  contributed by Thomas Cox who was reimbursed with experience points.

     Congratulations to:    Nelson              You are the next players who  
			    Greg Wohletz        have been entered into the
			    Scott Campbell      campaign.  You will be receiving
						your character sheets sometime
						after the Wednesday posting of 
						the Campaign Handbook.

     Some of you have already received copies of your characters on the new
  character sheets.  Well, there have already been some "minor" alterations, so
  you can look forward to receiving another copy in the near future.  Those of
  you who havn't got a copy will receive one with your next installment.

     You may find errors in your x,y location or move number on the PLAYER
  LIST.  These will be corrected as soon as the new character sheets have been
  fully implemented.


     Once upon a time, two journeying minstrels were passing through a large
woods on their way to the Lord's castle to play for his court.  They
came unawares upon a band of evil Drow asleep under a tree.  They
immediately drew out their harps and began playing a song of such sweetnes
s that even the horrible Drow were soothed by it, and remained asleep.
Still playing, the harpists tied the creatures with chains made of
daisies.  They would have brought the whole dancing band of them to
the Lord's castle to prance about and amuse the nobles, but their song
had attracted a Unicorn, whose wood it was.  The unicorn, enchanted
by the minstrels, spirited them away to live forever with him in the woods,
forever playing.  No one knows what became of the band of Drow, but some 
say that, being so evil, they were unable to bear the goodness of the
music and the Unicorn, and their own badness poisoned them and killed them.

Moral:  do not harm the birds of the woods, for they are the minstrels of
        the unicorn.



       Michael Gersten: I hadn't received any of your mail until today
			(Monday 2/10/86).  You are now on the waiting list
			and you can look for a complete history of the world
			in the Campaign Handbook.  Thanks for your suggestion.

       Andrew: I have NOT received your character yet.  Please try and send it
	       again.  I enjoyed the Star Trek meta-humor.

       Web: I am still reading the rules you sent in.  They look as interesting
	    as they are complicated.  I'll let you know what I think.

       PLAYER LIST  as of  02/10/86

       Character      Lv   Race       Class      Location     Status   Inst#
    Eldarion           2   Half Elf   Ranger     22,11        J,C        5
    Doc                2   Elf        Fighter    48,18        I          7
    Altar              1   Human      Paladin    26,4         I          6
    Luther             2   Elf        Ranger     64,9         J          6
    Elwood             2   Elf        Ranger     64,8         J          8
    Bronson            1   Human      Thief      6,12         J          6
    Flint              2   Human      Cleric     21,13        J          6
    Slick              2   Human      Monk       21,13        J          6
    Zinger             1   Halfling   Archer     48,18        I         12
    Odin               2   Human      Paladin    60,29        J         11
    Sam                1   Human      Samuri     60,23        J          2
    Mintour            1   Dwarf      Cleric     24,33        I          2
    Kobol              2   Dwarf      Fighter    24,30        I          3
    Kenny (Gambler)    1   Human      Cleric     34,10        J          5
    Buzzard            2   Human      Assassin   3,21         I          4
    Thundarr           1   Human      Barbarian  20,21        J          3
    Gorto              2   Human      Fighter    15,8         J          4
    Despo              2   Dwarf      Fighter    31,13        J          5
    Skull              2   Dwarf      Fighter    31,13        J          5
    Shorty             1   Gnome      Thief      58,12        I          3
    Qualude            2   Human      Illusion   52,23        E          2
    Flite              2   Human      Magic User 52,21        J          2
    Milton             2   Human      Magic User 22,11        J,C        6
    Baltar             2   Human      Thief      3,21         I          3
    Kerman             1   Dwarf      Fighter    54,29        J          4
    Bo                 1   Dwarf      Fighter    54,29        J          4
    Micrathen          2   Half Elf   Magic User 52,23        E          3
    Nightshade         2   Human      Fighter    18,29        E          5
    Chime              2   Human      Thief      18,29        E          5
    Sayudel            2   Elf        Magic User 10,31        I          2
    Jugger...Naught    2   Half-Elf   Ranger     10,31        I          2
    Satar              2   Half-Elf   Druid      24,30        I          5
    Paragon...Cross    2   Human      Paladin    24,30        I          5
    Pnardic            2   Human      Ranger     52,23        E          2
    Skrin              2   Elf        Magic User 52,23        E          2
    Raven Darkshadow   2   Elf        Ranger     24,30        I          4
    Hawk               2   Elf        Archer     24,30        I          4
    Torr               2   Human      Magic User 3,21         I          2
    Farley             2   Human      Cleric     3,21         I          2
    Renwerth           1   Half-Elf   Druid      19,13        E          3
    Nyth               2   Human      Thief      52,23        I          2
    Corban Golobryn    1   Human      Paladin    19,13        E          2
    Avarto             2   Elf        Ranger     44,26        I          1
    Lachlan	       2   Human      Paladin    19,13        I          1

         KEY for Status:
	    J = Journeying        C = Combat         D = In a Dungeon
	    I = In town           T = Training       O = Out of Commission
            E = Encounter       

	    Note:  Out of Commission refers to anything which prohibits
		   character activity other than death.  This could range
		   from unconsciousness to being paralyzed or turned to stone.

		   Combinations of the codes may be used.  If a character were
		   engaged in combat within city limits (which is against the
		   law in most cities by the way), his status would look like
		   (I,C).  Full words may also be used such as Marooned, Dead,
		   or M.I.A.

    This ends the Monday Update for 02/10/86

  May the Quest for the ElfSword be
  your ultimate goal in life...
					  Mark Smith
      -|=======-   	GM          	  "Game Master of a Higher Order"