[net.games.pbm] Fantasy PBM Playtestors needed

tihor@acf4.UUCP (Stephen Tihor) (03/12/86)

Distribution: usa.all

I am soliciting a few additional playtesters for a "Play-By-Mail/Net/Phone" 
game which a number of New York City Gamers have been discussing for some 
time but which has recently gelled enough for me to turn it into code. 

The playtest is running biweekly turns (alternate Fridays) so we only
handle people who can recieve turns and get their moves back with about 
10 days of Manhattan.  So, if you are physically close, postally close,
or are withing a couple of days of "cmcl2", and are interested please let
me know at inhp4!cmcl2!acf7!tihor or tihor@nyu-acf7.arpa.

The game is set in a medium-low technology fantasy world with limited magic. 

Each player takes the role of a single highly skilled individual but can
acquire subordinates and eventually build a substancial empire.

One of the magical aspects of the world is the Telepathy spell which permits
a character to maintain constant contact with up to five subordinates. Each
of those subordinates can in turn maintain contact with up to five more, and
so on, and so on. 

Each of these subordinates could be a single skilled individual, a group of
similarly trained beings, or even an entire province and its network of
village headmen and sheriffs.  Thus you build an empire or a mercenary band
with equal aplomb. 

The game world is a set of islands and subcontinents divided into provinces
about a weeks' ride across.  Players can begin play with a horse, but both
horses and ships may be acquired during play.  The initial playtest map will
include a bit of everything. 

You begin with a period quality map of the area and details of the province
which you occupy and the skills you command. 

Interplayer cooperation and competition is expected to be a major part of
play for many players. 

It is assumed that the same Telepathy spells that permit you to remain in
touch with your subordinates will permit semireliable comunication with the
other players at will.  Thus contact addresses and/or phone numbers will be
published in the newsletter if the players wish. 

You start play with your selection of skills and large purse in a major
city.  Your fate is up to you. 

			Quick Command Summary

0. Hold              							  7	
1. Move          Direction    					       varies
2. Attack       [Direction]   					       varies
3. Use            [Skill]      [Target]     [Modifier] 		       varies

4. Take		  Unit							  7
5. Drop          [Unit]        						  0
6. Join           Stack							  0

8. Study          Skill         [days]                                 varies
9. Work          [Skill]       [Options]                                  7
10. Buy           Thing         [From]       Offer      [Number]          7
11. Sell          Thing          [To]        Price      [Number]          7
12. Follow       [Entity]                                                28

14. Explore								  7
15. Persuade      Entity        [Skill]       [Bribe]	                 28
16. Swear      [Lord-Entity] 						  0

18. Pay	          Entity        Money					  0
19. Declare      [Entity]       Opinion 				  0
20. Recruit     NumberSought    PayOffered                               14
21. Form          Armor        [SpeciesHired] [Amount] [NumOrders]        0

23. Pillage       Province     [Severity]                                 7
23. Tax	          Province     [Severity]                                 7
24. Execute       Captive 						 28
25. Terrorize    [Province]    [Severity]       [Mode] 			  7

26. Wait           [Days]                                              varies


If you are interested please contact me for a full rules packet and setup sheet.