[net.games.pbm] PBM Game starting

rich2@chinet.UUCP (Rich Dominas) (03/11/86)

To all PBM & FRP players.
I would like to start a 'Marvel Comic Super Heroes' game going.
You can be:
|Incredible Hulk (You should all know him)
|Hawkeye (Great with a bow, special arrows, vision, Martial Arts)
|Captain Marvel (Female, Black race)
|Captain America (Quite popular with his shield)
|Mr. Fantastic (#1 Member of Fantastic Four Inc.)
|Invisible Girl (#2)
|The Human Torch (#3)
|The Thing (#4)
|Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man (No comments needed)
|****(Specials original 1940 super heroes.. Will post more info later)****
|Miss America (Levitation, married to Whizzer)
|Whizzer (Martial Arts, Lightning Speed (like Flash)
|Patriot (Journalism & martial Arts)
|Spirit Of '76 (Cape)
|Red Raven (Wings,electronics,engineering)
|Blue Diamond (Body armor,Anthropology)
|Thin Man (Like Mr. Fantastic in some ways)
|Jack Frost (Cold Power)
|****Characters Randomly Generated****

For Characters Randomly Generated You Specify
Character Name & General Origins.. You decide hero name later after you've
seen your choice of powers,etc...
General Origins=Mutant, Altered Human, Hi-Tech Wonder, Robot, Alien, or Random
(Random=Any General Origin determined by die Roll.)
For more info please write to me... I shall probably be writing a condensed
rulebook to be posted on the net....


Rich Dominas / FRP player
UUCP:   ihnp4!chinet!rich2

"Serendipity is looking in a haystack for a needle and discovering the farmer's
  daughter"                              - Julius H. Comroe

"Great Spirit, help me never to judge another until I have walked in his
  moccasins for two weeks."              - Sioux Indian Prayer