[net.games.pbm] the catalan crawl

ar@duke.UUCP (Andrew L. Reibman) (03/21/86)

A recent news article appears in which the Catalan Crawl is mentioned.
For the unindoctrinated, the Catalan Crawl Follows:

F Spa (NC) - Por
F Por - Spa (SC)

This is illegal (as is noted by the original author)
as dicated by the powers that be (in this anarchy
of a hobby) i.e. a game allowing the Catalan Crawl 
is a variant and is given a Miller rather than a Boardman Number.

There are however several known ambiguities in the
diplomacy rules which have never been resolved.
See if you can figure them out.

I'll post a followup describing three of them in a couple of days.

Andrew Reibman