C70:bitgraph (07/28/82)
>From mark.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay Wed Jul 28 16:32:09 1982
In attempting to do some of the Byte magazine documented
raster-op tricks, like zooming an image, some of the people
here tried to do some raster-ops with a height of 1 bit.
This caused a reset of the Bitgraph terminal. Has anyone else
run into this?
C70:bitgraph (08/09/82)
>From rwf@BBN-UNIX Mon Aug 9 06:36:07 1982
Sorry to take so long to get back to your question; I was on
vacation. I'm afraid it is true there is a bug in RASTOP
concerning one wide moves. The more complete picture is
that when the source is to the LEFT of the destination,
rastop tranfers (width - 1) columns instead of (width)
columns. A side effect of this bug is that when the width
specified is 1, the column counter counts through 16 bits
worth of columns, crashing the terminal when it touches
illegal memory.
The problem has been fixed here at BBN, and will be
available with the next software release.