[net.news.map] Usenet Logical Map for July 1984

kas@sun.uucp (Karen Shannon) (07/31/84)

                               Usenet Logical Map
                                 July 24, 1984

     Below is the Usenet Logical Map, done by Bill and Karen  Shannon,  for
     July  1984.  The Usenet Logical Map is based on the directory sent out
     in net.news.map at the beginning of July by Mark and Karen Horton  and
     incorporates  all changes and corrections through July 22.  The map is
     considerably different than it has been  in  the  past.   Due  to  the
     growth of the network, it has been split into several different pieces
     (nine to be exact).  Connections to sites on other pages  of  the  map
     are  in  upper  case,  with  the page appended to the name of the site
     (e.g., DECVAX.6).  The groupings are roughly geographical or by organ-

     Usenet is defined as all sites receiving  newsgroup  net.announce.   A
     Usenet  link  between two sites is one that net.announce is sent over.
     Note that this is different from a UUCP link, over which mail and file
     transfers may occur but not necessarily news.

     The map is up to about 940 sites.  The June 1984  map  had  about  900
     sites; the previous Logical map (done in July '83) had only about 550.

     Reading the map:  -, |, and + indicate connections.  Lines never  pass
     through  a  +, which always indicate where the connecting line ends or
     changes direction.  Logical buses are represented by  =.   This  means
     that a site such as site1 is indicated by the entire string of charac-
     ters as follows:


     We've added one notation to this map:  off-page connections are  occa-
     sionally shown as branches off of a vertical line from a site.  So,


     indicates that site1 has off-page connections to both site2 and site3.

     Note that many of the maps are a full 80 characters wide.  We've heard
     that  this causes problems when displaying the maps on some terminals.
     Perhaps in the future we will squish the maps down to 79 columns.  For
     now use ``more'' or ``vi'' (if you have them), which should be able to
     handle the full 80 column maps reasonably.

     If you have any comments or suggestions, please send mail to  the  ad-
     dress  below.  Corrections should be sent to cbosgd!map.  Thanks again
     to Mark and Karen for their help.

                                             Bill and Karen Shannon

               Copyright (c) 1984, by  Bill  and  Karen  Shannon.
               Copying without fee is permitted provided that the
               copies are not made or distributed for direct com-
               mercial  advantage  and  credit  to  the source is
               given.  To copy otherwise, or republish,  requires
               specific permission.


Usenet Logical Map #1 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

    dadla-[a,b]   cadtec  athena  hercules      tekfdi--vice  tekcae    
      |              |      |      |                      |    |  
    dadla-----+======+=teklds======+--zeus      teklabs--tekchips--tekgvs
      |       |      |   |  |      |                        |
    dadlac  upvax  atlas | eros  azure  ZEHNTEL.2  HPLABS.2 | shark--hammer
                         |                |           |     |    |       
                |        |   |    |         |         |         |  | 
            DECVAX.6  tekred | UCBCAD.2  OGCVAX.2     |      gpp1  tekecs--mako
                             |                        |     
        tesla   VAX135.5     |         tekigm--+====tekig====+--tekig1
            |   |            |                 |      |      |  
 cadif780--cornell   teldata |  ubc-medgen  tekadg  tekcbi  tekig3  ubc-andrew 
              |         |    |       |                                |        
   mspiggy    | ssc--teltone | casey | mprvaxa  mvx  sfucmpt  ubc-bdc |       
      |       |         |    |  |    |    |      |     |         |    |
      |       |        |     |  |                 |                   
    fluke--ssc-vax--uvicctr  | mdi  cavell  auvax | calgary  cadomin  IHNP4.4
      |                      |          |     |   |    |        |      |       
  telematic      apl-uw--uw-june--uw70  +=====+===+==alberta====+======+--jasper
                          |   |                   |
            dataio--entropy  uw-vlsi     slinac--sask--hssg40--adec23
                                                  |            |
                                      byucsa--beesvax--psi   zeppo--wheps         

Usenet Logical Map #2 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

 +====+=======+========+==dual==+=========+=====+=+--pyramid      ios--wjvax
 |    |       |        |        |         |     | |                |         
 |  qantel  apple    ptsfa     its     joshua   | |   sri-terra  qubix--sci  
 |    |                |                        | |       |        |          
 |  qplx          ptsf[b,c,d]  populi           | | plx---+==sun===+--idi    
 |                                |             | |       |                  
 |  IHNP4.4  mtxinu--unisoft--ucbtopaz--ucbopal | | +===decwrl==+--DECVAX.6    
 |     |                          |             | | |     |                  
 | zps | zinfandel    ucsfcgl--ucbvax--DECVAX.6 | | | flairvax--turtlevax    
 |  |  |     |                    |             | | |                        
 +==zehntel==+----TEKTRONIX.1--ucbcad--ucbmonet | | |    amdcad    zentec   
 |     |                  |       |             | | |       |        |       
 |   varian--vaxwaller    |   ucbesvax          | +=+==+===amd=======+   pyrcorp
 |                        |                     |   |  |             |    |  
 |                        | metheus--cdi--reed  |   | sco  cae780---resonex
 |                        |  |        |         |   |         |              
 | intelob--inteloa------ogcvax----sequent   pthya  |       ubvax    cadvax  
 |           | |          |  |                  |   |         |        | 
 |           | +==omsvax==+ verdix      WLBR.3  |   | sda--megatest--p500vax
 |           | |   |      |               |     |   |         |  
 |           | | aus86    | t4test      callan  |   |  wdl1   |    symplex
 |           | |   |      |    |          |     |   |   |     |       |      
 |           +=icalqa+--+=+intelca==+--+=proper=+   +===fortune===+--dsd--atd 
 |                   |  |                       |   |         |   |        | 
 | olivej            |  |               forace--foros1--rhino |   |      avsdS
 |   |               |  |                                     |   |        | 
 | olivea  tymix     |  |               udenva--+denelcor+    |   |    avsd[F,T]
 |   |       |       |  |                       |    |   |    |   |      
 |   +===oliveb===+  |  |   hp-dcde  csugnat--csu-cs |   |    |  twg  nsc16  
 |           |    |  |  |      |                |    |   |    |   |     |    
 | oliven--olivee |  |  |      +==hpfcla===+--hp-dcd |   |    |   +==pesnta==+
 |                |  |  |      |           |    |    |   |    |   |          |  
 | snucom  ketri  |  |  |   hpfclq  hpcvra |    |    |   |    |  scc  hptabu | 
 |    |      |    |  |  |             |    |    |    |   |    |         |    |
 |  +=kaist==+    |  |  | uo-vax1--uoregon |    | hp-lsd |    | dmsd  hpdc   |
 |  |   |    |    |  |  |             |    |    |    |   |    |  |      |    |
 | kiet |  dacom  |  |  |     hpcnob--+====hp-pcd====+   |    hpda----hpdb   |
 |      |         |  |  |             |    |             |     |             |
 | nsc  |  saturn |  |  |   cygnet  orstcs |     ames---HAO.7  | TEKTRONIX.1 | 
 |  |   |    |    |  |  |     |            |      |      |     |      |      | 
    |                |        |                   |        |       |
 SDCRDCF.3  CCA.7--sri-unix  hpdsd--hpscda     hplabsb  hplabsc  analog--lpi3230

Usenet Logical Map #3 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon
                                           mss  muddcs   CALLAN.2    cithep  
                                            |     |         |          |       
                                    pertec--+==scgvaxd==+--wlbr      escher    
                                                        |              |        
                islenet--uhpgvax--noscvax      calmasd  +=====trwrb====+--trwspp
                                     |             |    |              |        
 DCDWEST.6  sdccs7  sdchema  sdccs5  | celerity--sdccs6 | randvax    trwspf     
     |        |        |       |     |             |    |   |                  
     |        |        |                           |  |                
   sdcsla--sdcattb--sdccsu3--loral          asgb---bmcg--felix  ucla-cime
     |       |  |    |   |                          |                |       
     |   sdcarl |    |  mplvax   ucsbcsl-----+======+=+=cepu==+======+--litvax
     |          |    |              |        |        |       |      |
  phonlab------sdcatta          dscvax2  ucla-ea  ucla-s  ucla-cs  trwrba

Usenet Logical Map #4 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

 +==+===+====+==+===sys1===+===+=======+----sneaky  utd-cs  ea--uokvax--uok     
 |  |   |    |  |   |  |   |   |       |      |       |          |             
 |  | rscus1 | ossp | rsf  | cusvis  merch--trsvax----+===ctvax==+-----smcvax  
 |  |        |      |      |                                  |          |    
 | cam    techsup  bang  sysvis  altny  ccvaxa  moria  smu--convex----infoswx 
 |                  |             |        |      |           |                
 | region2  mir  FUTURA.6  isi586 | pharm  +====+=uiucdcs=====+--uiucuxc--uiucme
 |    |      |                |   | |      |    |       |             |    
 +====+======+====altdal======+===+=+--nmd | bradley  uicsl--uicsg  uiuceml 
   cs-arthur--cs-mordred--+===+=pur-ee=====+--purdue  stat-l                 
                          |   |                 |       |                 
digi-g  ciprico  isrnix   | ecn-pc   pur-phy--pucc-h--pucc-i--pucc-k          
  |        |       |      |                                                    
  +=umn-cs=+     iuvax--inuxc--inux[a,b,d,e,g,h]  we1163b    dicomed      
  |     |                 |                         |           |               
ncs-med |    oddjob       |  wnuxb--hw3b    kcwin--we53  BURL.5 |               
        |       |         |          |              |      |    |               
    stolaf   gargoyle     | +========+=+===mgnetp===+======+====+--ll1--SB1.6 
      |         |         | |          |     |      |      |                   
drupa | cdlncch |  invest | | ihtnt  uniq  tty3b--ltuxa--mgweed  ihps2   tellab1
  |   |    |    |   |   | | |   |                                  |          |
drutx | laidbak | ihnp3 | | | ihldt  ih4ep  ihdev  ixhte  nwuxd  iwu1a  ixn5x |
  |   |    |    |   |   | | |   |      |      |      |      |      |      |   |
  |   |    |  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
ihnp1 | ih1ap | ihdba | ihhfl | ihima | ihlts | ihnet | ihnss | ihtpa | iwpba |
      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
   iham[1,3]  |    ihn5[l,s]  |    ihop[a,b]  |   ihps[1,3]   | ihu1[e,g,h,j] |
              |               |               |               |               |
              |      ihux[a,b,e,f,i-x]  iwu1[b-d]   iwsl[2,4,5,c,d]  HOUXM.5--| 
              |                                                      IHEDS.5--|
      cincy   |        mork-cb--cbrmc  osu-dbs  cbnscs  cbuxc      ZEHNTEL.2--|
        |     |                   |      |        |       |        ALBERTA.1--|
        |                         |               |       |                    
       gang    hudson--desoto--cbdkc1    cbsca--cbscc  neoucom--CWRUECMP.6  
                          |                       |                      
                edsel--packard--bentley  cbnap--cbneb--cbnmb             

Usenet Logical Map #5 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

                                        |                                  |   
                        mh2c   charm--mhuxi--aluxe---aluxz               mhuxn 
                         |              |        |   |                     |   
                      epsilon  bambi  mhuxj      aluxp  sfjec  IHNP4.4   mhuxm 
                         |       |      |                 |       |        | 
                CP1.7--gamma--exodus    +===============mhuxl=====+========+   
                         |              |                         |        |
           circe--+======ulysses========+  mouton  research    CBOSGD.4    |
                  |                     |   |        |                     |
                  |      down--quirky  allegra-----alice--rabbit    peora  |
                  |       |      |      |                             |    |
                  | yoyo--+=tilt=+---princeton  ctlauto  CORNELL.1  petsd  |
                  |       |   |        |     |  |            |        |    |
       MASSCOMP.6 |   flakey  up  astrovax  eosp1  ganash    +=vax135=+    |
           |      |                 |        |       |       |    |   |    |
 bonnie--clyde--burl--MGNETP.4   fisher  siemens   hjuxa  ARIEL.5 | UKC.8  |
           |      |                          |        |           |        |
        WATMATH.7 |                       gypsy  wb2--+====houxz==+--cda5d |
                  |                                               |        |   
                hou3c  alfalfa    hou2[a-h]  houx[d,h,j-l,s,u,v]  | llkp03 |   
                  |       |            |              |           |   |    |   
   iheds--link--hocda--spanky--tpsa    | houxa--hound | houem     | whuxk  |   
     |            |                    |   |      |   |   |       |   |    |   
                  |      |      |      |      |                            |   
         wbux5--houxf--hoxna  whuxl  hopd3  homxa--ho95b   druxt--druri    |   
                                                             |             |   
  whuxcc--infopro--cad-nj  u1100s  drux[1,2,a-e,h-j,l-s,u-y] | druny       |   
     |                        |                |             |   |         |   
  whuxle----spuxll--abnjh--u1100a--pyuxn     +=+=+===drux3===+===+===+===+ |   
     |        |                |   |         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   
   bwkna     eisx       pyuxu--pyuxww--pyuxa | druca | drufl | druid |   | |   
              |                |   |         |       |       |       |   | |   
     npois--npoiv          pyuxqq  pyuxhh  druak   druky   drume   drumi | | 
       |                       |   |                                     | |
       |  houx[b,e,g,n-q,t]    pyuxi--pyux[k,l,cc,jj,ss,vv]              | |
       |         |                                                       | |   
          |                    |       |         |          |            |      
        hou5d--hou5e--hou5c  hogpd   houca       | lzmi--pegasus--maxvax |      
          |      |                     |         |          |            |      
 hou5b--hou5a----+=====hou5f======+--orion--odin |       phoenix       hocsf    
          |      |                |              |                       |  
        hou5h--hou5g  VAX135.5--ariel----------houti--solar   hocs[d,e,g-m,o,t]

Usenet Logical Map #6 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

              |       |    |             |     |               |                
      akguc   |  bsdgvax  sjuvax  ohgua  |   scbhq     hfhrv--mb2c--aat
        |     |                     |    |                     |                
        +===+=+======+=akgua==+=====+=+==+--emory   itivax--uofm-cv--cosivax 
        |   |        |    |   |       |                                         
        |  uf-csg  jett   |  msdc--gatech--ganehd                               
        |   |  |          |           |
 +==uf-cgrl=+--uf-che     |  iedl02  itm   cs44 
 |                        |   |             |
 |                        | edison       usceast   udrelay          fau  
 |                        |   |             |         |              |
 |  prodigal--cadre  dri0 | uvacs--ncsu--ncrcae   brl-bmd  adiron  ucf-cs  
 |              |     |   |   |     |                 |       |      |    
 |    mi-cec--idis---pitt | icase   | ikonas  dvamc  unc------+=duke=+--phs
 |              |         |         |   |        |    |          |    
 |  SDCSVAX.3   +=========+=======mcnc==+========+===++=====+====+=+            
 |     |                                |        |   |      |      |            
 |     |  pjscom--bunker--bunkerb    PHILABS.7   | ecsvax  rti   unc-c--twin40  
 |     |            |                            |   |      |      |            
 |  dcdwest         | sii--savax  ncoast         | tucc  rti-sel  wgi70         
 |     |            |  |             |           |                              
 +===+=+===ittvax===+==+--wxlvax  atvax--cdcvax  |   dreacad--dalcs    uvm-cs   
 |   |      |       |                |    |      |              |        |      
 | qumix  ittral  ndcuts    medman--cwruecmp     |      true--dartvax--uvm-gen  
 |                                   |    |      |              |               
 | UCBVAX.2  MULGA.9  LINUS.7   NEOUCOM.4 | cg-d |     scorplx  | TEKTRONIX.1   
 |   |          |        |                |  |   |        |     |      |        
     |   |   |                               |      |     |       |    |        
     |   | MCVAX.8  popvax       SEISMO.7  vortex   | yale-comix  | DECWRL.2    
     |   |            |              |              |             |             
     | sultan      hscfvax--n44a  harvard  hscvax   | bolton  mit-athena        
     |   |                   |       |        |     |   |                       
     | ipms  VAXINE.7--+=====+=wjh12=+=+===+==+----genrad------mit-eddie--frog  
     |                 |        |      |   |        |          |   |  |         
   wivax--apollo    foxvax1  biomed  pixel |     grkermit  mit-vax | godot      
     |                 |                   |        |              |            
   cadmus     lems--brunix--browngr   BBNCCA.7  masscomp--iwkvax  futura--BANG.4
                       |                            |              |            
                    rayssd--raybed2              CLYDE.5        mit-dspg       

Usenet Logical Map #7 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

                                   WJH12.6--vaxine  models  datagen            
                                       |     |        |        |               
      SRI-UNIX.2  inmet  cfib--absolut |     |    cubsvax----rocky2       MCNC.6
          |         |      |           |     |     |           |             | 
DECVAX.6--+=cca=+---+=====ima==+------bbncca |    wu1        cucard   avec   | 
   |      |     |   |          |          |  |     |           |        |    | 
   |     csin   | hydravax  haddock--imd  |  |     | lamont  aecom  micomvax | 
   |            |            |   |        |  |     |   |       |         |   | 
   | axiom   security   ism780  eel       |  | hhb |   | pwa-b | sunrise |   | 
   |   |        |                         |  |  |  |   |   |   |    |    |   | 
                       |                                        |      |   |  | 
  clan--nrcaero  aesat | hcrvax  thunder  deepthot  watarts  MCVAX.8  rdin |  |
           |       |   |   |        |        |         |                   |  |
psddevl--dciem-----+=utzoo=+--------+======+=+=watmath=+=====+-----looking |  |
                      |             |      |        |        |       |     |  |
    utteeth  trigraph | qucis   watrose  CLYDE.5  watcgl  watdaisy--wateng |  | 
       |        |     |   |                                          |     |  | 
    utcsstat----+===utcsrgv===+--utecfa--utecfc                   watcecit |  |
     |    |          |        |  |   |                                     |  | 
 oscvax  otifbi  garfield     utai--uthub  nmtvax--unm-cvax--unmvax      sbcs |
                                               |    |          |           |  |
               csd1  acf4  csd2  nybcb         lanl-a--dspo  genix  vsop--bnl |
                |     |     |      |             |                         |  |
      heurikon        |  elsie--cvl---------+====+=umcp-cs====+----aplvax--cp1 
          |           |   |     |           |    |    |       |       |     |
  crystal | uwmacc    | imsvax  rlgvax  cal-unix | tyxpdp  nbs-amrf  green  |   
        | | |         |         |                |                          |   
uwstat--uwvax  presby | brl-vgr | ur-laser  eneevax  ur-valhalla  ritvp  GAMMA.5
           |     |    |   |     |       |                |          |       
                    |                |     |                   |   |   |    
      shell--+==ut-sally=+=+--mordor | rocksanne--rocksvax  tropix | moscom 
      |  |   |      |    | |         |    |                        |        
pcs-uts  utmbvax  ut-ngp | cyb-eng   | sunybcs    hsi  ccieng6--ccieng5--ccieng2
                         |      |    |             |                      
          know-eng--utastro  oakhill | BRADLEY.4--noao--arizona--asuvax--slh   
                                     |             |                 |   |      
stcvax--+==nbires==+-----cires-------+=====hao=====+--AMES.2         terak   
        |    |     |       |         |             |  |                |     
       yaz  milo  opus  boulder   DENELCOR.2      HPLABS.2           nsc-az

Usenet Logical Map #8 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

      DECVAX.6  PHILABS.7              pcsbst    chalmers  suadb  log-hb
          |       |                     |           |       |      |           
          | tjalk | philmds   dutesta  zti1   erix--+==+===enea====+=+--luth   
          |   |   |    |         |      |           |  |             |      
   hpbbn  | vu44  |    | tnocsda | vub  | sara70    | ttds--fysik4  lth    
     |    |   |   |    |    |    |  |   |   |       |                           
          |     |        |    |             |       |      |   |    |           
   ibt--diku  uvapsy  kvport  |  lvbull--vmucnam  turing  uva  |  riv04         
          |                   |             |       |          |                
        thor    ru-cc44       | jimlad   vmscnam  haring    cernvax             
                   |          |   |                                            
       cybavax--ru-cs44  regi | qtlon-------logica       dice                  
                   |       |  |   |           |            |                   
          |                |    |   |         |            |                   
          |   +=ist=+      |  comet | westf  edee--edai--edmrc--glasgow--gl45   
          |   |     |      |        |   |     |            |       |          
         root44--taurus--hirst1----west44     +===edmiru===+    glhocus        
          |   |                    |    |       
     rootcl  rootis           westcsr  ic-cs    

Usenet Logical Map #9 7/22/84         Copyright (c) 1984 by Bill & Karen Shannon

                   orac--natmlab   dmsadel--dmselb
                               |   |                        
                          |      |         |    |
                       qfdts  wacsvax   csb44--csu60--food23