[net.games.pbm] Marvel Rules installment#2

rich2@chinet.UUCP (Rich Dominas) (03/15/86)

Power Categories cont:
After rolling in which category each power is in.. then check the categories 
was rolled and pick the one you want from it.. (Those with * must need to
rolls in that category (Counts as 2 powers))

        Resistances & Senses
Resistance to Fire
   ""      "" Cold
   ""      "" Electricity
   ""      "" Radiation
   ""      "" Poison
   ""      "" Corrosives (Good for Robots)
Protected Senses
Extraordinary Sense (Like Spider Sense [Spider Man])
Infravision (To see in the Dark)

Lightning Speed (Like Flash from DC comics i believe)

         Nature Control (To control, movement, manipulate)
Earth Control (Cement, Dirt,etc)
Air Control (Create partial Vacuums, Whirlwinds, etc)
Fire Control (Intesify, weaken, etc)
Water Control (Movement, etc)
Weather Control (Change the weather temporary)

          Energy Control
Magnetic Control (Can also create a forceshield)
Electrical Control (Force Field only causes damage to the person it touches)
Light Control (Forceshield only blocks view from others from seeing you)
Sound Control (Forceshield will block alot)
Darkforce Generation & Control (Generate a Forceshield, Darken an Area so
   as not even Infravision can see through, anyone enveloped except the one
   operating this power will lose health each round, can be used as a distance
Gravity Control (great Forcefield)

         Body Control
Density Control
Phasing (Go through walls)
Body Transformation (pick what type also)
  Mineral or metal: sand, steel, diamond (Like armor)
  Ice: brittle (Causes damage if touched)
  Water: (move, like body armor)
  Gas: Anykind (Air, Toxic, Fumes, etc) Good Body Armor
  Energy: electricity, light, radiation, etc
  Darkforce: Drains health by touching or enveloping someone
  Fire: (The human Torch as an example)

        Distance Attacks
Hi-Tech Missile Weapon (ex. Repulsers, grenade launchers)
Ensnaring Missile Weapon (No damage, just like a web)
Mental Force (Better have good Psi for this one)
Cold Weapon (ex. Iceball)
Energy Weapon (ex. Lasers)
Fire Weapon (Flame Thrower, etc)
Sound Weapon (Sonic Beam as an ex.)
Darkforce Weapon (nasty)

         Mental Powers (Need Good Psi)
Image Generation* (Illusions)
Mind Control*
Force Field Generation (ex. The Invisible Girl's Power)
Animal Communication/Control

         Body Alterations, Offensive
Extra Body Parts (Extra Arms, Head, etc)
Extra Attacks (Needs Extra Body Parts, Fantastic Speed, or Weapon that can
   be used more than once per round.)
Energy Touch
Poisonous/Paralyzing Touch (Pick which)

         Body Alterations, Defensive
Body Armor
Regeneration (Gains health back faster)

         Weapons, Vehicles, Sidekicks, & Alter Egos
Unique Weapon (Ex. THor's Hammer, Cap America's SHield, + 1 super power
   for the weapon (Roll for type)
Intelligent Weapon (Unique Weapon that is intelligent)
Unique Vehicle (Vehicle w/ 50% chance having super power)
Sidekick (NPC who will work with you [which I have made])
Alter Ego (Ex. Bruce Banner changing into the Hulk)

I will roll for the above What the Super Power's rank is...

ahhhh.. done with that.. now for talents.

Step 5: Determine the Hero's talents.
  Table: Talents Available
d100  # of Talents
01-20   1
21-60   2
61-90   3
91-00   4

  Table: Talents (For each # of talents roll)
 d100   Talent
 01-04  Guns
 05-08  Thrown Weapons
 09-12  Bows
 13-16  Blunt & Sharp Weapons
 17-20  Marksman*
 21-24  Weapon Master*
 25-28  Martial Arts
 29-32  Wrestling
 33-36  First Aid
 37-40  Medicine*
 41-44  Law
 45-48  Law-Enforcement* (can arrest others as a cop)
 49-52  Aeronautics (Pilot)
 53-56  Military
 57-60  Business/Finance
 61-64  Scholar
 65-68  Journalism
 69-72  Engineering
 73-76  Chemistry
 77-80  Biology
 81-84  Geology
 85-88  Genetics
 89-92  History
 93-96  Archaeology
 97-00  Phisics

whoo- done...almost..darn

Step 6: Determine details about hero's personal life plus more
question #
1. What is the Hero's Name & Real name?
2. How old is the Hero?
3. IF the hero has a secret identity, what is it, & how does he keep
    it a secret? (Is it known to only a small handfull of people?)
    (And who are they?)
4. What is the Hero's personality like?
5. Where does the hero live?
6. How does the hero earn his living (look at his talents)?
7. Does the hero have any hobbies or favorite pasttimes?
8. How does the Hero's Costume Look like?
9. Who are the Hero's close friends & relatives? What are their names?
10. How did he gain his powers (Detailed example please [ex. born with it,
chemical explosion, etc])
  Now end finally... Any questions please ask... more instructions to come

Rober Kupcek / FRP player
UUCP:   ihnp4!chinet!rich2