[net.games.pbm] Squires/Tedrick Diplomacy: Fall 1910 Results

tedrick@ernie.berkeley.edu.BERKELEY.EDU (Tom Tedrick) (03/02/86)

Squires/Tedrick Diplomacy: Fall 1910 Results
(comments to tedrick@ernie.berkeley.edu)

German Orders:

A MUN -> Bur           (Fails: French A PARIS -> Bur)
A Bel S A MUN -> Bur   (support cut/dislodged/disband) 
F HOL -> Kie           (Fails: F DEN -> Kiel)
F DEN -> Kie           (Fails: F HOL -> Kiel)
F SKA S F NOR          (OK) 
F NOR H                (OK)
A War -> SIL           (OK)


Russian Orders:

A Mos -> ST.P          (OK)
A LIV S Mos -> ST.P    (OK)
F EAS -> Aeg           (Fails: F CON -> Aeg)
F CON -> Aeg           (Fails: F EAS -> Aeg)
A SEV H                (OK)

build: A MOSCOW 

Austrian Orders:

A TRI -> Ven           (Fails: French A VEN)
A TYR s A TRI -> Ven   (OK) 
A VIE -> Tri           (Fails: A TRI)
F Alb -> ADR           (OK)
F Ion -> APU           (OK) 
A RUM s A BUL          (OK)
A BUL s A RUM          (OK)

French Orders:

A  St.P H              (Dislodged/Retreat -> FIN) 
F  Norwegian Sea -> NORTH SEA  (OK)
F HEL -> Hol           (Fails: German F Holland)
A PIC s F Eng -> BEL   (OK) 
F Bre -> ENG           (OK)
F Eng -> BEL           (OK)
A Bur -> RUHR          (OK) 
A PAR -> Bur           (Fails: German A MUN -> Bur)
A Mar -> PIED          (OK)
F Western Med -> TUN   (OK) 
A ROME s A VEN         (OK)
A VEN s A Mar -> PIED  (support cut)
F TYRR s F Adr -> ION  (OK) 
F Adr -> ION           (OK)
F Apu -> NAP           (OK)

Disbands: A Picardy     F Tyrr 

Press Releases:

>From Berlin...

Rumors to the effect that the previous German regime has returned and
is regaining popular support is completely false. The general suspects
French spies have planted this information to weaken the now strong
German government. When the source of such information is revealed, he
will be brought up on charges of treason.

Gen. Von. StrauB is very satisfied with the return of Belgium to the
German people. Fighting in the area has been intense and scouts have
determined that the French forces are amassing around Belgium. Germany
will make its best effort to hold and secure Belgium from French
tyranny. In the chance that Belgium is taken by French forces, Germany
will drive all of its strength into recapturing Belgium and will not
stop until Belgium is securely in German hands.

In general the German offensive has been deemed completely successful.
Germany now has numerical superiority in the Seas and a strong front on
the German borders. The German offensive will continue with an emphasis
on stabalizing and securing the new territories and pushing forth into
the hart of French holdings.

In an offer of peace and cooperation, Germany has returned the Russian
city of Warsaw with the General's blessing. We were glad to keep Warsaw
out of French hands during the terrible occupation of Russia. I am sure
that the people of Warsaw will communicate the fine nature of the
German military and the efficient operation of their government.
Germany welcomes Russia as as strong ally and friend.

						- German Public Relations

MOSCOW, Aug. 29, 1910.  The small nation of Russia is proud, said the
Czar, to take part in the struggle against French hegemony.  Russian
and German forces crossed into the Northern territories this season,
retaking the lands recently subjugated by France.
	Russia also supports Austria's efforts in the Mediterranean --
Austria need not fear Russian forces in the South, and may even call
upon them for assistance, should the need arise.

News From Paris - Fall 1910

Due to secret war manuevers, Paris has imposed a news blackout
in preparation for the continue WAR against Germany and Austria-