[net.games.pbm] Squires/Tedrick Diplomacy: Spring 1912 Results

tedrick@ernie.berkeley.edu (Tom Tedrick) (03/23/86)

Squires/Tedrick Orders: Spring 1912:

(Comments to tedrick@ernie.berkeley.edu)
(If my notation isn't clear enough, please let me know.)


F Edin -> CLYDE            
F Hol -> KIEL     

F Lon -> York   (No such unit: last season the fleet that was
in the English Channel tried to move to London but was blocked
by the German Fleet in the North Sea that tried to move to 
London. My apologies to Terry if my notation wasn't clear
enough. I am open to suggestions if anyone has complaints.)

F ENG H         (Default order by GM, no order received for Fleet ENG.)

F NORTH SEA -> Den      (blocked)
F BRE -> Eng            (blocked by F ENG)
A Par -> PIC
A RUHR S A BUR -> Mun   
A BUR -> Mun            (blocked)
A PIE -> Tyr            (blocked)
A VEN S A PIE -> Tyr    
F ION S F APU -> Adr    (Support cut)
F APU -> Adr            (blocked)
F Mar -> GOL      
A NAP -> Apu            (blocked)


A Fin -> STP            
F StP -> BAR      
A War -> SIL
F Sev -> BLA            
A RUM -> Bul            (blocked)
F Con -> AEG
F EAS S Con -> AEG      
A Ukr -> WAR


A VIE S A TYR           
F TRI -> Adr            (blocked)
F GRE -> Ion            (blocked)
A ALB -> Tri            (blocked)
A TYR H           


F Norway -> SKA   
F Swe -> DEN
F HEL S F Swe -> DEN    
A MUN S A TYR           (Support cut)     

News, Information, Misinformation and Disinformation Section :-)

MOSCOW, Mar. 7, 1912.  The Czar dispatched a division of the Imperial
Army to aid his imperiled German ally.  He also launched two new fleets
in the hopes of turning back the French menace.  Rumors indicating a
brewing war between Russia and Austria are totally false, the Czar
mentioned in passing.

News From PARIS - Spring 1912


French naval and army forces continue to press the war home to Germany.
French forces are engaged in battles in Denmark, Kiel and Munich.  Hanz 
Heimatstadt, the born-again German Leader, was quoted as saying (as he again
assumed powers) "Germany has seen better days", in response to the current 
war with France.

French naval and army forces are expected to capture both Kiel and Munich by
the end of 1912.  General P.A. LaFayette was quoted as saying "Germany has 
made several tactical errors, it has reduced its land strength to only two 
weakened armies and they have left only one small naval force to guard the
German homeland.  German forces will be no match against the superior and 
newly equipped French mechanized forces.  The majority of the German naval 
forces are protecting the Northern Scandinavia countries.  Germany will 
shortly fall and join England and Italy as a free-colony of France".

The 2nd Bordeaux Free French Army force, recently withdrawn from Picardy,
will be the first unit to be reorganized with the new mechanized equipment.
The artillery units will receive new French 75mm and 105mm howitzers and motor
carriages.  The cavalry units have replaced most of the horses with the new
French tanks.  The scouts will utilize horses, motorcycles and armored cars 
for rapid movement and forward operations.  The Infantry units have been 
mechanized with new light-weight machine guns and mortars and will use motor 
carriages for transportation on the battlefield.  

General P.A. LaFayette announced that the recently freed 7th Tours forces 
would also be reorganized and reequipped with the modern war machines.  The 
2nd Bordeaux forces is expected to be placed into the war with Germany in the
Fall of 1912, after extensive training with the new tactics and equipment.


In a daring raid behind enemy lines, French submarine forces and commandos
slipped thru the Baltic Sea and into the Gulf of Bothnia.  The French
commandos were then landed outside of Gavle, Norrkoping and Helsinki.  The 
French commandos, in coordinated actions, attacked German POW camps in Sweden
holding the captured 7th Tours Free French army and the German army forces 
outside of Helsinki that were escorting General L'High and key members of 
his staff to an exchange meeting with the Russians.  The French commandos
totally surprised the German guards and suffered minor casulities as they
freed the captured French forces.  General L'High and his troops were escorted
to awaiting submarines for transportation back to France.  The French
submarine forces, using new anti-sonar jamming equipment, escaped back thru 
the German naval blockade forces, losing only one submarine due to a random 
depth charge attack by German destroyers.  The 7th Tours Free French forces 
were transported to French hospital ships and supporting naval forces 
awaiting in the North Sea.  


The French navy forces in the Mediterranean have forced the Austrian-Hungary
navy to retire from sea battles and return to ports in Greece and Trieste in
an attempt to protect the homeland.   With the Russians attacking from the 
East and France attacking from the West, it is expected that the Austrian-
Hungary government will shortly fall.


French intelligence sources announced the capture of a secret Russian plan
to continue the war against its former allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Details of the plan call for Russian forces in the south to capture Rumania,
Bulgaria and Greece, then move against Serbia and the capital of Budapest.  
Germany will receive no assistance from the Russians in Germany's war against
France and Russia forces in the north plan to move into both Norway and 
Sweden as the German empire weakens.  The Russians plan is to let their 
former allies face the majority of fighting with France, then as their 
governments weaken, Russia will move into the defenseless countries and 
capture their home supply centers. 

France in an attempt to bring peace to the world has offered terms of peace
to both Germany and Austria-Hungary, however, French diplomats expected both
governments to refuse the generous offers, even though their governments are
on the verge of overthrow.  


Our cryptographic section has intercepted the following
messages. At this time we cannot be certain whether or
not they are forgeries.

>Dear Hans Hiematstadt.
>	In response to your message received as follows:
>>From The German Chancellor 
>>Subject:  terms...
>>General P.A. LaFayette,
>>	May my most humble self address thee, thy greatness....
>>	My most humble military advisors inform me that you are full of most 
>>royal baloney! Most of the fight for the low lands was handled by my second 
>>in charge, while I was busy with project "TANK".If I had been running the ship
>>not only would I have never lost Ruhr (THAT is what won Holland for you) 
>>but I would personally be sitting on a side walk cafe in gay Pari! Any how 
>>all that is just trivial...and maybe a little baloney from myself (about 
>>being in paris by now at least).
>>	I think your "terms" for peace are very humourous! (Harr - Harr). Now
>>I am glad that we turned Hang-em High Louy over to the Ruski's. Also I was 
>>going to be nice to your 7th Tours Army and give your men some of life's 
>>necessities for survival that they have been demanding from their guards. 
>>Such as powder and perfume for their wigs and faces. And snails, grapes and 
>>whatever other disgusting things you people eat. But not now! They get bread 
>>and water!
>>	Never in all my days as a soldier have I come across such a group of
>>meally-mouth nilly-whilly cry babies! And this was supposed to be Frances most
>>experienced, battle harded group? Why you should have heard the screaming when
>>we took away their mirrors!
>>	Next time we meet, it will be on the battle field!
>>				Hanz Hiematstadt
>>			Chancellor of the German Peoples.
>	If my military advisors were giving me the same sausage, they would
>be quickly transfered to the eastern front.  We, my military advisors and
>myself, have studied your situation and have come to the following results:
>1.  You can either protect the Kiel or Munich from invasion by French troops,
>with your supporting army in Berlin, so we have a 50-50 guess as to which 
>choice you will make.  If we guess right, we will take one of your supply
>centers, and if we guess wrong, we will bounce.
>2.  You also must move into Denmark and could use support from the Helgoland
>but then you would leave Kiel open.  You could try to move from Sweden to 
>Denmark, but that move could be stopped by my Fleet in the North Sea. 
>3.  You could move into the North Sea from either Norway or the Norweigian
>Sea, but to no advantage to you, since Russian troops are at your back door
>with eyes on Norway and Sweden.
>4.  You could move your Fleet in the Norwegian Sea towards Liverpool, but
>that could be stopped by moving my Fleet from London to Wales or Edinburgh
>to Clyde.
>Overall, your chances look hopeless.  Are you on good enough terms with
>Russia to leave Sweden  and Norway without protection?  Like putting a
>honey pot in front of a bear, but telling him not to taste any.  My military
>advisors and diplomats believe you can not possibly survive past 1914.
>Our terms of peace will still remain open.  We offered to assist you with the
>soon to happen battle with Russia.  Your name calling and silly remarks have
>only shown us the caliber of the leadership of Germany.  In final words, we
>hope your people enjoy eating frozen, raw potatoes, since that will be all that
>remains of the once proud German Empire.
>General P.A. LaFayette

>>From Emperor Franz Josef
>>To General LaFayette
>>	If this were the real world, your proposal would make sense. As it is,
>>you will be proclaimed emperor of Europe if you conquer a few more critical
>>territories. I find that just as repugnant as your rolling over Austrian
>>territory. Therefore, I can't accept your terms.
>>	Here are my terms for peace:
>>	1. Remove all your forces from the Italian Peninsula and recognize
>>	   Italy as Austrian territory.
>>	2. Remove those forces in the eastern and southern Mediterranean that
>>	   are not engaged with Russia in the Turkish arena.
>>	While it's true that Russia is a menace to me, he won't go at me
>>full scale while you're so close to winning.
>>						Emperor Franz Josef
>From General Lafayette
>To Emperor Franz Josef
>Your military defense of Italy was proven hopeless, and your equally wasteful
>defense of your homeland will prove as fatal now that Russia is attacking you
>from the East.  In order for you to save your country and homeland, we, the 
>freedom loving people of France, offer you the following terms and conditions
>for peace:
>Terms for Austria-Hungary:
>1.  Denounce and release all claims to Italy.
>2.  Allow France's armies movement thru Tyrolia.
>3.  Honor France's claim to Italy and all currently held colonies.
>4.  Declare peace with France and agree to engage in no further war actions 
>    against France, its armies and navies or its colonies.
>Terms for France:
>1.  France will agree to honor Austria-Hungary claims for Greece and any
>    other countries secured from Russia.  
>2.  France will agree not to attack any Austria-Hungary armies or navies.
>3.  France will declare an end to the war against Austria-Hungary.
>My military advisors, whose war skills and tactics are combat proven, have 
>proven that your forces could not defend Italy nor muster enough forces to 
>stop the French forces from controlling all of Austria-Hungary.  We again 
>offer you these terms of peace so that you may remain in control of your 
>country and not have your homeland overrun by Russian and French armies.
>General P.A. LaFayette



The German Chancellor in a speech to parliament denounced the French
use of Mustard gas against German soldiers and civilians in the Ruhr
valley. He called it a cruel act of barbarism, one that the dictatorship
of General P. A. LaFayette would never consider using had the fight been
on French soil. "This despot LaFayette cares more about the health of
his own nation's grape vines, than the health and lives of defenseless
civilians. We the German people cry out to all free nations of the world
to join with us in our struggle against this type of barbarism. Do not
allow yourselves, your children, and your children's children to be
ruled by this nation of snail eating, grape sucking perverts!"


Droves of cheering crowds waved banners and threw flowers to welcome
Russian allies who have come to help drive the French scourge from German
soil. Fresh from victories in the east, where they drove out French
invaders from their homeland, these gallant soldiers of the Czar's
Imperial Army marched into the eastern German province of Silesia.
Officials neither confirm nor deny rumors as to the strategic plan of
the Czar's troops. It is thought that they will take part in a massive
German counterattack sometime in the near future; however others feel
the Russian army will take up positions in Bohemia where they can defend
equally well Austro-Hungarian front lines as well as German forces.