[ont.uucp] summary of Ontario Usenet connections

dave@lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) (04/05/88)

This information was compiled by pulling all the #N and #U lines
from u.can.on.[12], doing a bit of folding and massaging, eliminating
the entries with no #U and joining what was left.  Some of the
information isn't truly accurate; for example, there are entries
for sites that claim to feed news to lsuc which only exchange the
local stuff (can,ont,tor), such as tmsoft.  Useful starting
point for discussion, however.  There are 70 entries below,
and 120 sites mentioned in total (including those without
map entries, those which don't have a #U in their entry,
and sites outside Ontario such as uunet).

aeshq:	geac
array:	dciem sarsun
attila:	cognos
bcosi:	bvax
braegen:	geac
brambo:	telly ncrcan
bvax:	clunk ngpt adam bcosi
clunk:	genat bcosi lsuc
cmq1:	genat
cognos:	nrcaer crcmar geovision attila
cott01:	xios
crcmar:	cognos
csc:	watmath
dciem:	utzoo nrcaer trigraph ecrhub aquila psddevl wildcan
deepthot:	julian
dvlmarv:	watmath zaphod
egvideo:	watmath
forgen:	clunk
geac:	yunexus braegen orcisi aeshq ypa syntron gpix dmnhack nix1
genat:	mnetor clunk cmq1 maccs
geovision:	cognos
hcr:	lsuc parkridge
intacc:	telly
ists:	yunexus
julian:	water deepthot
lsuc:	utzoo ncrcan hcr sickkids utmanitou
maccs:	yunexus
mgvax:	watmath
mnetor:	alberta dalcs genat lsuc radha spectrix syntron utzoo uunet yunexus cxhq cxsea micomvax mot motsj1 spectrix utgpu watmath
ncrcan:	lsuc bes ontenv parkridge
ontmoh:	tmsoft
oscvax:	utfyzx utflis
parkridge:	hcr
parkwood:	julian
psddevl:	dciem utzoo
qucis:	utcsri
radha:	uthub
ragno:	nrcaer
robot:	sickkids
ryesone:	tmsoft lsuc ryenat
sarsun:	array
sce:	nrcaer
scs:	clan
sickkids:	lsuc
sis:	yunexus
spectrix:	tmsoft mnetor yunexus lsuc
stjoes:	tmsoft
syntron:	mnetor orcisi
tmsoft:	utgpu ryesone tslanpar ontmoh lsuc spectrix telly
trigraph:	dciem
tslanpar:	tmsoft 
utai:	jarvis.csri.toronto.edu
utas1:	utas2 utas3 utzoo
utgpu:	water utcsri utzoo utfyzx tmsoft bnr-vpa utstat cdfb
utcsri:	jarvis.csri.toronto.edu uthub utme qucis
utecf:	uthub utme bml
utflis:	oscvax
utfyzx:	utgpu sq
uthub:	utcsri utecf
utstat:	utgpu
utzoo:	dciem mnetor utgpu yunexus genat lsuc utzebra
watmath:	utgpu uwo thunder clyde decvax sunybcs lsuc dalcs looking mks mgvax onfcanim
web:	ontmoh
xicom:	xios
xios:	nrcaer xicom cott01
yetti:	yunexus
ypa:	geac
yugauss:	yumath
yunccn:	nccnat oneida sixnat union
yunexus:	mnetor geac gen1 yumath unicus yetti
{ uunet!mnetor  pyramid!utai  decvax!utcsri  ihnp4!utzoo } !lsuc!dave