mjb (07/01/82)
Site: University of Kent at Canterbury Contact userid: mjb Contact name: Mike Bayliss Address: Computing Laboratory Address: The University Address: Canterbury Address: Kent Address: CT2 7NF Address: England Usenet partners: mcvax Regular uucp: mcvax Irregular uucp: none (yet) Voice phone: (0227) 66822 x7615 Dial in: (0227) 57861 Don't know the type but its 300 baud only. Subscribes to: net.all fa.all eunet.all - eventually internally ukc.all Willingness: will talk to anybody who calls us - we cannot call out. Location: 51.00 N 01.00 W (very approximately) Comment: this contact is into a VAX/780 used for computing research Comment: and some undergraduate teaching. In addition the computing lab Comment: has a 750 (for teaching), an ICL 2960 and a couple of PDP 11s Comment: everything is linked via a cambridge ring and we hope to have Comment: an internal news/mail network over the three main computing Comment: machines and VAX/750s in electronics, physics (if they actually Comment: buy it) and administration. Comment: We also have links to Oxford and London Universities and a PSS Comment: gateway - hopefully we'll be able to get mail over these links Comment: fairly soon